Balqees' Essay

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Explore the influence of social media in shaping public opinion during a crises.

As the world stands witness to the age of social media, one can't help but
wonder: how has this new form of communication changed the way we interpret
and respond to crises? Has social media made us more informed, or has it simply
given us another platform for spreading misinformation? Social media has
become a powerful force in shaping public opinion during crises, playing a
significant role in disseminating information, shaping narratives and mobilizing
communities. In this essay, we will explore the influence of social media in
shaping public opinion during times of crisis.

Firstly, dissemination of misinformation. Nowadays, people follow the majority

and the majority is the "social media". The dissemination of information without
verification shapes people's mindset irrespective of the truth. While social media
can be a valuable source of information, it facilitates the rapid spread of
misinformation and rumours during crises. False or misleading content can fuel
panic, confusion and distrust complicating response efforts.

Second, Citizen Journalism. Social media empowers individuals to become citizen

journalists, sharing real-time updates, photos and videos directly from the scene
of a crisis. But, as humans have different perspectives a lot of information on
social media has been misconstrued. For example, a perfectly nice video posted
to show love between a father and daughter can be misinterpreted by an
individual that was abused by the men in her life, sharing her view
inappropriately. Therefore, this democratization of news can provide diverse
perspectives and challenge traditional media narratives.

Furthermore, Influence on public perception. The constant stream of information

and opinions can change public perception of a crisis. The celebrities and
influencers are not exempted. Influencers and celebrities with large social media
followers can significantly influence public opinion. Their endorsements,
advocacy, and calls to action can mobilize millions of followers to support
initiatives related to the crisis. Positive stories of resilience and solidarity can
inspire hope and unity but, do not forget that every positive has its corresponding
negative aspect. Negative narrative and misinformation will definitely breed fear,
division and injustice.

Finally, Amplification of voices. Social media amplifies the voices of affected

individual and communities, giving them a platform to share their experiences,
express concerns and call for assistance. This can lead to greater empathy and
solidarity among the public. But at the same time, people coordinate help or
advices on social media than they do with families now. Misusing the opportunity
of amplifying their voices to the wrong audience. One will be surprised that these
individuals, especially the women, are neither an orphan nor a feral child. But,
they'll prefer to go online and explain their pending life issues thereby
jeopardizing their lives to different unsolicited advices from inexperienced

In conclusion, every rose has its thorn. Social media influence on shaping public
opinion during crises is undeniable. While it offers opportunities for rapid
information dissemination, community mobilization and amplification of voices, it
also poses challenges such as the spread of misinformation and need for
responsible usage to ensure positive outcomes during times of crisis.

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