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4 a uw = = Ww = = = a _PLEASE WRITE HEAVILY. YOU ARE MAKING THREE COPES. BANK DEBT ADVICE NMBER Saratre ered TDEPOSTORS SRATURE = Torr &® LANDBANK 8802753 Fase oka apa Tear O an (cece tank Debit sistem a rey Cay Son BUREAU OFTHE TREASURY Ta EREATONNRER 7 i Tewaatona | kame TC Tarn Lae T1cOSCAR NOMBRE) Tate TAeH | ear ETRT] |. 044472023 10:23 Tran, Seok #4052 BIR ONCOLL CASH Payment - Clrng. Acct. No» 9942-2264-46 ee TINBCCDRK/CASH 19424395@000CASH ROOATTIFT ow 08171704 TR | STIS a ee uae amount AP. 2 53-00 i TetLes t \ OorPeES | DAOMATON neu nec ben oo re t ma — ae t ma t ae Taxpayers Copy ‘IR Fom No 1701 | Annual Income Tax Return Individuals (including MIXED Income Earner), Estates and Trusts Januar 2018 (ENCS) | Entra gored ematon in EAPTAL LETTERS wp SLACK in Magen ares wih Fa | 5 To cps mob tod he Bi tt eh Tr Por 1 For the Year (¥¥Y) 2Amended Return? [| Yes (X| No_ | 3Short Period Return? | 2100,0,0,0] sroocee | osa_| 6 Taxpayer Type 7 Aiphenumerc Tax Code (ATC) [X] 02 Bure nme Gadd Rats] mid nem fon Poin Gaibd Ras [—] it aed ae Goda Rane [tot Conpersatonicome [lio 8usness inane: Than [_] nif neon Prfeson-PiT Rae [—) boa ene Rate '§ Taxpayer's Name (Last Namo, First Name, Middle Name}ESTATE OF (First Name, Middle Name, Last IST FAO (Fst Name, Wide Nome, Last Name) BOTOBARA, CESAR V. NASUGBU, BATANGAS (0 Date of Binh aloo] 11 Email Address Los 25 [1979 iizensip FILIPINO {1 single “Tx! Martied [Legally Separated 1) Widower Yos X No {48 Fiing Status [Joint Fling |_| Separate Fiing [1 Yes IX) No_| 2 income subject o SPECIALPREFERENTIAL RATE? [| Yes X! No Ta out lo consoiation of ALL actives pr Tax "21A Method of Deduction (choose oe) temizes Desucton Optional standard Deducton OO eee Manet OO Perret Sacincpuretn ee 3a. nc) : A 174,553.00] 1 bi fia Les: Tou Tax CrectaPaymenis (ron Po ton 1) 1 160000.001 yy 24 Tax Payable/(Overpayment) (tr 22. tom 23) 1 74,553.00 14 25 Less: Porton a Tax Payable owed for 2nsialnero be paid nor below Ccober 18 [poh erro on 2) 1 1 pid fps Amount of Tx Payalel(Overpaymen) en aston 25) | 29 Compromise Bo Total Penaies (Sum of tans 271 29) 1 Total Amount Payable/(Overpayment) (Sun fons 26 and 30) 32 Aggregate Amount Payable/(Overpayment) (Sum of tems 27A and 318) 1 | ifeverpayreri, mark on (1) bx ony (Once the cess ode, We same FevacaB) oe retinded To be issued a Tax Creat Centfeate (TCC) |] Tobe cared over asa tax cred for nxt earner Tal ti ees of per al isa, ara Bs acer ave Gen mae god Tih ved by ma ard fe Bat ny ono ard ell. ae Ye a are own ronson ofthe Nato eral Revere Cae. 28 anand, and eguains sue under aude ea Fut ge My Case poessg oy oman 38 tease under he ‘ta Pec Ato 2072 (RA No. 10173 rege nou purposes. ied yw Aud Rye at TM an th soi ey | - CESAR V. BOTOBARA [33 Number ot Atachments[_06 | Peni Nae and Spats Taxpayermnarze T= Detas of SEN Number Amount” a iid ns SH Paunent Detaled ap atts Agee Bark) s9424g95s00008SH RDOATTTFT o58¢1 14704 oraDD¥Y Amount, LANDUANI. BR Fam Na January 2018 ENCS) 1701 Annual Income Tax Return Individuals (including MIXED Income Earner, Estates and Trusts | Spouse's Name (as nae, Fst Name, Mie No) [4 Aipnanumeric Tax Code (A7G) [_] W012 Business income Graded T Rates| _] W014 cone Yon Poeson-Gaduawd Rats [ ] 101) Noes cone Grid Rats [not Companion come [—}wistaeatcne-Qrr ra] 7 rexma hon? estan [] mB a ate] Grate Rates [amiss Deoacon Jessen no Steer nantonn tm an) aay 1 2 L 1 1 1 3A ose cove and Toa Tax Wail er [HOPE na See Pat L 1 1 n se oo income and Toa Tax Wana or 2,08 4,557.00 | Net Sales/Revenues/Receipis/Fees (tem & Less tom 9) 1 _2,084,557.00 |11 Less: Cost of Sales/Service” appa ony evaingtmzedDedstons) 396,703.00 12 Gross income/(Loss) from Operation (tem 10Loss fam 17), 1,737 854.00 tt | 4,432,765.00| lien dts nate Pot am) 41,122,765.00| [BR Fam ne 1701 Annual Income Tax Return Jour Z08(ENC8) | _Indvduals (neluding MIKED Income Ean), Etta and Trusts ae feet an [Tax Flore Cast Nae es a 194, 243 | 958 ,0,0.0,0,0| BOTOBARA }26 Sales/Revenues/Receipis/F 60s ra of snes return slowerces and count) ‘Other income (spec beiow) Total