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Shareema Idris

January 3, 2024


The issue of legalization of alcohol is a difficult issue to handle because alcohol contains

many substances that have different effects both on an individual and the society. Whether alcohol is

legalized or not, people will always find a way to buy it. Therefore, legalizing alcohol ensured that

the legal market challenged the market of alcohol through the black market.
the legal market challenged the market of alcohol through the black market.

This in turn assured the country of income through tax. The income collected by the

government through the legal sale of alcohol can be used to improve the economy of the country.

Secondly, the black market sale of alcohol as a result of prohibition of the sale of a substance always
results in increased crime. Therefore, legalization of alcohol minimized the crime rates in the country
and increased employment opportunities.

Although legalization of alcohol has many advantages, there are several disadvantages

associated with it. For instance, excessive consumption of alcohol is harmful to one’s health.
Legalization of alcohol cannot regulate the quantity of alcohol which one is allowed to consume and

therefore would lead to deteriorating health of the users. Consequently, consumption of alcoholic

drinks leads to wastage of one’s income. Money that could have been used to purchase essential

products such as food is used to buy alcohol. Therefore, legalization of alcohol plays a major role in

misuse of families’ income.

Local government units are more knowledgeable than the lawmaking body on matters of

purely local concern and are, therefore, in a better position to enact the necessary and appropriate
legislation thereon. Every city and provinces all over the Philippines are delegated to create and
implement local ordinances that could make every individual place developed and in better position.

So as the citizens so abide the rules and regulations that could render them to develop self growth
through it. Legislations may sometimes inappropriate to some because there are certain reasons that

could not be favorable to other citizens of a city or a municipality.

Marawi City is known as the only Islamic City in the Philippines. People living in Marawi
City are mostly Muslims compose of different tribes such as Tausog, Maguindanaun, Maranao,

Iyakan, and many more. But also Marawi is known to its diverse population. In this modern times,
there are also Christians compose of different tribe and other indigenous people who are permanently

and temporarily living in the city as part of the citizens of the community. But in General, Marawi
City have accepted and respected the teaching of Islam as the majority religion of the citizens, as part
of the practice of the city.

As such, having been part and teaching of Islam, the government of City of Marawi abided

the rule of City Ordinance No. 10, series of 2021. The said ordinance strictly prohibits the selling and
purchasing any type of liquor within the city. The implementation of the City Ordinance is to
promote safe and healthy environment of the said city. The incumbent city mayor, Atty. Majul

Gandamra, even conducted an operation in one of the days in year 2023 to cleansing the city from
illegal activities. Part of these activities is the engagement of liquor. “With the support of Task Force

Marawi, we conducted raids on locations known to engage in the sale and consumption of liquors
and confiscated the items,” Gandamra said in his interview. The chief executive emphasized that
illegal activities must be stopped in Marawi because it is an Islamic City. “As Muslims, we have this

responsibility to root out the evil that has corrupted our society,” he pointed out.


Advantages of Legalization of Alcohol

The first advantage that can be associated with the legalization of alcohol is control of its
production and sale. According to the Majority Report (1933), before alcohol was legalized it was
hard to estimate the amount of illicit brew that were being produced at homes. In fact, about 20

million barrel of unregulated illicit alcoholic drinks was produced and consumed in the country in the
year 1931.

Legalization of alcohol set proper standards for the production and sale of alcohol in the
Legalization of alcohol set proper standards for the production and sale of alcohol in the

country. This ensured that the alcohol being produced was safe for consumption. Another advantage
of the controls was the fact that it prohibited the sale of alcoholic products to minors. In regulating
the alcohol production it was identified that 3.2 % of alcohol by weight is not harmful to one’s health
(Majority Report, 1933). Therefore, the legalization ensured that the alcohol produced was not

harmful to the users.

