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Nowadays, students inside the classroom are challenged to speak in English. They are

scared to speak because they do not know if their grammar and pronunciation are correct. With

that being said, these struggles with their communication skills in the English Language may not

be used effectively, not only in the language itself but also in their academic performance.

Perhaps students are nervous when they are about to speak English in front of the class. Most of

the time they do not have enough to practice for oral communication in English. “There are

opportunities to speak English during the lessons, you just have to take them”, wrote Gerald a

student in the Social Sciences. In this case, it is possible that the students who feel insecure when

speaking English do not take the chance to do so because they feel uncomfortable.

Oral communication in school should be a natural part of education in every subject. In that

way, students would become more confident in the position of speaker at the same time as they

extend their knowledge (Stromquist, 1998). Oral communication during English lessons needs to

be a natural part of the class. Apart from putting the focus on increasing the oral exercises, it is

also important to emphasize that English should be spoken both by students and teachers during

entire English classes. A teacher who only speaks English during lessons can create a safe

environment in the classroom where students are motivated to speak English and do not feel

insecure (Eriksson, 2001:53-56).

According to Cristobal and Lasaten (2018), students undergo an important level of oral

communication apprehension, most of their oral communication becomes lower than the other

students who are proficient in the English Language. Otherwise, if the student undergoes level of

oral communication apprehension becomes low it will increase the academic performance of the
students. The factors that will affect the students are syntactic awareness and vocabulary size. It

could be that these factors improve student self-confidence because of the belief that they are

good language speakers.

This gives enough cause to conduct a study giving the spotlight on the factors affecting oral

communication in the English Language of grade 12 HUMSS students namely: the syntactic

awareness factor and vocabulary size factor. Some students are experiencing these challenges in

their studies.

Therefore, the researchers wanted to find out what truly promotes their oral communication

achievement among those factors stated above.

This study will be beneficial to students, teachers, and future researchers. Students can

develop competency in something that is very pervasive in their lives. It can also help the

students find out the factors that affect their oral communication so that they can become better.

When communication is effective, both the learner and teacher will benefit. Oral Communication

makes the learning process easier, helps learners achieve their goals of learning, strengthens the

connection between the learner and the teacher, and creates an overall positive experience.

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This study is anchored on Cognitive Learning Theory by Jean Piaget and Syntactic Theory

by Noam Chomsky, the study will serve as a foundation of its overall purpose.

Students of a second language, should not only learn grammar and vocabulary, but their

main objective should be communicative and for that, it is essential to speak, something that for

many students is not simple or comfortable. Oral skills should be worked on class. It is the

teacher’s responsibility that the classroom becomes a place where communication is the basis of

learning. The reality is that many teachers still understand and develop their class as a one-way

process in which the teacher is the one who most communicates and the student receives the

message and thus, will hardly be encourage and improved oral expression. We must not forget

that talking is learned by speaking.

Cognitive Learning Theory is one of the most theory that is related to this study. According

to Jean Piaget, Cognitive Learning theory is actually a set of theories that stem from the term

metacognition. Cognitive Learning Theory asks us to think about thinking and how thinking can

be influenced by internal factors (like how focused we are, or how distracted we've become).

Also, it focuses on the internal processes surrounding information and memory, is one of the

most adaptable of the five major learning theories. Cognitive learning has applications for

teaching students as young as infants, all the way up to adult learners picking up new skills on

the job.

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For educators, understanding cognitive learning can help them develop effective lesson

plans. For everyone else, the theory’s principles are helpful for understanding how the mind

works and how to learn more effectively.

Another theory that relates to this study is the syntactic theory by Noam Chomsky. The

syntactic theory is a theory of the representation of grammatical knowledge in the mind. This has

been a central concern of linguistics for the past century.

