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From the rivers to the sea: Who will be free?

“From the rivers to the sea, Palestine and Israel will be free”, said the Delegate of Singapore

By Najwa Salsabilla | Fox News

Published December 2, 2023

In the West Bank, a Palestinian lady gets into a fight with an Israeli border police officer |
Mohamad Torokman/Reuters

Israeli-Palestinian status quo began following Israeli military occupation of the West
Bank and Gaza, known as the Palestinian territories, in the 1967 Six-Day War, since then,
Israel and Palestine have been in conflict.

The main objective of the UN Human Rights Council has been to rescue those who are
in danger, whether they are in Israel or Palestine. There is no peace in this conflict; all
nations concur that a resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is necessary to give
essential human rights. Peace is sustainable, and peace ought to be maintained by all.
The United States stresses that opportunity and solutions should be given, stating that
they have been the middle nation with solutions proposed focusing on human rights aid
for Palestine humanity, continued by the Delegate of Pakistan who states a point, “We
are the UNHRC, Humans Rights Council, therefore we believe in saving humans inside

An agreement has been made that Russia, Yemen, Pakistan, and the USA will represent
each region to support human rights in Palestine. As we quote from The Delegate of
The United States, “As long as Israel would like to cooperate well with the council’s
resolution, we believe that peace will be made, the United Nations stands with humans.”
On the contrary, Iran points out that freeing Palestine will be a number one priority.

Delegates being separated into two blocks, starting on their working paper | Najwa
As a result, a discussion on solutions separated the council into two blocks: the United
States, which supports rescuing human rights, and Iran, which supports freeing

We sincerely hope that the United States block and the Iran block will begin to negotiate
a settlement and a middle ground to end this crisis.

Will Palestine be free? Will Israel be free?

Given the conflict between the two blocks and the lack of a consensus, the question is,

Who will be free?

“What's the Israel-Palestinian conflict about and how did it start?” Reuters, 11 October
d-land-jerusalem-refugees-2023-10-10/. Accessed 2 December 2023.

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