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We OPEN on the background of the blue sky. The camera

pans down from the sky to a small home amongst the hills.

The camera stops outside of the house,focusing on a BOY

and his MOTHER as they walk inside, the mother is
carrying a grocery bag, while the boy runs after, not
holding her hand.


The mother approaches her son. She carries a lot of food

in a big bag. She moves her hand to her grocery bag,
searches for a while, before leaning down to her child.

The mother pulls a bubble wand out of the bag and gives
it to the boy.

The child accepts it, he jumps in excitement and dashes


The mother looks at him and smiles. The camera lingers on

the bag, it has one bubble wand left inside


The child is playing outside in the house’s backyard. He

blows bubbles and stares at them in awe.

A bubble lands on his nose, the camera zooms in on the

bubble, and as it makes contact with his skin, time
suddenly slows down for him.

Before his eyes, he sees a different parallel dimension.

The camera switches to the boy’s point of view (The world
around him is portrayed in a different artstyle). He is
in shock, before the bubble pops and time speeds back up
for him. The boy is still in his home dimension.

His mother calls out from the back door. It is time for
lunch. The boy ignores his mother, he has better things
to do than to have lunch with his mother

The boy starts blowing bigger and bigger bubbles,

eventually he makes one big enough that he can jump into.
He dives into the bubble, and is transported away.


The boy lands at his house’s backyard, but in a different

dimension. He looks around, taking in the view of another
world. The scene is portrayed in a slick lineless art
style, with blue and indigo as dominant colors.

The camera lifts up as the boy stares upwards into the

blue sky, there are northern lights floating around above
him. This new world seems to be in the arctic.

As the boy’s jaw is dropped from awe, he hears a small

gasp. He turns around, the camera uses an over the
shoulder shot as he sees this other dimension's version
of him.

THE ALTERNATE CHILD is building a snowman, and is shocked

at the appearance of the boy. The boy waves at his
alternate self, before pointing at himself and the
alternate self, implying that they are the same person.

The alternate child quickly catches up, he seems

intrigued and shows the boy his snowman.

The boys start playing together, running around the

backyard and having snowball fights, laughing.
Their fun time together is halted by the alternate
child’s mother, telling him to have lunch with her
inside. The alternate child nods, and follows his mom
inside. The alternate child looks back at the boy and
waves goodbye to him.

The boy looks a bit saddened, but he waves back, before

blowing another bubble, into another dimension.


He lands in another dimension, this time, his usual

backyard is an overgrown garden, filled with different
types of flowers and plants. He flies into a hole on the
ground that has vines growing around it. In the cave, he
meets a frog variant of himself.

The boy looks excited, he taps the young frog’s shoulder

from behind, and smiles at him. The young frog is
pleasantly surprised, he hops around in excitement,
leading the boy to a lake in front of his home, before
crossing the lake, the frog boy longingly looks at the
holes above the cave, as if wondering what world exists
outside the cave. The frog boy then swims across the lake
to his home.

The boy is excited at his variant’s amazing ability to

swim and decides to show off his talent in flying,
gliding over the lake with ease while showing off some
unnecessary flashy tricks.

The frog boy looks enraged, as if he is jealous of the

boy’s ability to freely fly and get out of the cave. The
boy clearly fails to read the room, as he is bewildered
and horrified now that his frog friend a few minutes ago
is now aggressively chasing after him, attempting to use
his tongue to snatch the boy.

The boy is frustrated, so he hastily blows another bubble

and jumps into a new world.


The boy lands at a dry and deserted land, and meets a

CHILD STARING DOWN ON HIM. This is this dimension’s
version of the boy.

The boy feels light headed from the heat, but he

approaches the child with hopes of knowing him.

They look at each other, and the boy attempts to talk to

his alternate self. Before he can speak, his alternate
self glares at him with hostility, and the child runs
away without giving the boy any goodbye. The camera
switches to the boy’s point of view, as he sees his other
self run on the sand, further and further away.

The boy stands alone in the dry sand as the sun shines
down onto him, this is not really his home, nor his

The boy feels scared and lost, he averts his gaze, and
tries not to look at his other self.

The boy looks down at his bubble wand, his face turns
serious. He blows another bubble, determined to return
home to his mom.

He nervously tries to blow another bubble to leave, but

the wand has run dry, there are no bubbles left. The boy
panics and slowly has a breakdown, tears run down his
cheeks, he thinks it is all over for him.

He curls up and cries, he reminisces about his mother. He

never should have left home. But right when hope seemed
all lost, the boy felt a warm, comfortable light. He sees
a bubble before him, and a familiar silhouette. It is the
boy’s mother, she extends her hand to the boy, and he
takes it. The mother pulls him back into their world.


The boy opens his eyes, he stands in the middle of his

backyard, the place has the same artstyle of his original
dimension. He grips the bubble wand. The boy is so
relieved, he hugs his mom tightly, she hugs him back.
Once the boy calms down, he and his mother go back into
their house to have lunch, their hands holding tightly.


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