Syntactic theory aims to provide an account of how people combine words to form

sentences. A common feature of all human languages, both spoken and signed languages, is that

speakers draw upon a finite set of memorized words and morphemes to create a potentially

infinite set of sentences. This property of discrete infinity forms the basis of the creativity of

human language, since it allows speakers to express and understand countless novel sentences

which have never been uttered previously. Syntactic theory is concerned with what speakers

know about how to form sentences, and how speakers come to attain that knowledge. Attempts

to create explicit generative grammars soon revealed that speaker’s knowledge of syntax is a

good deal more complex than had been anticipated. Research on syntactic theory has relied

primarily upon speakers’ intuitive judgments about the well-formedness (grammaticality)

of sentences of their language. Since grammaticality judgments can be gathered quickly and

easily from speakers of a wide variety of languages, syntactic theory has amassed a large

database of findings about an ever more diverse set of languages. The complexity of syntactic

knowledge sharpens the problem of how language is learned. Furthermore, research on language

acquisition has demonstrated that children know much of the grammar of their language before

they are old enough to understand explicit instruction about grammar.

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Communication is an essential component needed by humans to adapt to the environment

and is one of the crucial elements for establishing interpersonal relationships. Communication

can allow humans to express concepts and ideas in their minds. Besides, communication can also

influence others so that success can be achieved through good communication. The effective use

of communication skills is an important interpersonal competency so it becomes one of the skills

needed in the 21st century. Interpersonal competence involves developing communication skills.

Not everyone has good communication skills, so the important role of these communication

skills needs to be empowered and trained. Empowerment of these skills can be carried out in

various fields including education because effective communication skills play an important role

in building student character.

Students who have good communication skills can achieve better learning outcomes. This

connection occurs because someone with good communication skills has adequate knowledge of

the information to be conveyed and can receive information well. Mastering this information

ultimately helps achieve better learning outcomes. In addition, communication is a vital

component to motivate students who in turn can help them take action and achieve the goals set

at the beginning of learning. Communication skills can help convey messages in clearer and

better easier to understand ways so students can understand the material being studied.

Understanding of this material contributes to the achievement of cognitive learning outcomes.

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Conceptual Framework

Based on the theoretical framework, the research paradigm was constructed and illustrated.

COMMUNICATION Proposed teaching and
IN ENGLISH learning strategies plan
LANGUAGE OF *Survey Questionnaire to enhance oral
GRADE 12 HUMSS communication in
*Descriptive research
STUDENTS in terms English Language of
of: Grade 12 HUMSS at
*Purposive Sampling Southwestern Institute
1.1 syntactic awareness of Business and
1.2 vocabulary size Technology Inc.

Figure1. Conceptual Framework of the Factors Affecting Oral Communication in

English Language of Grade 12 HUMSS students in Southwestern Institute of Business and

Technology INC.

The researchers adopted the Input Process Output (IPO) model wherein the input consists of

factors affecting oral communication in the English Language of Grade 12 HUMSS students in

terms of syntactic awareness/ syntactic constraints and vocabulary size. Moreover, the process to

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be used in administering the self-made questionnaire. After the interpretation and analysis of the

result, the output is to proposed teaching and learning strategies plan to enhance oral

communication in English Language of Grade 12 HUMSS at Southwestern Institute of Business

and Technology Inc.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Factors Affecting Oral Communication in English

Language of Grade 12 HUMSS students at Southwestern Institute of Business and Technology


Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. What are the factors affecting oral communication in the English Language of Grade 12

HUMSS students in terms of?

1.1 syntactic awareness

1.2 vocabulary size

2. What are the proposed teaching plan and learning strategies plan to enhance oral

communication of Grade 12 HUMSS at Southwestern Institute of Business and Technology Inc.?

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Significance of the Study

This study will be beneficial to the following people:

Students. This study can be used by the students to know the different factors that may

affect their oral communication in the English Language. It will help to sustain the needs of the

students to have a solution for this research study.

Teachers. The result of this study will help to guide the teachers in constructing an

effective way of teaching to give the students proper learning.

Parents. The result of this study will help the parents to better understand that their

involvement in learning with their children has a positive effect on Oral Communication.

School Administrations. The result of this study will be used as references for the

school administrations to improve the learning competencies imposed within the school


Future Researchers. The results of the study will help future researchers have a basis for

conducting related topics.

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Scope and Limitation

This study focused on the factors affecting oral communication in the English Language of

grade 12 HUMSS students. The researcher will conduct this study to come up with an effective

oral communication in the English Language. The limitations of this study include the number of

participants and the locale. The fifty-eight (56) Grade 12 HUMSS students of the Southwestern

Institute of Business and Technology will serve as the main population for this study as they are

the ones who need intense preparation for their chosen field. The Grade 12 HUMSS students are

the aspects that the researchers will focus on to get the viable result that will contribute to the

main purpose of this study, which is determining possible teaching and strategies that can be

applied to help students enhance their oral communication.