The second advantage of legalization of alcohol drinking is the improvement of the

agriculture industry. Many agricultural products are used in the production of alcoholic beverages.
Products such as corn and barley are very useful in brewing of alcoholic drinks. Legalization of
alcohol in the United States led to the stimulation of this important industry. Therefore, legalization
of alcohol was important in providing a market for the farm products.

During the period when alcoholic drinks were prohibited in the United States, there was great

wastage of farm products due to lack of a local market. However, legalization of the product saw an
improvement of the industry. Legalization of alcohol also led to the stimulation of other industries in
the country. The bottling industry was one such industry. Through the export of some of the alcoholic
products, the legalization also stimulated the county’s international trade.

Thirdly, legalization of alcohol provides means for the government to collect revenue from

this lucrative industry. According to McGowan (1997), the alcohol industry has today grown to a
multibillion industry that earns the country millions of dollars in tax revenues each year. The money
from this industry is used to develop other sectors of the economy. Therefore, legalization of alcohol
brought the country income that could have otherwise gone unutilized. The funds from this industry
have also been very important in the development of the country.
Failure to legalize alcohol would have seen the country fall economically as other countries
continued to collect income from the industry. Majority Report (1933) noted that it was important for

the country to utilize funds from the industry as most countries were already benefiting from the

The fourth benefit of legalization of alcohol in a country is the creation of employment.

According to McGowan (1997), as a result of legalization of alcohol in the United States of America,
many citizens have been employed by the industry. The industry employs both indirectly and

directly. The growth of the industry has also seen a drop in the unemployment rate in the country. By
creating employment opportunities for the citizens, legalization of alcohol has therefore improved the
living standards of the people.

Fifth, researches conducted by scientists have concluded that moderate consumption of

alcoholic drinks has several benefits to the users. According to the Mayo Clinic (2011), moderate
consumption of alcohol has healthy benefits such as reducing the chances of one developing heart

diseases, reducing the chances of one dying of a heart attack, reducing the risks of strokes and
reducing the risk of one from suffering from diabetes. These are important health findings which
without alcohol being legalized could have never been discovered.

Another advantage of legalization of alcohol is the reduction of accidents. In areas where the
use of alcohol is not legal, alcohol users travel to areas which have legalized the substance. As a
result, there has been an increase in the number of alcohol related accident in areas that have banned
alcohol. This is because the alcohol users in these regions have to drive long distances in search of
alcohol (Hanson, 2012). Therefore, legalization of alcohol is seen as one of the solutions to the
increase in alcohol related accidents in these regions.
Lastly, the sale of many drugs through the black markets as a result of the failure by the
government to legalize them has resulted in increased crime rates in many cities. The low crime rates
experienced by many cities are as a result of the legal sale of alcoholic products. Failure by the

government to legalize alcohol could have resulted in users finding other alternatives to the drink.
Therefore, the legalization of this product in the country ensured the health of the users.

Disadvantages of Legalizing Alcohol

Despite the many advantages of legalization of alcohol discussed, there are also some

disadvantages of this practice. First, legalization of alcohol was accompanied by huge taxes. The tax
charges had to be passed on to the user. As a result, the prices of alcohol were very high. This did not
discourage the users from the use of its products due to its addictive nature.

The result was the diversion of families’ income from the provision of basic needs such as
food, shelter and the right to education to the purchase of alcoholic drinks. According to Boole

(1933), this was wastage of income that could have been used in development of other important
areas. In addition to misuse of family funds, alcohol use has been the source of many family
wrangles. Therefore, legalization of alcohol resulted in the wastage of income and breakage of

Secondly, alcohol use leads to death. According to Thun at al (1997), most Americans who
drink alcoholic drinks are associated with higher death rates from injuries, violence, suicide, alcohol
poisoning, some forms of cancers and stroke. Therefore, alcohol consumption is a leading cause of
death in the country. This is a major disadvantage of legalization of alcohol given the fact that
death in the country. This is a major disadvantage of legalization of alcohol given the fact that

prohibition of alcohol in the country could have saved many lives.