Income (Sum oftoms 26 nd 27) y 1 [29 Less: Alsi icio fom ges sececois nd ae manopmg ro fue | _erseresnsesan ne obras Pe aS PEON nate ensemxenrcr) | [30 Taxable income/(Loss) item 28 Less tom 2) 1 1 oe L 4 1 Losses ** KINDLY REFER TO THE,ATTACHED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS *** {10 Pension Trusts See a ame , 11 Renta ay piitiiid t |12 Research and Development mere A a i 13 Salaries, Wages and Alowances ri 1455S, GSS, Peat, HOMF ad Ow Cobos BiRFamNe anuary 2018 (ENCS) a 1701 Annual Income Tax Return Individuals (including MIXED Income Earner, Estates and Trusts Mi i inl l } Regular Raio-Inoome Tax Due (From Par V,Exortem 25 o ter 32), [2 Special Rato-income Tax Due (From Pat X item 178/17F) [3 Less: Share of Other Government Agency, remtioddrecty to the Ageney [4 Net Special Rate-incame Tax Due'har of Natal Gv. (tm Zee han 3) Total Income Tax Due (Sum of toms 1 64 (To Port item 2), / Prior Years Excess Credle fs Crecitabie Tax Withheld forthe Fist Thee (3) Quarters fea macnn 4 Crecitable Tax Withheld per BIR Form No, 2307 forthe 4 Quarter 5 Credtabe Tax ithel per BIR For No. 2316 Fam Part V Scho 1 em 28g) [6 Tax Paid in Retum Previously Filed, this is an Amended Return }7 Foreign Tax Cred, #aposcable {8 Special Tax Credits, i appicabe (o Par Vi tom 6) [9 Other Tax Credits/Payments (specs 10 Total Tax Crodits/Payments (Sum of tems 1109) (To Part i em 23) Regd ro Tax Otis Ove Paro 18 on 1FKepabh ear rome) WTB andr toms FX | Te Rito Sct Aone Dees Pee TEX | 3 Sub-Total - Tax Relet (Sum of toms 1 and 2) 4 Less: Income Tax Due (From Part X itm 178 andor tm 176) '5 Tax Relief Availment Before Special Tax Crecit tem 3 Less em 4) | 6Add: Special Tax Credit, f any (From Part Vom) 7 Total Tax Relief Availmont - SPECIAL (Sum of toms 5 and 6) Regier Tax Cher Dr ion 1 6 Xap ae a) 9 Tax Reieton Spel Alabama Devctons Gut Xion Mad iew EX 10 Tool Tax Rolf Avaliment - EXEMPT (Sur of toms Band 9) “Not incomel(Loss) por Books At: Non Deduct Exposes Tabs Ota cane 10 Total (Som often 6109) ‘14 Net Taxable Incomel(Loss) (tor Loss fom 10) one roup Cesar V. Botobara Nasugbu, Batangas REPORT OF AN INDEPENDENT AUDITOR | have audited the accompanying financial statements of CESAR V. BOTOBARA, which comprises the statements of financial position for the year ended December 31, 2022 statements of comprehensive income and summary of significant accounting policies and explanatory information for the year ended. Management's Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with Philippine Financial Reporting Standards for Small and Medium-sized entities. This responsibility includes: designing, implementing and maintaining intemal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error; selecting and applying appropriate accounting policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the circumstances. Auditor's Responsibility An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence fibout the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the risk of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statement. | believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for my audit opinion. Report on the Supplementary Information Required under Revenue Regulation Nos. 15-2010 and 19-2011 of the Bureau of Internal Revenue. My audit was conducted for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic financial statements taken as a whole. The supplementary information on taxes and licenses and the schedule of taxable income and deductible expenses in Note 14 to financial statements is presented for the purpose of filing with the Bureau of Internal Revenue and is not required part of the basic financial statements. Such information is the responsibility of the management of CESAR V. BOTOBARA The information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in my audit of the basic financial statements and thus, in my opinion, fairly represents in all material aspects relative to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. Opinion In my opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material aspects, the