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in this study are defined operationally and conceptually.

English Language. Plays an essential role in our lives as it helps in communication. It is

the main language for studying any subject all over the world. English is important for students

as it broadens their minds, develops emotional skills, and improves their quality of life by

providing job opportunities.

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Oral Communication. Is one of the oldest means of communication. Furthermore, it’s

regarded as the most trusted communication method since one can quickly learn the other

person’s reaction by observing their facial expression, general body posture, or tone in telephone


Syntactic Awareness. It means having the ability to monitor the relationships among the

words in a sentence in order to understand while reading or composing orally or in


Vocabulary size. Measures how many words a learner knows. It typically measures a

learner’s knowledge of the form of the word and the ability to link that form to a meaning. A

receptive vocabulary size measure looks at the kind of knowledge needed for listening and


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This chapter presents some literature and studies in both foreign and local scenes that are

related to the present investigation. These are presented to strengthen the assumption and

framework of the study.

Foreign Literature

S.K. Kapur states “Oral communication takes place when spoken words are used to

transfer information and understanding from one person to another”. Schools should ensure that

students are equipped with the ability to communicate clearly and effectively. However, some

students can't communicate confidently, there are two factors affecting oral communication

which are Vocabulary size, defined as the number of words understood, and Syntactic awareness

predicts the growth of vocabulary size.

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According to (Bowey, 1986; Cain, 2007; Tong et al., 2014). Syntactic awareness is the

ability to reflect on and manipulate the grammatical well-formedness and syntactic structure of

sentences. In Bowey’s first study, syntactic awareness was assessed by an oral error correction

task in which the child was informed that the sentence contained a mistake and was asked to say

the sentence the right way. Students may not have the courage to engage in oral communication.

As a result, they might fail to convey their knowledge and thoughts during oral presentations.

Some of them, have difficulty communicating because they find it difficult to compose a

sentence, so they do not communicate with other people and are afraid to express their own

opinion, and also because of vocabulary size.

Vocabulary size development is a crucial part of learning a foreign language. Meaningful

communication, according to Cook (2013), is the result of suitable and adequate vocabulary

development rather than simply learning grammar rules. On the other hand, say they understand

the new terminology during the course but forget it after a short period. This could be owing to

the fact that they haven't had the chance to use these words in conversation of capacity to

communicate successfully is severely hampered by lack of vocabulary knowledge, according to

Adam (2016). To enhance their vocabulary growth, researchers have been working hard to

pinpoint the many aspects of acquiring vocabulary size. According to Nunan (2017), a famous

researcher in the field of vocabulary size, learners must apply various techniques and methods in

order to reach different degrees of vocabulary knowledge proficiency.

Local Literature

In the field of language acquisition and education, researchers use various methods to test

a learner's knowledge of syntactic awareness. One of the commonly used methods is the oral-
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cloze test. Babayigit (2015) has used this test to evaluate students' syntactic awareness. During

the test, learners listen to a passage with a missing word and are required to supply the missing

word. This test assesses students' ability to use syntactic awareness to identify the correct word

that fits contextually and grammatically in the passage.

Another method used to test syntactic awareness is grammatical judgment tests, where

learners are presented with two sentences orally or in writing and are asked to choose the

grammatically correct sentence. This test evaluates learners' ability to identify the correct

sentence structure and grammar rules. Sentence correction tests are also used to assess syntactic

awareness. In these tests, learners are asked to correct ungrammatical sentences, which requires

them to have a solid understanding of grammar rules.

In conclusion, the oral-cloze test, grammatical judgment tests, and sentence correction

tests are effective methods for assessing learners' syntactic awareness. These methods are

essential in the field of language acquisition and education as they enable teachers and

researchers to evaluate students' language proficiency and identify areas that need improvement.

According to Vanessa Magalhaès Barbosa's study (2020) entitled "Correlation between

Receptive Vocabulary Skills, Syntactic Awareness, and Word Writing," syntactic awareness is a

crucial tool in handling words and structures. It is based on a person's knowledge of the concepts

and rules underlying language. When children learn literacy, they are introduced to the formal

learning of reading and writing.

