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Adam and Eve

Biblical texts on creation coupled with marriage are important

for gaining a biblical perspective. Genesis Two provides
material from which we can draw some conclusions that are
helpful in gaining insights into both males and females and
the institution of marriage.
Chapter Two of Genesis speaks of the creation of Adam and
Eve. Adam is formed from the ground whereas Eve is formed
from Adam. Eve was made from a bone that was removed
from Adam and indications are that it was a rib. Adam
exclaims she is bone of my bone. God performed surgery on
Adam including anaesthetising him and immediately healing
his post-operative incisions and excisions.
Moses inserts a comment about people leaving their parents to
be joined in marriage based on the bond that exists between a
male and a female which is derivative. This is why the
compatibility of male and female is so strong because females
originate from males. Although the bond between parent and
child is so strong as children owe their origin to their parents,
yet the principles of biblical anthropology express a far
stronger bond between a married couple.
What of secular concepts of evolution, genetics and the
consequential ethics that derive from science? Can biblical
anthropology lay the foundation for an alternative to secular
science? The answer is no! Trying to link or find points of
validation in science for scripture is an inappropriate
endeavour as scripture is true and literal but it is not a
scientific textbook and never should be distorted to
accommodate science. The reverse is true. Why reject science
or distort scientific evidence to accommodate scripture? Our
confidence in scripture is based on faith and not reason; faith
a product of the new birth of a new creation and a grace or
faculty that does not operate on scientific principles.
We must therefore always guard against this temptation and
rather operate from the basis that the bible is both true and
literal. Having set aside this bone of contention, it is
interesting to home in on and concentrate on one particular
point raised in this process. It is the assertion of Moses that a
person leaves his parents to marry a woman, the whole basis
being that a woman is biologically derived from a man and
therefore has the closest affinity to a man. Some teachers
claim that a man can see a woman as a mirror image of
himself. This has a truthful aspect. Yet something unique was
created from Adam to form a person who was derived from
man to demonstrate female dignity – she was created from a
person and not the ground - but also to compensate for his
lack of a suitable person to commune with. Therefore, God
created a woman from him, unique yet compatible.
Moses’ added comment illustrates a certain teleological aspect
to human creation. Men were to leave their parents – a mother
and a father indicating equal dignity for both genders in a
family unit – and join with another woman to create a family
of his own. This expectation does not mandate marriage for all
men and women – perhaps leaving one’s home might be for
many reasons nor does it preclude celibacy or the single life.
It is a generalized expectation of males and females
duplicating the biblical model in successive generations.
In this passage there is no mention of any prohibitions. No
negations regarding sexual preference, divorce, or a host of
ethical questions. It is a given that this is the biblical pattern
based on the original sinless model. It is later passages such as
the way this text is applied by Jesus to the issue of divorce,
that we have explicit evidence about the divine intention in
creating differentiated genders and Jesus’ commentary
clarifies the way this text should be understood regarding
monogamous lifetime marriage.
In Genesis Chapter Two regarding marriage, wife and woman
are synonymous terms in this passage and males are united
with a wife who is a partner for physical intimacy and this
person is a woman. This is a limitation that is placed upon
males with whom they can share such physical relations with.
It is considered a given. This is why at this stage there are no
sanctions or directions stipulated about regulating gender
preference. However, a male is limited to be joined to “his
wife” singular – the implication that such a bond precludes
polygamy or divorce. One male has one female/wife. As
stated earlier, this is not the exhaustive set of conditions by
which a male will leave his parents but it has significant
meaning in defining what constitutes independent adulthood
and when families become divided. Marriage is a significant
Marriage entails involves a woman taken from man and so
man takes a woman in marriage – it is a reflexive action and
also means for the woman that she is reunited with her
original source. These expressions could well be metaphorical
in nature regarding the creation process and as stated earlier
should not be used as a basis to construct scientific laws or
principles, but they hold profound spiritual meaning
especially when it is a representation of Christ and his
Church. Male retrieval of a missing part thus restores him to
his original creation form. He regains what was removed from
him by union with a woman or wife. Males become whole in
marriage, and this is not to develop a sense of proportion or
percentage of what a woman constitutes to a man regarding a
missing part, but the concept is important as to the
significance of marriage. For the male it consists of
wholeness, for the woman it consists in finding a compatible
soul mate because the man is the source material for the
unique construction of a woman thereby the affinity to a male
and a commonality is established.
Marriage is a blessing from God. It has limitations. Gender
choice, numerical limitations, and duration. However,
scripture clearly offers a justification for such an arrangement.
A male and female can fulfil their roles as becoming a mother
and father. Marriage means parenthood and grand parenthood
by implication. Marriage means a creational purpose is
fulfilled. This is why I was made! Marriage means physical
intimacy in a context approved by the Creator. Marriage
means for both genders finding wholeness for the male, and a
person who is a soulmate for the woman. Both genders are
unique creatures formed by God himself from different
sources. Together they constitute a united entity. This text
regulates male/female relationships but also upholds the
dignity of both genders and mutuality. It offers a rationale for
marriage which is foundational for developing social ethics
that regulate our society.

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