HigaononTribe DYK

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1. Meaning of "Higaonon": Settlement near rivers.

2. Sociopolitical Structure: Decentralized, led by a datu.
3. Subsistence: Swidden agriculture, hunting, fishing, gathering.
4. Spiritual Beliefs: Animism, ancestor worship.
5. Resistance to Colonization: Opposed Spanish colonization.
6. Cultural Preservation: Strive to preserve traditions.
7. Education and Advocacy: Efforts for rights and support.
8. Language: Malayo-Polynesian branch of Austronesian family.
9. Traditional Clothing: Handwoven attire with beads and patterns.
10. Oral Tradition: Preserving history through storytelling.
11. Environmental Stewardship: Sustainable land management.
12. Contemporary Challenges: Land disputes, marginalization.
13. Kinship System: Strong extended family networks.
14. Artistic Expression: Crafts like basketry and woodcarving.
15. Rituals and Ceremonies: Celebratory and spiritual events.
16. Community Decision-Making: Consensus-building and consultation.
17. Music and Dance: Vibrant tradition with drums and gongs.
18. Resilience: Adapting to preserve cultural heritage.
19. Medicinal Knowledge: Traditional healing practices.
20. Hunting Techniques: Skills passed down through generations.

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