Syntactic awareness is essential to this acquisition because children use oral

communication to deal with their surroundings before reading and writing. They must

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understand sentence structure rules related to orality, which they will apply later to learn reading

and writing. Overall, the study highlights the importance of syntactic awareness in literacy

development, as it is a crucial factor in developing receptive vocabulary size.

Bruna Sana (2016) states that it was found that students with learning difficulties had

lower accuracy in composing sentences orally, compared to their peers. The study also showed

that these students made more mistakes in tasks that evaluated their syntactic awareness, except

for the task of grammatical correction.

The study suggests that simple grammatical correction does not seem to be a difficult

task, even for students with learning difficulties. The same result was observed in the

morphosyntactic decomposition task, which was likely easier to perform than the composition

items of a word from a given root. These findings highlight the challenges faced by students with

learning difficulties in developing their reading and writing skills, particularly in terms of

syntactic awareness. However, the study also suggests that certain tasks may be more accessible

to these students, indicating the need for tailored approaches to teaching and learning.

Foreign Studies

Oral communication or speaking skills are very crucial in language courses. According to

Brown (1994) and Burns & Joyce (1997) they agreed that speaking is an interactive process of

constructing meaning that involves producing receiving and processing information. Its form and

meaning are dependent on the context in which it occurs, including the participants themselves,

their collective experiences, the physical environment, and the purposes for speaking. It is often

spontaneous, open-ended, and evolving. Based on the study of Carter & McCarthy (1995) and

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Cohen (1996) believed that speech has its skills, structures, and conventions different from

written language. A good speaker synthesizes this array of skills and knowledge to succeed in a

given speech act. Vocabulary knowledge is one of the language skills that is essential for assured

meaningful language use. Vocabulary magnitude is an indicator of how well second language

learners can achieve academic language skills such as reading, listening, speaking, writing, and


In the study “Correlation of Students’ Vocabulary Range to their Listening and Speaking

Performance” conducted by Zaldy Maglay Quines, Ph.D. (2022) Knowing the vocabulary range

of learners and the correlation of this to their listening and speaking skills is very important.

Based on many scientific researches, vocabulary aids reading development and increases

comprehension. Students with low vocabulary size tend to have low comprehension and students

with satisfactory or high vocabulary size tend to have satisfactory or high comprehension scores.

When vocabulary size and English performance of students are identified, teachers can easily

develop effective and efficient instructional materials, classroom activities, or lessons that are

appropriate to the academic needs of the students. In this study, the researcher investigated the

vocabulary range of learners and the correlation of this to their listening and speaking


Local Studies

According to the study by Chentez, K., Felicilda Jr, V., Felisilda, A. & Tabañag R.

(2018) Entitled "Common Problems in Oral Communication Skills among High School

Students" The life skills component of the communication field is oral communication. The

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purpose of this study is to identify common oral communication skills problems among Saint

Michael College of Caraga high school pupils. The study made use of quantitative research

methodology for data collection. The 320 high school students who participated in the survey

were the respondents, and the study was carried out at Saint Michael College of Caraga. In this

study, the frequency, percentage, and weighted mean of the data were analyzed using the

Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version.05.

According to the study by Ayawan, J., Duyapat, N. & Martin, A. (2022) entitled “An

Analysis of the Oral Communication Barriers in Face-to-face Communications Towards the

Development of an Intervention Program in Speaking", there are speaking obstacles that

criminology students encountered when communicating verbally. The impact these obstacles had

on their speaking abilities, and the coping mechanisms they employed. The answers to these

questions formed the foundation for creating a remedial intervention program designed to help

students become more proficient English speakers and get past their communication obstacles,

particularly in face-to-face situations. This study employed a semi-structured interview as a data

collection instrument in conjunction with a qualitative descriptive design to accomplish these

goals. The findings demonstrated that these nine criminology students faced oral communication

hurdles while interacting with one another in person using the English language. These barriers

included restricted content and a lack of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation understanding.

