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Our next sign is most prominent

in the night sky during the
month of March. The sign is
Cancer and means “His
possessions held secure”.
Although Cancer, lying between
Leo and Gemini, is not difficult
to find, it does not have any
distinctive stars of its own.

There is a star cluster called Cancer’s accepted symbolism is a large

Praesepe, meaning “the crab, but if you consider the
multitudes” along with two other interpretation of its surrounding
stars but when the sky is not dark constellations and star meanings, this
they can be overlooked. depiction doesn’t seem to be accurate.

Kenneth C. Fleming, in his book “God’s voice in the stars” adds greater
accuracy to its meaning by comparing it to an “eastern Inn”. He agrees
this isn’t a certainty but is more credible and inline with Biblical thinking.

Other names for Cancer as followers...

Egyptian: “cattlefold”
Arabian: “who holds or binds”
Hebrew: “to bind or harness or
to hold or keep”,
Greek: “holding or encircling”.

The brightest star is Tegmine, meaning

“holding”, while another star Acubene
means “sheltering or hiding place”.

Another Arab interpretation is “kids or lambs” likely relating to Messianic

prophecy found in Isaiah 40:11 which says “He shall feed his flock like a
shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his
bosom and shall gently lead those that are with young”.

Considering these definitions and the explanations of its surrounding

constellations, his depiction of and Inn or place where travelers, with their
animals, would find shelter seems the logical definition.
This entire concept adds credibility in referring to the prophesied safe haven for
God’s people. Another integral part of the story of salvation.
We now come to our 12th. and final sign. Leo
the lion meaning, “His enemies destroyed”
includes many prominent stars which makes it
easy to identify after first time viewing.

We have come full circle beginning

with Virgo and its prophecy of the
seed of the women, and end in the
proper place with Leo crushing the
head of the enemy.
The same picture of the
destruction of evil one was
depicted with Hercules, Orion,
Ophiucus and now Leo.

The scriptures are also clear as to their reference of Jesus being the seed of the
women as mentioned in Genesis 3:15 and Christ being the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
To get a fuller revelation, let’s examine Leo’s stars and their meanings.

Regulus, the brightest star in the

constellation means “treading underfoot”.
Denebola, means “the judge who comes”.
Algiebha, means “the exhalation”.
Zozma, means “shining forth”, and
Minchar Alasad means “tearing of the

The symbolism is unmistakable in Leo. We see the prophecy of the

return of the conquering judge, the promised and victorious messiah.
Jesus Christ himself is coming very soon to take the redeemed home.
In Leo, we are seeing the last act being completed in the magnificent
story of salvation.

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