attached financial position of CESAR V. BOTOBARA, for the year ended December 31, 2022 and its financial performance, is in accordance with Philippine Financial Reporting Standards for Small and Medium-sized Entities. Zi OLIVER N. MANAHAN CPA License 0109764 BOA Accreditdtion No. 4511 Valid until December 31, 2023 CDA Accreditation No. 2908 Valid until December 31, 2023 BIR Accreditation No. 00251 1-04-2020 Valid until December 31, 2023 TIN: 230-169-270-000 one Qroup Secounting tiem PRC-Board of Accountancy Accreditation No. 4511 REPORT OF AN INDEPENDENT AUDITOR TO ACCOMPANY FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR FILING WITH BUREAU OF INTERNAL REVENUE Cesar V. Botobara Nasugbu, Batangas | have audited the accompanying financial statements of CESAR V. BOTOBARA as of and for the year ended December 31, 2022. In compliance with Revenue Regulation V-20, lam stating that lam not related by consanguinity or affinity to any of the key officers of the company. As a CPA engaged in public practice, | make thus representation in my individual capacity. ty OLIVER N. MANAHAN CPA License 0109764 BOA Accreditation No. 4511 Valid until December 31, 2023 CDA Accreditation No. 2908 Valid until December 31, 2023 BIR Accreditation No. 00251 1-04-2020 Valid until December 31, 2023 TIN: 230-169-270-000 STATEMENT OF MANAGEMENT'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANNUAL INCOME TAX RETURN The Management of CESAR V. BOTOBARA is responsible for all information and representation contained in the financial statement for the year ended December 31, 2022. The financial statements have been prepared in conformity with the Philippine Financial Reporting Standards and reflect amounts that are based on best estimates and informed judgment of management with an appropriate consideration to materiality. Likewise, Management maintains a system of accounting and reporting which provides for the necessary internal controls to ensure that transactions are properly authorized and recorded, assets are safeguarded against unauthorized use or disposition and liabilities are recognized. The Management reviews the aforementioned financial statements with Oliver N. Manahan, CPA, the independent auditor and appointed to examine the financial statements of the business in accordance with Philippine standards of Auditing has expressed its opinion on the faimess of presentation upon completion of such examination in its report. RECENTER rete TELLE’S wa, anda Cesar V. Botobara Owner CESAR V. BOTOBARA Nasugbu, Batangas TIN: 194-243-958-000 BALANCE SHEET ‘As of December 31, 2022 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash-on-Hand & Bank P 453,687.00 ‘Accounts Receivables 17,321.00 Inventory (End) 333,665.00 Pre-paid Expenses 60,305.00, Total Current Assets P FIXED ASSETS Property & Store P 1,515,095.00 Machines and Equipments 47,314.00 Furnitures and Fixtures 153,015.00 Total P 1,715,424.00 Less: Depreciation 144,832.00 Total Fixed Assets TOTAL ASSETS p LABILITES AND OWNER'S EQUITY ‘CURRENT LIABILITIES ‘Account Payables P 92,405.00 Income Tax Payable 174,553.00 Total Liabilities P OWNERS EQUITY Beg. Capital Pp 1,045,844.00 ‘Add: Net Income Total Equity TOTAL LIABILITIES & OWNER'S EQUITY j EVER 4 APR atten ELLER 'S pny wavaeinn 864,978.00 1,570,592.00 2,435,570.00 266,958.00 168,612.00 2,435,570.00 GROSS SALES Less: Cost of Sales Inventory (Beginning) ‘Add: Purchases Total Less: Inventory (End) GROSS INCOME LESS: OPERATING EXPENSES Salaries and Wages Utilities (Light & Water) Fuel and Oil Materials & Supplies Repairs & Maintenance Transportation Expenses Tax & Licenses Depreciation Miscellaneous Expenses NET INCOME BEFORE TAX Less: Provisions for Tax NET INCOME AFTER TAX CESAR V. BOTOBARA Nasugbu, Batangas TIN: 194-243-958-000 INCOME STATEMENT For the year Ended December 31, 2022 P 266,932.00 423,436.00 P ‘690,368.00 333,665.00 P 428,241.00 ‘44,808.00 17,636.00 14,480.00 5,462.00 13,673.00 24,437.00 42,147.00 14,202.00 2,084,557.00 356,703.00 1,727,854.00 605,086.00 1,122,768.00 174,553.00 948,215.00

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