According to the study of Palmes, R, (2018) Entitled "Factors Affecting Students’ English

Speaking Performance" This study identified the fundamental variables influencing Grade 11

HUMSS students in one of the public schools in the Gingoog City Division's English, speaking

performance. It employed the descriptive approach. The number of respondents was reduced by

the use of a purposive sample technique. The results showed that the majority of respondents
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were female, between the ages of 15 and 17, and had an average score of 90% to 100% in their

third quarter of English classes. Additionally, it was discovered that the biggest element

influencing the students' English, speaking performance was their topical knowledge, which had

a mean of 3.94 and was rated as "strongly agree." Furthermore, the students ranked listener

support as the least important factor. Thus, it was determined that a number of factors influenced

the students' English, speaking ability, with the most significant component having a significant

impact on the learners' speaking performance being their topical knowledge (Bachman and

Palmer, 1996). Therefore, the researcher advised that this language intervention be given careful

consideration because enhancing students' topical knowledge will help them succeed in the

classroom and help them set learning objectives, which may include relevant academic activities

and interventions that help students improve their English, speaking performance.

Relevance of the Reviewed Literature and Studies

The studies presented provide valuable insights into the factors that affect oral communication in

English and highlight the need for teachers and students to address these factors to improve their

English language proficiency. In today's global community, effective communication in the

English language is essential for academic, social, and professional success. The studies

emphasize the importance of addressing psychological factors that may affect students' capacity

for successful English communication, such as syntactic awareness/ syntactic constraints and

poor vocabulary size. Additionally, the studies highlight the significance of vocabulary size in

English language teaching, as it is a key component of effective communication. In conclusion,

these studies serve as a useful guide for educators and learners alike to improve their oral

communication skills in English. It is important to recognize that speaking English fluently

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offers countless opportunities to get employment and achieve a better life. In the Philippines

setting, English is highly valued because it offers chances for career development. Students need

to speak well in their personal lives, future workplaces, social interactions, and political

endeavors. By addressing the common oral communication problems among students and

providing practice opportunities, channels can be made available for students who wish to

improve their English skills. Ultimately, improving oral communication skills in English will

lead to success in our global community.



This chapter presents the methods and procedures the researchers applied to gather the

needed data. It includes the research design, respondents, sampling techniques, instruments and

its construction, validation, and administration, and statistical tool and treatment of data.

Research Method

The researchers will collect data from respondents using a descriptive research method.

The goal of descriptive research is to correctly and thoroughly describe a population, situation, or

phenomena. It can answer the questions what, where, when, and how, but not why. To study one

or more variables, a descriptive research design might include a wide range of research methods

(McCombes, 2019). A descriptive research approach is deliberately developed to ensure a

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detailed description of the situation, with minimal bias in data collection to reduce errors in data


Research Locale

The methods will be conducted at Southwestern Institute of Business and Technology

Inc. The respondents will be interviewed in their respective classrooms during their vacant hours.

The study will be conducted in the academic year 2023-2024.

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study will be focusing on Grade 12 Humanities and Social

Sciences (HUMSS) students with a total population of 58. They are the ones we need because

they already graduated from Senior High School and for sure they are seeking this opportunity.

As the study will pursue a scheduled type of survey, the researcher will use questionnaires. The

questionnaire will be given by the researcher to the 58 Grade 12 HUMSS Students.

Sampling Techniques

The researchers use purposive sampling to determine the distribution of the students that

were included in the study. A simple random sample is a subset of a statistical population in

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which each member of the subset has an equal probability of being chosen and is meant to be an

unbiased representation of a group.

Research Instrument

The researchers instrument that will be used is a self-made questionnaire. These

questionnaires will help the researchers to seek answers from their respondents. It serves as an

instrument to do the research. The researchers submitted the draft of the survey to the thesis

adviser to ensure that the questions were grammatically correct. The researchers sought the

validation of the questionnaire from their adviser. Those entries that did not pass the validation

were revised or removed. The questionnaire was validated, distributed, and answered by selected


Validity of the Research Instrument

The main objective of questionnaire in research is to obtain relevant information in most

questionnaire is used to collect quantitative information from the targeted respondents that are

specifically made by the researchers for their study.

Reliability of the Instruments

This study will determine the reliability of the questionnaire as a method to collect data

from respondents.

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Reliability concerns the extent to which a measurement of a phenomenon is stable and

consists of results (Carmines and Zeller, 1979). Specifically, focused on how consistently people

respond from one instant to the next. The outcomes are the same regardless of whether an

individual takes the same test twice.

Consequently, the internal consistency will be utilized to assess the validity of the

questionnaires and the results. The item should be correlated with each other to measure the

same underlying construct. In this case, the researcher concluded distributing questionnaires to

ten (10) non-respondents of the study.

