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Illustrating Simple and Compound Interest General Annuity- annuity where the length of the
payment interval is not the same as the length of the
Lender/ creditor- person (or institution) who invests the interest compounding period.
money or makes the funds available.
General Ordinary Annuity- a general annuity in which
Borrower/ debtor- person (or institution) who owes the the periodic payment is made at the end of the payment
money or avails of the funds from the lender. interval.
Origin or loan date- date on which money is received by
the borrower.
Repayment date/ maturity date- date on which the
money borrowed, or loan is to be completely repaid. Deferred Annuity- an annuity that does not begin until a
given time interval has passed.
Time or term (t)- amount of the time in years the money
is borrowed or invested, length of time between the Period of deferral- time between the purchase of an
origin and maturity dates. annuity and the start of the payments for deferred
Principal (P)- amount of money borrowed or invested on
the origin date. STOCKS
Rate(r)- annual rate, usually in percent, charged by the Definition of Terms in Relation to Stocks
lender, or rate of increase of the investment.
1. Stocks- share in the ownership of a company.
Interest (I)- amount paid or earned for the use of money.
2. Dividend- share in the company’s profit.
Simple Interest (Is)- interest that is computed on the
principal and then added to it. 3. Dividend Per Share- ratio of the dividends to the
number of shares.
Compound Interest (Ic)-interest is computed on the
principal and also on the accumulated past interests. 4. Stock Market- a place where stocks can be
bought or sold.
Maturity value/ future value (F)- amount after t years
that the lender receives from the borrower on the 5. Market Value- the current price of a stock at
which it can be sold.
maturity date.
6. Stock Yield Ratio- ratio of the annual dividend
per share and the market value per share. Also
Compounding More than Once a Year called current stock yield.
7. Par Value- the per share amount as stated on the
Frequency of conversion(m)= number of conversion company certificate. Unlike market value, it is
periods in one year. determined by the company and remains stable
Conversion or interest period= time between successive over time.
conversions of interest.
Total number of conversion periods n
n=mt (frequency of conversion x time in years)

Nominal rate (𝐢(𝐦) ) = annual rate of interest

Rate of interest for each conversion period (j)
𝑖 (𝑚) annual rate of interest
j= =
𝑚 frequency of conversion

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