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Unit 10

Energy Sources
I. Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. (Tìm từ có
trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.)

1. A.another C.example D.develop

2. A.afternoon B.tommorrow C.consider D.pollution
3.A.quality B.suggestion C.natural D.yesterday
4.A.vacation B.abundant C.disaster D.traveling
5.A.easily B.netherlands C.countryside D.convenient

II. Complete the sentences with the words and phrases from the box. (Hoàn thành
các câu với các từ và cụm từ trong khung.)
Energy Protect Hydro Renewable Panels Evironment

1. The energy that comes from water is called____________energy.

2. We can use solar______________________to power the appliances in our house
3. Burning coal is poll iting our______________
4. Scientists are developing new energy sources to______________the environment.
5. We can't run out of____________energy sources.
6. The government is reducing the use of nuclear____________nowadays.
III. Circle the correct option in brackets. (Khoanh vào phương án đúng trong
1. I (is / am) having breakfast with my family.
2. Hoa (is / are) going to the supermarket with her mother.
3. We (am/are) playing football in the playground.
4. They are (visit / visiting) their grandmother.
5. It is not (raining / rain) now.
6. (He/I/You) is making cakes in the kitchen.
7.(They/She/He) are studying English in the classroom.
8. My friends (are/is) flying kites in the park.
9. The dancers are (perform / performing) a folk dance.
10. The children are (watches / watching) the music talent show on TV.
IV. Reorder the words and phrases to make sentences. (Sắp xếp lại các từvà cụm từ
để tạo thành câu.)
1. listening/Henry/music/is/to/in/room/the/.
2. about/She/is/types/talking/ of/energy sources/renewable /.
3. project/they/doing/Are/a/protecting/on/environment/?
4.Does/wind/come/from/wind energy/?
5. going out / He/turns off / always / thelights/before/.
6. hydro energy/The/is/teacher/right now/teaching / about / us/.

Test 2

1. Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. (Tìm từ có
trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.)

1. B.recycle C.invasion D.expensive

2. B.plentiful C.renewable D.atmosphere
3. A.happiness B.gathering C.violin D.everyone
4. B.difference C.photograph D.interesting
5. A.opinion B.volunteer D.comparison
II. Circle the correct word to complete the sentences. (Khoanh vào từđúng để hoàn
thành câu.)
1. Solar/Hydro energy is the energy that comes from the sun.
2. Some types of energy are cheap/expensive and hard to find.
3. We are doing / running a project on energy sources.
4. Energy is the power that we use to provide us with light,heat or food/ electricity.
5. Renewable / Non renewable energy sources come from the sun, wind and water.
6. Oil, natural gas and coal / water are called fossil fuels.
7. France produces/ protects a great deal of wine for export.
8. They won'tinvest in anycompany that cleans/pollutes the environment.
9. The engine is hotter and hotter. I think it is overheating/ overcooling.
10.The wind / nuclear energy is produced when the nucleus of an atom is divided or
joined to another nucleus.
III. Choose the best option A, B, C or D. (Chọn phuong án dúng nhất A, B, C hoǎc
1.Look! The train______________
A.come coming coming D. are coming
2. Can you be quieter?I_____________to concentrate. trying B.try C. is trying B.try

3.He______________a motorcycle to the center now.

A.rides B.ride riding B.ride

4.We_____________a project of science at present. doing B.are doing D.does

5. Please don't make so much noise. The baby__________in the room.

A.sleep B. am sleeping sleeping D.are sleeping
6.My classmates_______________football in the playground at the moment. playing B. is playing C.playing D.are playing

7. The festival_________at 8:30 a.m.

A.starts starting start D.start
8. It's 10 o'clock now and I__________a book.
A.are reading B.reads C. am reading reading
9.Mary______________to lose weight because she______________veryfat.
A.wants/is B.wants/is being C.want/are being D.want/be

10.When he______________in,I___________in the kitchen.