Nevertheless, the instrument’s reliability of the study will be assessed using Cronbach’s

Alpha; this will be executed after the Internal Consistency Test. As Cronbach’s Alpha general

rule of the thumb in the study of Ursachi, al (2013) accepts values from 0.6 to 0.9 as

reliable. In addition, the table below provides the method and guidelines for calculating

Cronbach’s Alpha reliability.

Cronbach’s Alpha Formula:

( )
K Ʃs y
a= 1− 2
K−1 S x


K=the number of test item

Ʃ s2 y =sum of the item variance

s y =the variance of the total score

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Table A. Cronbach’s Alpha Reliable Scale

CRONBACH’S a Reliability Level

0.90 and above Excellent

0.80-0.90 Good

0.70-0.79 Acceptable

0.60-0.69 Questionable

0.50-0.59 Poor

below 0.50 Unacceptable

Scaling and Quantification

This study will use the following scale, limits, and description to determine the factors

affecting oral communication in the English language of grade 12 HUMSS students.

The numerical value and verbal description are shown in the table.

Table B. Numerical Value and Verbal Description


5 4.20-5.00 Always

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4 3.40-4.19 Often

3 2.60-3.39 Sometimes

2 1.80-2.59 Rarely

1 1.00-1.79 Never

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will request an approval letter from the principal of the Senior High

School at Southwestern Institute of Business and Technology Inc., where the research study is to

be conducted before distributing the questionnaire to the respondents.

In administering the questionnaire, the researchers will use the allotted time for vacant to

avoid distractions of class discussion. The teachers will be given enough time to answer the

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questions. After gathering the data, the researchers will tally the scores and apply the statistical

treatment to be used in the study

Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical measures and treatments will be used in treating the data.

1. Weighted Mean Formula. They were used to determine to provide the average weighted

opinion of the Grade 12 HUMSS students for the year 2023-2024.


where: x = mean

w = value of response

f = frequency of response

N = total number of respondents

2. Percentage

P=f/n x 100

where: n = the population

P = percentage

F = frequency

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This chapter presents the tabular and textual presentations of data in the analysis and

interpretation of the research questions and hypothesis of the study.

Presentation was done in the order and sequence of problems raised in this study.


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1. I can logically organize my ideas when I write a 3.98 Often 1


2. I practice rearranging words to create sentences. 2.02 Rarely 5

3. I use sentences related to everyday classroom 3.14 Sometimes 4


4. I can use correct word forms and parts of speech in 3.38 Sometimes 2

writing sentences.

5. I can correctly fix the errors I make with grammar, 3.30 Sometimes 3

punctuation and mechanics.


Table 1 shows that item no.1 “I can logically organize my ideas when I write a sentence.”

obtained the highest weighted mean of 3.98 ranked first. Followed by item no.4 “I can use

correct word forms and parts of speech in writing sentences” got 3.38 weighted mean . While

item no.5 got the mean of 3.30 and item no. 3 got the mean of 3.14. The lowest is the item no. 2 “

I practice rearranging words to create sentences” with the weighted mean of 2.02. The overall

mean is 3.16 was interpreted as SOMETIMES. According to Vanessa Magalhaès Barbosa's study

in 2020, This means that syntactic awareness is essential to this acquisition because students use

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oral communication to deal with their surroundings before reading and writing. They must

understand sentence structure rules related to orality, which they will apply later to learn reading

and writing.





1. I use my background knowledge of the topic to 4.05 Often 2

guess the meaning of the new word.

2. I try to remember the sentence in which the 1.80 Rarely 5

word is used.

3. I am able to learn vocabulary better when it 3.43 Often 4

was presented in multiple ways ( picture, sound


4. I am able to have a wider range of vocabulary 3.46 Often 3

activities using an English book.

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5. I learn English Language vocabulary by 4.54 Always 1

repeating words verbally and written.


