Brown Aesthetic Group Project Presentation

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Class Activity 1
Our Team

Morales Sharlyn Joseph Mallare
Formentera Rome Cerdenia
Miks Oligo
Service Business
Services are often complex and involve multiple steps to
complete. They may require special skills or knowledge to
perform. And they may need to be delivered in person, online,
or through some combination of both. A service business is any
business that provides a service to its customers. Service
businesses can be small businesses, like a corner store or a
one-person operation, or they can be large companies with
thousands of employees, like an airline or a hotel chain.
Service Business
Services are intangible, value-added activities that a company
provides to its customers. They are the core of what a company
does to create value for its customers and generate revenue.

Services - Food and beverage industry, lodging industry, travel
and tourism industry etc.

CATERING the food they want will be
served for the people who will
next, the food will be
taken one after the
go to the event or eat and we
other and they will
will also take the customer's
this is for private parties or any event that have service or serve
suggestion on how it will be
food service businesses need this is online arranged or the venue and we food for them making
can also suggest if the sure that the customer
only on call only customers call for food
customer is having trouble will do nothing and the
service needs. they can get what they want thinking or organizing staff will only act
food and beautiful venue and beautiful event
because we are not only organizing food and

service here but also the whole event it is
good for big events.

they will be able to taste delicious or

the staff or those who provide service here famous food and the cooks here are
are careful and clean so the equipment is famous or talented chefs and these are
safe and does not get messy, there are also the ones they will pay here and they will
people here who show beautiful be good at organizing the event so their
payment here will be worth it
performances or they show beautiful designs
of food and organizing events
it is used by using online business it is only on call only
customers call before we go to the houses we will clean we it has a discount card that can be given
only post on social media to have customers. it's good for
people who don't have time to clean the house or it's hard
so that in case they have to clean
to clean the house and can't do it alone, this business is a again, they can pay less and it also has
big help for busy people and it's hard to clean the house so
a vip card, it means they have a
it's a good example for service business. it is assured that
the staff or those who work in this business are safe and will monthly fee to clean their house, so
not do anything bad because all the information of the they can get a discount and just pay it
worker or employee is given so that in case something
happens or an accident is known the information of the once within 1 year, the house will be
employee and knows who to go to and the name of the cleaned monthly them
business process
first they will call us to find out what will be cleaned and find out the
customer's information and our information so that everyone is safe and
then how much will the employees be paid and the area to be cleaned.
next, the equipment is ready for the house to be cleaned and the employees
are also assured that there is no dirt left in the house and that all the
cleaning equipment is complete and the perfumes so that the service is good
that can be seen by our customers and the attitudes of the employees are
sure to be good so that the customer is treated well and the payment is
good or will be given by the customer

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