A.comes/am B.come/ am C. is coming/am D.comes/are
cooking cooking

IV. Read the passage, and write T (True) or F (False) next to the sentences. (Đọc đoạn
văn rồi viết T (nếu đúng) hoặc F (nếu sai) bên cạnh các câu.)
Solar energy
Solar energy is the energy that we get from the sun and converted into thermal or
electrical energy. Solar energy is a renewable energy because it will never end as long as
the sun remains. Solar energy is also pollution-free because there will be no pollution
occurring while producing solar energy. Solar energy is not only pollution-free energy
but also its maintenance cost is very low, so to maintain a solar power plant, less
manpower is required than others.
Also, one can get a non-stop power supply even in the rainy season with the help of solar
panels. However, there are also some disadvantages of using solar energy like the initial
setup cost of panels and battery is very high. To store the solar energy in a large number,
one needs a personal room for the batteries. It pollutes the environment chemically.
1. Solar energy is the energy that we get from the sun.
2. Solar energy is renewable and pollution-free energy.
3. Solar energy will end one day.
4. Maintaining a solar power plant requires a lot of manpower.
5. One can get a non-stop power supply even in the
rainy season with the help of solar panels.
6. One of the disadvantages of using solar energy is
the very high initial setup cost.

1. Find the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. (Tìm từ có
trọng âm khác với các từ còn lại.)

1. A.activity B.bigas C.exciting D.conclustion

2. A.carnival B.powerful C.envelop D.waterfall
3.A.collection B.volleyball C.negative D.dangerous
4.A.excursion B.celebarte C.valuable D.motorbike
5.A.unfortunate B.advanatage C.amvbition D.limitation

II.Circle the odd one out. (Khoanh vào từ không cùng nhóm.)

1.A.coal B.oil C.sun D.natural gas

2.A.wind B.hydro C.nuclear D.panel
3.A.heat B.light C.pollution D.electricity
4. C.easy to use D.available
5. A.renewable B.reuse C.recycle D.replace
6. B.power C.potency D.appliance

III. Find and correct one mistake in each following sentence. (Tìm và sửa một lỗi sai
trong mỗi câu sau đây.)
1. Are you tell jokes?
2.She washes the dishes at the moment.
3. Am it getting dark?
4. Look! The plane is takes off.
5. Lucy and Mike is playing table tennis.
6.Why are I staying at home alone?
IV.Read the passage and choose the correct answer. (Doc doan vǎn và chọn câu trà
lòi dúng.)
Hydro energy
Energy that we get from water is called hydro energy, or hydro power.Itis a renewable
source of energy. It generates power by using a dam or diversion structure to alter the
natural flow of a river or other body of water.Hydro power relies on the endless,
constantly recharging system of the water cyele to produce electricity,using a fuel-water-
that is not reduced or eliminated in the process.There are many types of hydro power
facilities,though they are all powered by the kinetic energy of flowing water as it moves
downstream.Hydro power utilizes turbines and generators to convert that kinetic energy
into electricity,which is then fed into the electrical grid to power homes,businesses, and
Because hydro power uses water to generate electricity, plants are usually located on or
near a water source. The energy available from the moving water depends on both the
volume of the water flow and the change in elevation-also known as the head - from one
point to another. The greater the flow and the higher the head, the more the electricity can
be generated.
1. What is hydro energy?
A. It is the energy that we get from wind.
B. It is the energy that we get from water.
C.It is the energy that we get from the sun.
2. Is hydro energy a nonrenewable source of energy?
A.Yes,it is.
B.No,it is from water.
C. No, it is a renewable source of energy.
3. How does hydro energy generate power?
A.By recharging system of the water cycle.
B.By changing the natural flow of a river or other body of water.
C.By feeding into the electrical grid to power homes,businesses,and industries.
4.What does hydro power use to convert kinetic energy into electricity?
A.Turbines and generators.
B.Hydro power facilities.
C.A dam or diversion structure.
5.Where are hydro power plants usually located?
A. On or near a water source.
B.Far from a water source.
C. On the head of a mountain.
6.When can the electricity can be generated more?
A.When hydro power uses water to generate electricity.
B. When the volume of the water flow is low.
C.When the flow is greater and the head is higher.
V. Match the questions in column A with its response in column B.(No) câu hỏi ở cột
A vôi câu trá lòi ở cột B.)
1.What does energy mean? comes from wind
2.Where does wind energy come from?’s power that we use to provide us
with light,heat, or electricity
3.What do we call energy source from the C.yes,they ae
sun? energy
4.Why do you always ride a bike?,they are cheap and easy to use
5.Are the students talking about pollution
problems in our city? F.because I want to protect the
6.Are nonrenewable energy source environment
expensive and har to use?

