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Philippine Christian University

Sampaloc 1, Dasmariñas City, Cavite 4114

S.Y. 2023-2024



I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Illustrates the combination of objects,

2. Differenttiate permutation from combination of n objects taken r at a time,

3. Derive the formula for finding the number of combination of n objects taken r at a time, and

4.Solve problems involving combination.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Combination
Instructional Material: PPT
Visual Aids
White board
White board marker

References: Learner’s Module and Teacher’s Guide Mathematics 10

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity

A. Daily Routine

1. Prayer

“Before we start, everybody please stand up for a prayer.” (The students will stand up and pray)

2. Greetings

“Good morning class! How are you today?” “Good morning Maam Dhen! We’re doing great
“That is good to hear!”
3. Classroom Management

" Class, before you take your seats, kindly pick up the pieces (The students will pick-up the pieces of trashes
of papers or plastics around you and align your chairs and will arrange their chair properly)
silently and properly."

“Now you are free to take a seat.”

4. Checking of Attendance

“Before we start our lesson, I want you to avoid unnecessary “Yes ma’am”
noise, and participate actively. Am I clear?"

Is there anyone missing from your class?" “None Ma’am”

( If there is
( If there is, the teacher will mark his attendance
B. Motivation as absent.)

“Are you ready for our new topic for today class?”

“That’s good! Well then to have some idea on what is our

topic all about, let’s have some game called “Combine Me”. “Yes Ma’am”
This game is a group activity. The right side would be group
1 and the left side would be group 2. Are you excited?”

But before that, let’s have the mechanicsof the game. Each “Yes Ma’am”
group should select a representative to answer for the
Groupmates are allowed to coach the representative. If the
representative could not answer and admit to surrender,then
the other members have the right toanswer. The group who
got the highest score will be the winner of the game. I will
only giving you 1 minute to answer per picture. Do you
understand class? “Yes Ma’am”

“If you got the correct answer each member of the group
will receive a token that serve as a 2 points“

( teaacher will proceed to activity)

1. Apple, banana, papaya, pineapple, melon, avocado,

nestle cream, condense milk

“Thank you! How about for the other group?” “Ma’am, the outcome that I get is fruit salad”

“Yes, both of you got the correct answer but group 2 “Ma’am, I got the same answer which is fruit
was the one who got it first. So, the group 2 will salad.”
receive 1 point”
2.Bitter gourd, eggplant, squash, yard-long beans, bagoong “Pinakbet”
3. Tapa, fried rice, fried egg “Tapsilog”
4.Hotdog, ground pork, tomato sauce, cheese, condense “Spaghetti”
milk, pasta
5. Nestle cream, macaroni, condense milk, pineapple, fruit “Macaroni”

“Okay then, every group has a correct answe.,Very good

“I think everyone is ready for our topic for today so lets
move on to our topic”

C. Lesson Proper

Lesson: Combination

“Before we start our discussion, I will present the objectives

of our topic.”


At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:

1. llustrates the combination of obejects
2. Differenttiate permutation from combination of n
objectives taken r at a time
3. Derive the formula for finding the number of combination
of n objects taken r at a time
4.Solve problem involving combination

“So, these are the objectives that we need to obtain at the

end of our lesson.”

“Based on our game earlier, what would be our topic for “Ma’am , it is combination”

“Thank you! Very good! Our topic for today class is all
about combination”

“Who among you here knows what a combination is?” “A combination is a way of selecting items from a
collection where the order of selection does not

“Thank you! Very good! any answer class?” “Combination is a selection of r objects from
objects in which order is not important.”
“Exactly! Very good .It is the arrangement of r objects taken
from n objects where r ≤ n in which the order of the objects
is not significant”

”To clearly understand combination, let’s have some


Example 1: Consider the letters ABCD and take three

letters at a time without repeating the letters

1. If order is significant.
2. If order is not significant.
”Now, let’s solve the first number.”
1. If the order is significant class, we have,4P3 =
4∙3∙2 = 24 Now, who can write on the board the 24
possible arrangements of 3 objects?



“Thank you Ana!. You did it well. Is that clear class?” “Yes Ma’am”

How about for number 2 class? If the order is not

significant, We have the following groups of 3 objects.

“There are only 4 out of 24 selections that are observed.”

“In the given example class, what have you notice?” (Student raise their hand)

“Yes Les?” “I notice that there are 24 arrangements of the

letters in which the order is significant, while
there are only 4 arrangements when the order is
not significant”
“Very Good Les! Thank you”

“Now that you have background about combnatination let’s

move on the the rule number 1”

Rule 1: Combination without Repetition

A combination without repetition is also called a simple
combination or, simply, a combination. The following
subsections give a slightly more formal definition of
combination and deal with the problem of counting the
number of possible combinations.

“ For you to clearly understand here are the Fomula for

Combination with out Repetition”

Example:1How many combination are possible for 9

objects taken 4 at a time?
9 𝐶4 =
4! (9 − 4)!

4! 5!

= 126
“Thus there are 126 possible combination”

“Do you understand class?Any question?” “Yes ma’am”

“Let’s have another example”

Example 2: In an examination a junior high school PCU

students may choose to solve 8 out of 12 word
problems.In how many ways can the students choose the
word problems

“What is your n?” “12 ma’am”

“Very good! How about your r?” “8 Ma’am”

“Very good class now in the given formula let’s apply”

12 𝐶8 =
8! (12 − 8)!

8! 4!

12 ∙ 11 ∙ 10 ∙ 9 ∙ 8!
8! 4!

12 ∙ 11 ∙ 10 ∙ 9


= 495
“Hence there are 495 possible combinations”

“Do you understand class? “Yes ma’am

“Well it seems taht you understand so lets answer this one

question ”

D. Generalization

“Since we have already introduce the Combination,Now ““Combination is a selection of r objects from
who can summarize what is Combination and his fomula” objects in which order is not important.”

“Hoe about the fomula who wants to recite”

“Very well said! I think you really understand our lesson.”

E. Valiuing

“ Class are you familiar in lotto ticket?like 6/45 and “Yes ma’am”

“Great i have here a lotto ticket that conatins a lot of

number each colum have istramble number up to 50
and all you need to do is select 6 number for you to
have bet”

“But they say that for you to win the price of a

billion pesos you need to get the six digit number that
they pick,

“My qeustion is are you willing to bet every day to (Some students say yes an some are no)
get the billion peso but there’s no chace that you are
the only one that get the six numbe?”

“ Well some of us have tust in chances,so theres no

correct or wrong answer for that question but
somehow we’re dreaming that someday the billion
peso are in our hand”

F. Evaluation

“Now that you are already for combination,my i request one boy
and one girl to answer the equation,on your book page 253”
(Students answer may vary)
“For boys kindly answer the number 5 and for girls answer
number 3 on the board you have 10 minutes to answer”
G. Assignment

“For your assignment all you need todo is have a advance

reading for rule 2 Combination with repitition page number

“Is that clear?” “Yes Ma’am”

“That’s all for today class”

“Before we bid goodbye to each other kindly pick up the

pieces of trash under your chair and arrange your chair
“Good bye Ma’am Dhen and God bless you
“Goodbye Class!

Prepared By:
Dhenzelle Nathaniel C. Bordeos

BSED Mathematics 4

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