Additionally, alcohol consumption causes pain and suffering for those who lose loved ones as

a result of alcohol consumption. Many children are left to look after themselves as a result of death of

their parents due to alcohol related illnesses.

The third disadvantage of legalization of alcohol is the increase in the number of alcohol

related accidents. The many number of accidents reported in the country involve alcohol. While
some are lucky to survive from these fatal accidents, many die each year as a result these accidents.

Consequently, others suffer serious deformities which affect them for the rest of their lives.

The issue of alcohol related accidents could have been a thing of the past if only alcohol had not been
legalized. Not only could this have saved the lives of those who have died as a result of these

accidents but it could also have made the lives of those left suffering much easier.

Fourth, at the time of legalizations, those pushing for the legalization of alcohol argued that
3.2 % amount of alcohol in weight could not be harmful to the human body. What they failed to

consider is the desire by those in the future to change this content (Boole, 1933). As a result, the
market is today flooded with alcoholic products with much higher content than the recommended


Additionally, the regulations failed to consider the entry into the market by foreign brands
with much higher alcohol content. Due to this, alcohol has been associated with many diseases. The

lawmakers who supported the legalization of alcohol never thought that it could at one time be
associated with these diseases otherwise they would never have advocated for its legalization.
associated with these diseases otherwise they would never have advocated for its legalization.

Fifth, the use of alcohol is associated with laziness among its users. Therefore, by legalizing it

the government encouraged unproductivity. After drinking alcoholic beverages it is impractical for
one to perform any meaningful duty that would lead to his or her development in terms of income


Consumption of alcohol is therefore one of the main causes of poverty in the society. It is also
associated with crimes such as robbery as users find means to satisfy their needs. Being an addictive

drug, alcohol leads to other forms of crimes such as prostitution, rape and even murder.

Another negative effect of the legalization of alcohol is its effects on the human brain. The
human brain is an important organ in the human body; it controls most of the body’s functions such

as thinking and making important decisions (Welsh, 1997). With the legalization of alcohol, most
people have been addicted to the use of alcohol and therefore important national development issues

have failed to be implemented.

Additionally, the growth of a country requires creative innovations both in creation of new

products and in entrepreneurship. This important activity has been halted by the use of alcohol by

almost every person in the society. In addition to damaging the brain, alcohol use has also affected
the level of education in the country.

According to Austin (2010), many have failed to attain education due to the use of alcohol.
Education plays a very important role in the country by ensuring future development of the country

in terms of innovation and labor supply. Therefore, the slow development of the economy of the

country is as a result of the legalization of alcohol.

Lastly, due to its influence on the user, alcohol has been associated with violence. This

violence leads to deaths, injuries and other negative effects to the society such as destruction of
property (Warburton & Shepherd, 2005). Huge sum of money is spent to repair property damaged as

a result of alcohol related violence. Many families spend their income on the health of those injured

due to the violence.

Therefore, despite the sale of alcohol being important in the improvement of the country’s

economy it has also played a role in the destruction of the economy through destructive activities by
its users. As a result, legalization of alcohol did not only lead to improvement of the economy but it

also led to its destruction.


Legalization of alcohol was marked by the many advantages that it brought to the country.
The legalization ensured that alcohol was produced at the required safety standards. The legalization

was important because even with alcohol being prohibited, many continued to produce it unregulated

at their home.

Not being legalized there was no mechanism to ensure that government collected income

from this lucrative industry. However, with the legalization of this industry, the government has been
collecting millions of dollars through tax each year. This income has been instrumental in the

improvement of the country’s economy.

The alcohol industry has also led to a rise in the living standards of many citizens through
creation of employment. With prohibition of production of alcoholic products, the agricultural
industry suffered major loses. However, the legalization of alcohol has led to the stimulation of the

industry and has boosted the income of farmers dealing with products such as corn and barley.

