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1. Make a detailed summary of the video with the examples.

Parts of the
contents of this belong to unit 2.

Este video trata de un curso en el cual se están trabajando la gramática,

algunas estrategias, tics y nemotecnias que debemos saber para dominar el

Primera clase. El abecedario a diferencia de nuestro abecedario este solo

tiene 26 letras. No existe la “ll”, la “ñ” y la “ch”.

Pronunciación. A(ei), B(bi), C(ci), D(di), E(i), F(ef), G(yi), H(eich), I(ai), J(yei),
K(kei), L(el), M(em), N(en), O(ou), P(pi), Q(kiu), R(ar), S(es), T(ti), U(iu), V(vi),
W(dobliu), X(eks), Y(wai), Z(zi).

Los saludos. Los saludos más formales son: Good morning, Good afternoon,
good evening

Saludos un poco menos formales: Hi, hello, hey, how are you?, What´s up?,
how is it going?, how are you doing?, What´s new?.

Despedidas. Good bye, bye, bye-bye, see you, see you later, see you
tomorrow, see you soon, have a good day, have a nice day, good night, take
care and talk to you later.

El “el, la, los, las” en español son 4 y en inglés es solo una. The(de/di) cuando
inicia con un sonido vocálico suena di. Si se le agrega una s sigue sonando

El “A, An” Si inicia con una consonante se le agrega la “A”, entonces si no

termina en consonante se le agrega An.

El “This y These” Se utilizan para señalar algo cerca y el that es cuando es una
sola cosa y el these es en plural.

El “That y Those” Describir cosas alejadas. That en singular y those en plural

2. Write 6 introductions of other people, as they were explained in class.

You must make three presentations of men and 3 presentations. of

Good afternoon, this is my friend José, he is kind of shy, but he likes to make
friends, he likes to play soccer and sing, but the bad thing is that he lives very
far away.

Good afternoon, this is my friend Juan, he is kind of stupid, but he is a good

person, he likes to play soccer just like Jose and he lives near this place.

This is my other friend, the one who was in the bathroom, he is 21 years old
and single, and he is looking for a partner. He is very hard-working and a good
This is my cousin, her name is Sabrina, she is 19 years old, she is single, but
she doesn't want a partner at the moment because she is focused on her
studies. He likes to read books and watch Korean series.

This is my other cousin, her name is Crystal, she is 16 years old and she is also
single, but she is too young to be involved in those things. He also likes to read
books and watch Korean series.

This is my mother, she is 43 years old, her name is Keyla, but they call her
Charinny (her last name), she has been married to my father for 22 years. And
he likes to watch Turkish novels.

3. Make Be sentences in positive, negative and question forms as explained in


Ex. you/student

-You're a student. /You're not a student. / Are you a student? yes, I am-No, I'm

1. We/lawyers

We`re a Lawyer. / We`re not a lawyers. / Are we lawyers? Yes, we are. No, we

2. She/ an engineer

She`s an engineer. / She`s not an engineer. / Is she an engineer? Yes, she is.
No, she`s not.

3. Carol/Ecuadorian

She`s Ecuadorian. / She`s not Ecuadorian. / Is she Ecuadorian? Yes, she is.
No, she`s not.

4. Tom and Star/Irish

They`re Ecuadorian. / They`re not Ecuadorian. / Are they Ecuadorian? Yes,

they are. No, they`re not.

5. You and I/travel agents

We`re a travel agents. / We`re not a travel agents. / Are we travel agents? Yes,
we are. No, we`re not.

6. Sally/Puerto Rican
She`s Puerto Rican. / She`s not Puerto Rican. / Is she Puerto Rican? Yes, she
is. No, She`s not.

7. They/ Peruvian

They`re Peruvian. / They`re not Peruvian. / Are they Peruvian? Yes, they are.
No, they`re not.

8. Anthony/American

He`s American. / He`s not American. / Is he American? Yes, he is. No, he`s not.

9. Sylvia/a secretary

She`s a secretary. / She`s not a secretary. / Is she secretary? Yes, she is. No,
she`s not.

10. Donna/ Russian

She`s Russian. / She`s not Russian. / Is she Russian? Yes, she is. No, she`s

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