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Group members’ names and student numbers:

1. Sabrina Cahyaning Ranggitasari (V8123099)

5. Dhaffa Pinastiko Hannantyo (V8123119)

Group members’ contribution

Name Conribution to assignment
Sabrina Cahyaning Ranggitasari as Sabrina
Dhaffa Pinastiko Hannantyo as Tiko

Video script:
Sabrina: Hey, Tiko! How's your first semester of college going so far?

Tiko: Hi, Sab! It's been quite an adventure. I'm really enjoying my Higiene classes. Our
lecturer is so inspiring, and the discussions are thought-provoking.

Sabrina: That's great to hear! I can relate; my industrial psychology class is fantastic too. It's
like discovering a whole new world of ideas and perspectives.

Tiko: Absolutely! I never thought learning could be this exciting. It's fulfilling to explore
different subjects and expand our knowledge.

*Zahra, Viky walking in the corridor*

Tiko: Hi guys!

Sabrina: What happen Viky? it seems that lately you are not careful as usual what is wrong
with you

Viky: I'm fine, no problem

Zahra : Come on, just admit it.i know by seeing your face. we always together.

Tiko: Zahra is friends, we have to share the happiness and sadness one another

Viky: I'll tell you. but do you know where Wilo is?

Sabrina: she is seeing a lecturer in this office. why? is this about Wilo?
Viky: you are right. i feel guilty with her.

Zahra: have you done something wrong with fatma?

Viky: I have lost the book I borrowed from her. i do not know what I should say to her

Tiko: have you searched it carefully?

Viky: yes, I have. i've searched it everywhere.

Sabrina: so that is why you act weirdly when fatma is here?

Viky: yes, I'm counfused what should I say. i had promise to return the book tomorrow

Zahra: you have to say what really happened.

Tiko: true, it was not good to keep the problem and you have to say it soon

Viky: I'm still waiting for the right time to say it

Zahra: now, it is the right time

*Wilo comes*

Wilo: hi guys! Thanks for waiting. let's go to the cafeteria

Viky: hmmmm, Wilo sit down a minute!

Wilo: what's this? is there any problem?

Viky: I want to say something with you!

Wilo: what's that? just tell me

Viky: I am sorry. i have lost the book that I borrowed 2 days ago. i have been looking for
everywhere but still could not find it. i apologized and promise to buy new book for you.

Wilo: ohh so this is why you act weidly already lately!

Zahra: I also feel the same way.we're friends. you cannot hide it all

Viky: I also apologize to all of you.

Wilo: never mind! It is okay. i forgive you. anyway I could buy a new one
Viky: thanks Wilo, you do not need buy a new book. i have to be book in 3 days responsible.
i'll buy a new!

Wilo: okay. next time if you have problem you have to talk about it as soon as possible
because communication can resolve the problem.

Wilo: well problem has been resolve let's go ti the cafetaria

Zahra : come on!!!

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