Despite its importance in the development of the national economy, legalization of alcohol

has in the years led to the destruction of the economy. For instance, the use of alcohol leads to
violence. As a result of this violence there is destruction of property and injuries. Another

disadvantage of legalization of this product is its role in wastage of family’s income. Due to the

desire of the government to reap maximum benefits from the alcohol industry, huge taxes were
imposed on its product.

Therefore, money meant for essential products such as food has been diverted to alcohol use.
Lastly, the use of alcohol as a result of its legalization has deprived the country of future innovators

and important personnel in many areas. This is as a result of its effects on the brain thereby affecting

the education of many. Some parents have been observed to divert funds meant for their children
college use to the alcohol industry thereby depriving them their right to education.

The law does also not prohibit all ages from being in social places that allow alcohol
consumption. Prohibiting alcohol from certain ages only makes it very attractive to minors who are
eager to learn why they are not allowed to consume it. Other studies have argued that drinking for

minors is not solely intended for negative outcomes but they do it to socialize with their friends.

Even with the prohibiting, most minors take advantage of the loopholes especially if the parents are
alcoholics and the laws of prohibition only make it difficult for such minors to seek help for fear of

facing arrest (Dodder, 2007, p22).

In conclusion, the effects of allowing minors to consume alcohol are more damaging than the

theories supporting alcohol intake at all ages. Allowing alcohol intake for all ages will only lead to
theories supporting alcohol intake at all ages. Allowing alcohol intake for all ages will only lead to
raising a society that is very irresponsible or with loose morals. This is because it not only affects the

moral behaviors of the minors but it also affects the health and the process of development of the

minors. Instead of allowing alcohol consumption for all ages, there should be age limits which should
again be based on the alcohol content of the drinks (Dugan, 2005, p34). The loopholes in the law

should also be amended to prevent any consumption of alcohol by minors.

Since Marawi City is known to its diverse population. In this modern times, there are also

Christians compose of different tribes and other indigenous people who are permanently and
temporarily living in the city as part of the citizens of the community.Therefore, Marawi City is not

solely resided by Muslim people, who prohibits liquor.

By that, to achieve fairness, equity, or equality within the city, the Local Government Unit of

Marawi City should amend the legalization of the selling and purchasing of any type of liquor with
accordance with the Senate Bill No. 2636 (AN ACT PROHIBITING THE ACCESS OF MINORS


MINORS) introduced by Senator Ramon B. Bong Revilla, Jr.

To quote what the senator stated in his explanatory note, ‘’ …This bill seeks to guarantee that

our nation's youth would carry out their responsibility in building our nation; proscribe minors from
drinking alcohol, penalize those who abet them to gain access to alcohol and punish establishments

that sell alcohol to minors’’.


IvyPanda. (2021, December 6). Should Alcoholic Beverages Be Legalized for All Ages?
IvyPanda. (2021, December 6). Should Alcoholic Beverages Be Legalized for All Ages?


Journal Of Economics & Economic Education Research, 11(2), 13-34.

Boole, E.A. (1933). Should the Sale of Beer be Legalized? CON. Congressional Digest, 12(1), 21-

Hanson, D.J. (2012). “Dry” County Traffic Crashes. Retrieved from:

Majority Report. (1933). Should the Sale of Beer be Legalized? PRO. Congressional Digest,
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12(1), 12-16.

Mayo Clinic. (2011). Nutrition and healthy eating. Retrieved from:

McGowan, R. (1997). Government Regulation of the Alcohol Industry: The Search for Revenue

and the Common Good. USA: Greenwood Publishing Group

Thun, M.J., Peto, R., Lopez, A.D., Monaco, J.H., Henley, S.J., Heath, C.W., Doll, R. (1997).

Alcohol Consumption and Mortality among Middle-Aged and Elderly U.S. Adults. The New

England Journal of Medicine. Retrieved from:

Warburton, A.L., and Shepherd, J.P. (2005). Tackling alcohol related violence in city centers:

effect of emergency medicine and police intervention. Retrieved from:

Welsh, D.M. (1997). Alcohol’s Effect on Organ Function. USA: DIANE Publishing

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