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JPT REVIEW CENTER INC - History of Architecture


2.1 Greek Architecture
I. Phases
1. Aegean
2. Hellenic
3. Hellenistic
II. Orders: Doric, Ionic, Corinthian
III. Temples / Planning of Temples
A. Number of Columns
B. Column Arrangement
C. Intercolumnation
IV. Famous Structures
1. Acropolis
2. Parthenon
3. Temple of Athena Nike
4. Temple of Apollo Epicurius
5. Erechtheion
V. Civic Buildings
1. Agora
2. Theatron
3. Stoa
4. Prytaneion
5. Bouleuterion
6. Odeion
7. Stadion
8. Hippodrome
9. Palaestra
10. Gymnasion
VI. Residential Buildings
1. Megaron
2. Prostas
3. Pastas
4. Peristyle
VII. Terminologies
1. Figured Columns: Caryatid, Canephora, Atlas, Herma
2. Temenos
3. Propylaea
4. Hippodamian Grid System

2.2 Roman Architecture

I. Roman Orders: Tuscan, Composite
I. Materials & Methods
1. Arch
2. Vault
3. Opus
4. Roman Concrete
II. Civic Buildings
1. Forum
2. Basilica
JPT REVIEW CENTER INC - History of Architecture
3. Thermae
4. Gymnasium
5. Amphitheater
6. Theatrum
7. Curia
8. Triumphal Arch
9. Circus
10. Aqueduct
11. Drainage
12. Pons
13. Palace
14. Temple
III. Residential Buildings
1. Domus
2. Insula
3. Villa
4. Atrium House

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