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Drug and Alcohol

Policy Statement and Consent Form

Express is committed to maintaining a safe, productive work environment at all facilities and work sites to which it assigns associates and to safeguarding
all property connected with such employment. Because the concern for the safety of all Express associates is paramount, the signing of the Drug and
Alcohol Testing Policy Statement and Consent Form, constituting agreement and cooperation with this policy, is required of all persons as a condition
of assignment by Express. Express adheres to all federal, state and local laws regarding drug testing and does not prohibit any individual from applying
with Express. Express only conducts a drug test on an individual after a conditional job offer has been offered and accepted.
It is the policy of Express not to assign any individual who tests positive for any illegal drug in their system to any client location for a job.
Therefore, to rule out the presence of non-prescribed or prohibited dangerous controlled substances in the body, all Express associates may, consistent
with state and local law, be required to undergo a drug screening test for any or all of the following reasons:

Pre-Employment/Post-Offer Testing
Reasonable Suspicion/For-Cause Testing
Post-Accident/Incident Testing
In addition, Express associates may be required to undergo alcohol screening when there is suspicion of impairment or a critical event (work-related
injury, unusual behavior, etc.).
I understand that according to Express policy, I may be required to submit a sample of my urine and/or other body fluids, tissue, or filaments for chemical
analysis. I understand that the analysis will be performed by qualified personnel.
I consent freely and voluntarily to this request for a specimen or specimens of urine and/or other body fluids, tissue, or filaments. I hereby and herewith
release Express, the medical provider obtaining the samples, Express’ Medical Review Officer, and the laboratory performing the analysis (including its
employees, agents, and contractors) from any liability whatsoever arising from this request to furnish my urine and/or other body fluids, tissue, or
filaments , the testing of the sample, the communication of test results and medical information, and decisions made concerning my employment based
upon the result of the analysis.
I understand that any person refusing to take or failing to pass the drug screening test will not be qualified for any assignments with Express until a
negative drug test result can be obtained on the Express test. Initial testing and confirmatory tests for positive results are at the expense of Express. Re-
testing is at my expense, consistent with state and local law.

I understand that if, after being assigned to a job, I am convicted of any drug statute violation, including a plea of guilty or no contest, for an occurrence
on or off Express or client premises or job location, I am to notify my Express supervisor within five (5) days of the conviction. Failure to do so will be
grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination as an Express associate.
Express offers an Employee Assistance Program (“EAP”) for associates where required by law. The EAP provides confidential assessment, referral, and
other services for associates who need or request it. Participation in the EAP will not affect your employment nor will it protect you from disciplinary
action if you have otherwise violated this policy. Please contact your local Express Employment Professionals office for eligibility.
If you believe you have been subject to a drug or alcohol test (or any other action) that violates this policy and/or applicable law, report any such concern
to your Express supervisor immediately.
I have read the foregoing policy statement and consent form and understand and agree to submit to drug and alcohol testing as part of the terms and
conditions of my employment with Express. I understand and agree that my at-will employment status cannot be altered by any verbal
statement or alleged verbal agreement. It can only be changed by a legally-binding, written contract covering employment status. An
example of this would be a written employment agreement for a specific duration of time. I understand and agree that nothing
contained in this Release shall be considered an employment contract for a definite term.
Express reserves the right to change the provisions of this Policy at any time. Written notice of all changes or modifications to the Policy will be given
to affected associates thirty (30) days prior to implementation of the changes or modifications.

Associate Printed Name: Maria Elena Mariscal Rocha

Last Four Digits of Social Security Number: 4536

Associate Signature: Maria Elena Mariscal Rocha


Date: 4/12/2021

Express is an Equal Opportunity Employer

©2017 Express Services, Inc. All rights reserved. AT0506 (rev 06/19)

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