Table 2. It was found out that the item no.5 “I learn English Language vocabulary by repeating

words verbally and written” got the highest mean ranked first. Followed by no.1 “I use my

background knowledge of the topic to guess the meaning of the new word” ranked second with a

mean of 4.05. While item no.4 and item no.3 got the third and fourth. And lastly item no.2 ranks

fifth with the mean of 1.80 which “. I try to remember the sentence in which the word is

used.”The overall mean is 3.46 was obtained and was interpreted as OFTEN which implies that

the student vocabulary size based on the study of Carter & McCarthy (1995) and Cohen (1996) is

essential for assured meaningful language use. Vocabulary magnitude is an indicator of how well

second language learners can achieve academic language skills such as reading, listening,

speaking, writing, and grammar.

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Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary of results, conclusion, and recommendation of the study.


Based on the gathered data, the researchers come up with the following summary


1. Factors affecting Oral Communication in English Language of Grade 12 HUMSS

students in terms of:

1.1 Syntactic Awareness

In table No. 1 shows that item no.1 “I can logically organize my ideas when I write a sentence.”

obtained the highest weighted mean of 3.98 ranked first. Followed by item no.4 “I can use
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correct word forms and parts of speech in writing sentences” got 3.38 weighted mean . While

item no.5 got the mean of 3.30 and item no. 3 got the mean of 3.14. The lowest is the item no. 2 “

I practice rearranging words to create sentences” with the weighted mean of 2.02. The overall

mean is 3.16 was interpreted as SOMETIMES. According to Vanessa Magalhaès Barbosa's study

in 2020, This means that syntactic awareness is essential to this acquisition because students use

oral communication to deal with their surroundings before reading and writing. They must

understand sentence structure rules related to orality, which they will apply later to learn reading

and writing.

1.2 Vocabulary Size

It was found out that the item no.5 “I learn English Language vocabulary by repeating

words verbally and written” got the highest mean ranked first. Followed by no.1 “I use

my background knowledge of the topic to guess the meaning of the new word” ranked

second with a mean of 4.05. While item no.4 and item no.3 got the third and fourth. And

lastly item no.2 ranks fifth with the mean of 1.80 which “. I try to remember the sentence

in which the word is used.”The overall mean is 3.46 was obtained and was interpreted as

OFTEN which implies that the student vocabulary size based on the study of Carter &

McCarthy (1995) and Cohen (1996) is essential for assured meaningful language use.

Vocabulary magnitude is an indicator of how well second language learners can achieve

academic language skills such as reading, listening, speaking, writing, and grammar.


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On the basis of the foregoing findings, the following conclusions are formulated:

1. In conclusion, the findings from the analysis of the data on Syntactic Awareness reveal

that students demonstrate proficiency in logically organizing their ideas while

constructing sentences. This underscores the significance of coherent thought structuring

in writing. Nevertheless, the research identifies a gap in skills related to rearranging

words to form sentences, indicating an area for enhancement. Therefore, there is a clear

imperative for additional focus and development in syntactic awareness among students

to foster stronger writing capabilities.

2. The research on Vocabulary Size underscores the effectiveness of employing repetition

strategies, both verbally and in writing, as the most impactful method for students in

HUMMS 1 and 2.


In the light of the finding and conclusion of the study, the following recommendations are


1. For HUMMS students to feel comfortable interacting with people and taking part in

discussions, they need to practice speaking English confidently. They struggle to put words or

sentences together, but despite this, they do not hesitate to speak up even when they are at a loss

for words. They will gain confidence in their ability to communicate with practice.

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2. Reading books and dictionaries, broadens one's vocabulary and facilitates the acquisition of

knowledge that one can apply to conversation. They won't hesitate to communicate at any

moment because of this, which means they won't have to consider or feel uncomfortable about

responding to someone who wants to talk to them.

3. Grammatical errors can be avoided by learning proper sentence construction and composition

techniques. In order to know the proper way to construct sentences, every HUMMS student must

also have a guide. To improve the words to be said, whether in writing or speaking, study words

or vocabulary words can also be employed. Because they can use it in any type of

communication, whether at work or in a simple discussion, it is only appropriate for students to

learn it.

4. With the aim for students to practice and acquire the proper technique, teachers should assist

them in speaking and writing in English. Additionally, it is essential that teachers speak English

to their students through discussion or instruction. Speaking in proficient English helps students

learn and understand concepts more effectively, which in turn makes them more motivated and

courageous to speak up. In order to avoid embarrassment, they should also correctly fix any

mistakes they make or grammatical errors. Despite their mistakes, they will not let their self-

confidence prevent them from trying again.

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