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Weird jobs

You work in an office and you are bored? Here are some not so usual jobs waiting for you.

Golf Ball Diver

When a golf ball falls into the water, the task of a golf ball diver is to pick it up. In
modern golf courts, professional golf ball divers can become very rich picking up 3000
balls a day. The most dangerous thing is that the lake is full of glass, iron pieces and
even crocodiles.

Smell Tester

Although technology and science are more and more developing, cosmetic
companies still need professional staff to smell their products. A smell tester has
to smell 60 different odors three times per an hour.

Hair Boiler

Hair boiler is considered to be the worst job. You must stand beside a big pan which is used to
boil different kinds of animal hair until it becomes soft enough to make false hair.

Furniture Tester

Fancy sitting on your backside all day or lying in bed till late? Well
now you can every day at work as a furniture Tester.

Professional Pusher

Japan is indeed a hardworking nation. It makes sure that all its people reach
work on time and that's why Japan has employed people to push others
onto trains so that nobody's late for work.

Car Plate Blocker

In a bid to reduce congestion on the roads, Iran has employed a strange policy
where cars with number plates ending in odd and even numbers are allowed
on roads on alternate days only. Iranians hire men to walk behind their cars so
that the cameras don't capture their number plates.
Professional Mourner

You'll need these mourners if nobody gave a damn about you when you were
alive. It's sad that you won't be able to see them mourn for you because
you'd be in the coffin.

Answer the questions

1. Why is it sometimes dangerous to dive for a golf ball?


2. How many odors do smell tester have to work with?


3. Why is hair boiler considered to be the worst job?


4. If you want a comfortable job, which one would be the best one?


5. Why are there professional pushers in Japan?


6. Where do people employ car plate blockers and why?


7. Who would need a professional mourner? What does this person do?


8. What skills would you need for each job?

Golf Ball Diver.........................................................................................................................................

Smell Tester ..........................................................................................................................................

Hair Boiler ..............................................................................................................................................

Furniture Tester .....................................................................................................................................

Professional Pusher ..............................................................................................................................

Car Plate Blocker ..................................................................................................................................

Professional Mourner ...........................................................................................................................

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