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Deborah Baldini, Esther Ribeiro, Giovana Braga e Julia Cardia


2º slide:


MaiKadrao Tigray
•Alamata Gulf
Amhara DJIBOUTI ofAden




TheEconomist Where: the Tigray and Amhara

conflict in Ethiopia is located in the north region of the country.
The region is drained by the Tekeze and Gash rivers + imagens (

+ impo. = mapa)
3º slide: divisão em tópicos:
- Historical context
- Power players (who profits from the conflict and who loses)
- Populations
- Likely outcomes
- Rippling effects/concluison

4º slide: historical context

In 1975 the Tigray (Tigrayan) People’s Liberation Front began a protracted rebellion
against the military government. The conflict aggravated a disastrous drought and
famine between 1984 and 1985, which the government tried to ameliorate by forcibly
relocating hundreds of thousands of peasants to well-watered regions in the south and
An international outcry led to the suspension of that program, but by then it had led to
the deaths of some 100,000 people, and hundreds of thousands more sought refuge
from civil war and famine in Sudan and Djibouti. Tigray forces liberated the region in
1989 and supported the overthrow of the Ethiopian national government in 1991. Their
victory resulted in the replacement of an Amhara-dominated government with one led
by Tigray leaders, a source of continuing conflict throughout the 1990s.
Another source of conflict was disagreement regarding the border demarcation between
Ethiopia and neighbouring Eritrea, with both countries claiming areas in Tigray. Conflict
over the issue persisted into the 21st century.

5º slide:

Essa situação gerou problemas consideráveis para o governo central durante o

conflito com as forças do Tigray. Durante os dois anos de guerra, houve muitos relatos
de violência excessiva e violações aos direitos humanos que teriam sido cometidos
pelas forças militares etíopes contra os separatistas. A maior parte dessas atrocidades,
segundo o governo, teriam sido cometidas justamente por essas forças paramilitares

Para conter os abusos, o primeiro-ministro Abiy Ahmed anunciou, na semana passada,

que essas forças regionais seriam integradas no exército, ou na polícia. A medida
gerou protestos em todo o país, mas em Amhara as milícias reagiram com violência.

Abiy disse que a mudança é em prol da unidade nacional, mas os líderes e ativistas de
Amhara acusaram nos últimos meses o governo de fechar os olhos para as atrocidades
cometidas contra os amharas étnicos que vivem na região vizinha de Oromiya e de
planejar devolver o território capturado das forças Tigray.

6º slide: population
Tigray's rural population suffers from the impact of the crisis
and humanitarian neglect
Many of Tigray's six million people live in mountainous and
rural areas where they are virtually invisible to the outside
world. However, even with community patrols, many have not
had access to healthcare and other basic services for the past five
months and are still living in fear.

7- likely outcomes
increasing risk of widespread hunger...
The conflict has generated a humanitarian crisis that, according
to UN estimates, has put 400,000 people at risk of famine in
Tigray. More than two million people fled the region....

8- (resumo)
After the topics highlighted, it can be summarized that the war
in Ethiopia that began in 1975 centered on a separatist group in
the regions of Tigray and Amhara causing revolts and generating
armed conflicts with the involvement of the government of these
certain regions. Leaving destruction and fatalities in its wake.
9- References: ( videos)

Link videos:

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