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California Meal and Rest Break Policy

and Waiver Agreement

Meal Breaks: I understand that it is Express’ policy to provide associates with meal periods in compliance with California law.
I understand and acknowledge that Express provides, and that I am required to take and record, an uninterrupted, unpaid, 30-minute,
off-duty meal period whenever I work more than 5 hours in a day. I understand and acknowledge that my first meal period must
begin no later than the end of my 5th hour of work, and that during my meal period I am relieved of all duty and permitted to leave the
premises. I also understand that I may waive my 30-minute meal period if I do not work more than 6 hours in a day.
I understand and acknowledge that Express provides, and that I am required to take and record a second an uninterrupted, unpaid, 30-
minute, off-duty meal period when I work more than 10 hours in a day, and that my second meal period must begin by the end of
my 10th hour of work. I also understand and acknowledge that I may waive my second meal period if I do not work more than 12
hours in a day, I have taken my first 30-minute off-duty meal period, and I have signed a written waiver.

Meal Period Waiver: My signature below indicates that I have read and understand Express’ Meal Break policy and the requirements
for meal periods discussed above, and with this understanding I voluntarily agree to (check applicable boxes):

■ Waive my 30-minute off-duty meal period whenever my shift worked is 6 hours or less.

 Waive my second 30-minute off-duty meal period when both of the following occur: (i) I work more than 10 hours in a
workday, but less than 12 hours, and (ii) I have taken my first 30-minute off-duty meal period.

I understand that either Express or I may revoke the one or both of the waivers above at any time in writing, and I voluntarily agree
that the waiver(s) will remain in effect until revoked by Express or me in writing.
4/12/2021 4/12/2021
________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
Signature of Associate Date Signature of Express Representative Date

Maria Elena Mariscal Rocha

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________
Printed Name of Associate Printed Name of Express Representative

Rest Breaks: I understand that it is Express’ policy to authorize and permit associates to take rest periods in compliance with California
law. I understand and acknowledge that Express authorizes and permits me to take a paid, 10-minute rest period for every 4 hours of work,
or major fraction thereof, as follows:
• If my shift is between 3.5 hours and 6 hours long, 1 paid 10-minute rest period
• If my shift is more than 6 hours long and up to 10 hours long, 2 paid, 10-minute rest periods
• If my shift is more than 10 hours long and up to 14 hours long, 3 paid, 10-minute rest periods
• If my shift is more than 14 hours long, I will be expected to take 4 paid, 10-minute rest periods, and so on
I understand and acknowledge that I am free to leave the premises during my rest periods and, when possible, my rest periods should be
taken in approximately the middle of each 4-hour period that I work. I understand that I may not: (a) combine rest periods with meal
periods; (b) waive a rest period under any circumstance; or (c) use a meal or rest period at the beginning of my shift to delay my arrival
time or at the end of my shift to expedite my departure time.
If I am unable to take a meal or rest period as discussed above, I agree that I will inform the supervisor at the Client Company where
I am assigned and my Express Employment Specialist at the time the meal or rest period should have been taken, or as soon after
as possible, so that the matter can be fully investigated and addressed. I agree that I will accurately record all time worked on my time
card or in the time and pay system provided to me, including the start and end time of my meal periods.
I understand that working off-the-clock is strictly prohibited.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read and understand Express’ Meal and Rest Break Policy, and agree to abide by it. I
understand that failure to follow this policy, including failing to promptly report any missed or non-compliant meal or rest periods, may
result in discipline up to and including termination from Express.

________________________________________________________ Maria Elena Mariscal Rocha
Signature of Associate Date Printed Name of Associate

©2020 Express Services, Inc. All rights reserved. AT222CA (03/20)

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