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Barry, B. (2016). Teacher leadership & deeper learning for all students.

Center for Teacher Quality

Berry’s (2016) explored the important connection between teacher leadership
and the idea of deeper learning. The setting was schools in the state of
California. There were three overall highlights. First, the author suggested a
deeper learning promise tries to go beyond using the most basic skills and try
to promote creativity and critical thinking. Second, the paper stresses the
importance of teacher leadership as a mindset and stance, rather than just
formal roles. Last, online networks today make it easy for teachers to be able
to connect and collaborate with each other. This literature is related to CSTP 1
in that it engages and supports all students in learning. As a teacher leader,
this article reminds me that I should be aware that teacher leadership is
connected to deeper learning for all student success.

Calderone, S., Kent, A., & Green, A. (2016). Teacher Leaders and Student
Achievement: can the dots be connected? Revista Eletrônica de
Educação, 12.

Calderone, Kent, and Green (2016) explored that impact teacher leadership has
on student success in math and science at the middle school level. The data
was taken from 173 eighth grade students and eight teachers, four of those
being teacher leaders. The findings were that in the advanced science and
math courses there was a strong correlation between teacher leaders and
higher class scores. This literature is related to CSTP 1 in that it also engages
and supports all students in learning. As a teacher leader, this article reminds
me that teacher leadership can positively impact student success.

Both works recognize the importance of teacher leadership. The differences
occur in regard to their overall focus. Berry’s piece stresses the broader
perspective of deeper learning while Calderone, Kent, and Green reviews
specific effects on student success by using actual data. Both emphasize the
importance teacher leaders have on student success and, possibly, creating
change in a school for the better.

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