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Grocery Shopping
1. Preparation.
What do you usually buy when you do the groceries?

2. Preparation. Vocabulary.
Match the following phrases with their correct definitions.

a. grill _____ someone very careful about choosing only what they like.

b. picky _____ it is not important what is; it makes no difference what (is).
_____ the surface in a cooker that can be heated to very high
c. steak
temperatures and under which you put food to be cooked.
d. stuff _____ a thick, flat piece of meat or fish.
_____ things that someone says or does, when you are referring
e. whatever
to them in a general way without saying exactly what they are.

3. Check your understanding. True or false.

Do this exercise while you listen. Circle true or false for these sentences.

a. The woman demands to see the receipt. true false

b. The woman says the dog is small as an ant and eats
true false
like one too.
c. The man bought 24 cans of pineapple juice. true false

d. The man says the steaks are a great source of energy. true false

e. The man describes the dog as peaky. true false

f. The woman threw the steaks into the refrigerator. true false
4. Check your understanding: multiple choice
Do this exercise while you listen. Tick the correct answer.

I. Why did the man buy dog food at the supermarket?

a) the product was on sale at b) their dog was hit by a c) The man adopts a dog
the supermarket. truck and needed food. from a stranger.

II. Why does he buy tomato juice?

a) he's trying to modify the way b) he wants to make a c) he plans on making a

he eats. vegetable drink. unique spaghetti sauce.

III. Which item did the man NOT buy?

a) a package of cookies b) some cans of tuna c) a carton of orange juice

IV. The woman is angry at the end of the conversation because…

a) there isn't any good food for b) the man is preparing c) the dog starts eating her
dinner steaks for the dog chocolate cake

V. Who is Herbert?

a) the couple’s child b) the dog c) the man

5. Check your understanding: fill the gaps

Do this exercise after you listen. Complete the sentences using the phrases in the box.

give me a
receipt can picky give away

a. Can you ____________________________________ to carry the food inside?

b. Could you buy me a __________________________ of tomato soup?
c. I like that supermarket because they always ________________________ samples of
the food they sell.
d. I couldn’t return the milk because I didn’t have the ______________________ to show
the store that I bought the milk there.
e. My kids are ____________________________ about what they eat, and they only want
to eat chocolate.

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