Ex 1: Choose the word with a different stress pattern.

1. A. renewable B. energy C. plentiful D. electric

2. A. power B. transport C. short D. report

3. A. carbon B. hard C. large D. marry

4. atmosphere B. melody C. carnival D. recommend

5. A. allergy B. depression C. unusual D. performer

6. A. energy B. dangerous C. government D. expensive

7. A. scientist B. develop C. nowadays D. library

8. A. natural B. limited C. advantage D. usually

Ex 2: Choose the best answer

1. Emissions from vehicles have negative ………………..on the environment.
A. tasks
B. effects
C. benefits
D. problems
2. What does “non - renewable” ………………..?
A. mean
B. means
C. meaning
D. meant
3. The teacher is ……………….. a talk about how to save energy.
A. doing
B. taking
C. giving
D. making
4. In the future, the wind and the sun will be used as the main ……………….. sources.
A. environmental friendly
B. environmentally friendly
C. environmental friend
D. environment friendly
5. I think that using biogas is abundant and ………………
A. limited
B. polluting
C. cheap
D. exhaustible
Ex 3: Write the correct form of the word given
1. Coal will be …………………by another renewable source of energy in the future.
2. Natural gas is …………….and it is harmful to the environment. (LIMIT)
3. I like solar energy because it is ……………….. (PLENTY)
4. Using public transport can reduce ……………….…. (POLLUTE)
5. These types of energy do not cause pollution or waste ………………….resources.
6. We hope that by using solar energy, the problem of energy ……………….will be
solved. (SHORT)
7. This new plant is being built to provide …………………for the population of the local
area. (ELECTRIC)
8. Remember to turn off the lights when……………….to bed, boy! (GO)
9. She wears a sweater to keep her body……………… the early winter. (WARMTH)
10. What are the advantages and ………………….of using public transport?
Ex 4: Read the passage and choose the best option to answer each of the following
Wind is a form of solar energy. Winds are caused by the uneven heating of the
atmosphere by the sun. Wind flow patterns are changed by the earth’s terrain, bodies of
water, and vegetative cover. This wind flow, or motion energy, when “harvested” by
modern wind turbines, can be used to generate electricity.
Wind turbines are available in a variety of sizes, and therefore power ratings. The largest
machine has blades that span more than the length of a football field, stands 20 building
stories high, and produces enough electricity to power 1,400 homes. A small home-sized
wind machine has rotors between 8 and 25 feet in diameter and stands upwards of 30
feet, and can supply the power needs of an all-electric home or small business,
utilityscale turbines range in size from 50 to 750 kilowatts. Single small turbines, below
50 kilowatts, are used for homes, telecommunications dishes, or water pumping.
1. What is the reason for the existence of wind?
A. atmosphere heated unevenly B. wind flow
C. motion energy D. wind turbines
2. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a factor affecting the wind direction?
A. earth’s terrain B. bodies of water C. vegetative cover D. the Sun
3. The word “variety” is closest in meaning with_________.
A. capacity B. popularity C. diversity D. minority
4. What is the height of the largest wind turbines?
A. as tall as a 20 story building B. between 8 and 25 feet
C. 30 feet D. 50 feet
5. A small home-sized wind machine can produce enough power for_________ .
A. 20 buildings B. a small business
C. 400 homes D. a football field
6. How much power do single small turbines generate?
A. about 30 kilowatts B. more than 50 kilowatts
C. about 750 kilowatts D. less than 50 kilowatts
Make questions for the underlined parts
1. My uncle is washing his car right now.
2. I am mowing the lawn in the garden.
3. I save paper by printing on both sides.
4. Kyle is giving a talk about solar energy.
5. The earth is becoming hotter and hotter.

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