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Fixed TDD LTE upgrades: Mobile LTE upgrades

Huawei 710 sites - 1180 sectors Huawei: 710 sites - 1100 sectors
Upgrade type Sector count Upgrade Type
Carrier Addition 840 New Sector
Massive MIMO conversions 340 L18 Split
Total 1180 L21
L21 Massive MIMO
L18 Massive MIMO
L18 + L21 Massive MIMO
L26 (With Split revert)

Mobile 4G only

Upgrade Type VENDOR
Phy Optim

New Sector E and H 4 0%

L18 Split E and H 6 10%
L21 E and H 396 30%
L21 Massive MIMO H 11 30%
L18 Massive MIMO H 167 0%
L18 + L21 Massive MIMO H 13 0%
L26 E and H 1341 30%
L26 (With Split revert) E and H 25 50%
L18 4Split E 127 0%
L18 4Split + L21 E 190 15%
Carrier Addition H 840 10%
Massive MIMO conversions H 340 40%
Just change the value of %age as per Upgarde
Number of Sector to Sites Assumption : 58.35%
Mobile LTE upgrades
Ericsson: 600 sites - 1180 sectors
Sector Count Upgrade Type Sector Count
1 New Sector 3
3 L18 Split 3
133 L21 263
11 L18 4Split 127
167 L18 4Split + L21 190
13 L26 576
765 L26 (With Split revert) 18
7 Grand Total 1180

Mobile 4G only Mobile 2G/3G/4G

Radio Optim No Optim Phy Optim and Phy Optim Radio Optim
Radio Optim
0% 0% 0% 50% 10%
10% 0% 10% 15% 30%
60% 10% 0% 0% 0%
50% 0% 20% 0% 0%
0% 0% 0% 30% 55%
0% 0% 0% 40% 45%
40% 10% 20% 0% 0%
30% 0% 20% 0% 0%
0% 0% 0% 50% 30%
30% 0% 10% 5% 20%
70% 0% 20% 0% 0%
40% 0% 20% 0% 0%

alue of %age as per Upgarde crietria and you will get number of sites with Phy, Radio and NO Optim
to Sites Assumption : 58.35%
Number of sector
e 2G/3G/4G 1

BOTH Optimization on / Scenario (Sites which need

No Optim Phy Optim and Radio Physical Network
Optim Tuning, SLA 12 days)

0% 40% 100% Mobile 4G only 566

5% 20% 100% Mobile 2G/3G/4G 131.2
0% 0% 100% Fixed LTE TDD 220
0% 0% 100%
0% 15% 100% Price per site in USD for physical activities based on Work Order
0% 15% 100% Activity type / Site location Number of sites
0% 0% 100% Antena optimization 1038
0% 0% 100% Installation verification 519
0% 20% 100%
0% 20% 100%
0% 0% 100%
0% 0% 100%

d NO Optim
Number of sector
2 3 4

(Sites which need Radio (Sites which become (Sites which become
Parameter Tuning, SLA 11 Acceptable after Initial Acceptable after Radio and
days) Monitoring, SLA 5 days) Phy Optim Both

844.6 173.7 295 1879

176 0.3 93.2 401
724 0 236 1180

D for physical activities based on Work Order


Number of sites
1 2 3 4
Optimization on / Scenario (Sites which become
(Sites which need Physical (Sites which need Radio become
Acceptable after
Network Tuning, SLA 12 Parameter Tuning, SLA Acceptable
Initial Monitoring,
days) 11 days) after Radio
SLA 5 days)
and Phy
Optim Both
Mobile 4G only 330 493 101 172 1097
Mobile 2G/3G/4G 77 103 0 54 234
Fixed LTE TDD 128 423 0 138 689

Price per site in USD for physical activities based on Work Order
Activity type / Site location Number of sites
Antena optimization 497
Installation verification 248
Actions Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6
Site On Air
KPI Monitoring
24 Hour Report
Installation Verification Report
Sector swap checking in field and from MDT
Coverage evaluation (MDT)
3-Day SSO Report
SSO Report Feedback
Issue analysis and solution proposal
Solution Confirmation
Physical Optimization
KPI monitoring & final SSO report
SSO Acceptance


Actions Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6
Site On Air
KPI Monitoring
24 Hour Report
Installation Verification Report
Sector swap checking in field and from MDT
Coverage evaluation (MDT)
3-Day SSO Report
SSO Report Feedback
Issue analysis and solution proposal
Solution Confirmation
Radio parameter Optimization
KPI monitoring & final SSO report
SSO Acceptance

Actions Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Responsibility
Site On Air
KPI Monitoring SSO Vendor
24 Hour Report SSO Vendor
Installation Verification Report SSO Vendor
Sector swap checking in field and from MDT SSO Vendor
Coverage evaluation (MDT) SSO Vendor
3-Day SSO Report SSO Vendor
SSO Acceptance Dialog
Actions Day 0 Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6
Site On Air
KPI Monitoring
24 Hour Report
Installation Verification Report
Sector swap checking in field and from MDT
Coverage evaluation (MDT)
3-Day SSO Report
SSO Report Feedback
Issue analysis and solution proposal
Solution Confirmation
Radio parameter Optimization
Sector swap checking in field and from MDT
Coverage evaluation (MDT)
Physical Optimization
KPI monitoring & final SSO report
SSO Acceptance
Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Responsibility

SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor

Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Responsibility

SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Day 11 Day 12 Day 13 Day 14 Day 15 Responsibility

SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor
SSO Vendor

SSO Vendor
KPI Hourly New Cell Hourly Sector
RRC User Num >0 >0
Max DL Traffic Volume (GB) >0.1 >5
Max UL Traffic Volume (GB) >0 >0
DL User Throughput (kbps) >= 2000 >=2000
UL User Throughput (kbps) >= 1000 for Huawei|>=300 for Ericsson >=700 for Huawei | >=200 for Ericsson
Average CQI >8 >7
Max DL PRB Utilization >20% >50%
RRC Connection Setup Fail Rate < 0.5 % <1%
ERAB Setup Fail Rate% < 0.5 % <1%
ERAB Drop Rate% < 0.5 % <1%
VoLTE Drop Rate < 0.5 % <1%
DL Rank 2 >0 >0 for all the cells I the sector
UL Interference (dBm) <-100 <-100
CSFB E2W Count >0 >0 for all the cells in the sector
CSFB E2G Count >0 >0 for all the cells in the sector
SRVCC Execution Success Count >0 >0 for all the cells in the sector
PS Redirection >0 >0 for all the cells in the sector
Inter-Freq Load HO Attempts >0 >0 for all the cells except L900
Fixed Hourly Sector 2G Hourly Sector
DL Traffic Volume (GB) >5 Voice Traffic (Erl) >0.5
UL Traffic Volume (GB) >0 DL Data Traffic (MB) >10
Max DL User Throughput (kbps) >2000 Call Setup Fail Rate <2
UL User Throughput (kbps) 700 for Huawei | 200 for Ericsson Call Drop Rate <2
Average CQI >7
UL Interference (dBm) <-100
RRC Connection Setup Fail Rate <1
ERAB Setup Fail Rate <1
ERAB Drop Rate <1
DL Rank 2 % >0
3G Hourly Sector
AMR Traffic Volume (Erl) >1
HSDPA Traffic Volume (MB) >100
Mean RTWP (dBm)(dBm) <-100
HSDPA User Throughput(kbps) >500
AMR Drop Rate <1
AMR RAB Setup Fail Rate <2
Fixed Hourly New Cell Hourly Sector
RRC User Num >0 >0
Max DL Traffic Volume (GB) >0.1 >5
Max UL Traffic Volume (GB) >0 >0
DL User Throughput (kbps) >= 2000 >2000
UL User Throughput (kbps) >= 1000 for Huawei| >=300 for Ericsson 700 for Huawei | 200 for Ericsson
Average CQI >8 >7
UL Interference (dBm) <-100 <-100
Max DL PRB Utilization >20% >50%
RRC Connection Setup Fail Rate < 0.5 <1
ERAB Setup Fail Rate < 0.5 <1
ERAB Drop Rate < 0.5 <1
VoLTE Drop Rate < 0.5 <1
DL Rank 2 % >0 >0 for all the cells in the sector
CA SCell Activation Attempts >0 >0 for all the cells in the sector
Inter-Freq Load HO Attempts >0 >0 for all the cells in the sector
Mobile Hourly Sector 2G Hourly Sector
DL Traffic Volume (GB) >0.1 Voice Traffic (Erl) >0.5
UL Traffic Volume (GB) >0.1 DL Data Traffic (MB) >10
Max DL User Throughput (kbps) >= 2000 Call Setup Fail Rate <2
RRC Connection Setup Fail Rate% <1% Call Drop Rate <2
ERAB Setup Fail Rate <1%
ERAB Drop Rate < 0.5 %
DL Rank 2 >0
UL Interference (dBm) <-100 dBm
3G Hourly Sector
AMR Traffic Volume (Erl) >1
HSDPA Traffic Volume (MB) >100
Mean RTWP (dBm)(dBm) <-100
HSDPA User Throughput(kbps) >500
AMR Drop Rate <1
AMR RAB Setup Fail Rate <2
Mobile Sector New Cell
Fixed No degradation <0.5%
RRC Connection Setup Fail Rate No degradation <0.5%
ERAB Setup Fail Rate No degradation <0.5%
VOIP ERAB Setup Fail Rate No degradation <1%
Intra-Frequency Handover Out Fail Rate No degradation <1%
Inter-Frequency Handover Out Fail Rate No degradation <1%
Incoming HO Fail Rate No degradation <0.5%
Service Drop Rate No degradation <0.5%
VoIP Drop Rate No degradation >4M
DL User Throughput (Mbps) No degradation >1M

DL throughput Gain + Traffic

Traffic & Throughput Gain Gain> (Incremental BW *0.8)

RRC user number No degradation >10

DL Traffic Volume (GB) No degradation >5
UL Traffic Volume (GB) No degradation >1
VoLTE Traffic (Erl) No degradation >1
DL Cell Throughput (Mbps) >10% Gain
UL Cell Throughput (Mbps) No degradation
Average CQI No degradation >9
UL Interference No degradation <-110
RB Utilization >10% reduction >20%
Average TA <10% variation
MLB functionality >0 for all cells Except L900
CA functionality >0 for all cells
CSFB Prep Fail Rate No degradation
SRVCC, PS Release with redirect Fail Rate No degradation
Coverage comparison using MDT >80% Grid RSRP satisfaction
RET configuration Configuration Check
Throughput Imbalance Max-Min=20%
Average RSRP
DL SE (bits/Hz/s) No degradation >1.5

L2600 Traffic >(1800+2100

Traffic * Band 41 support UE
L2600 Traffic Capture Rate* Penetration * MR % of RSRP>-

QCI (7,8,9) satisfactions ratio No degradation

FOR L2600 Upgrade Only
TDD Sector 3G

RRC Connection Setup Fail Rate No degradation Voice call Drop Rate
ERAB Setup Fail Rate No degradation Voice RAB Setup Fail Rate
VOIP ERAB Setup Fail Rate No degradation Voice traffic volume
Intra-Frequency Handover Out Fail Rate No degradation RRC Setup Fail Rate
Inter-Frequency Handover Out Fail Rate No degradation HSDPA RAB setup fail rate
Incoming HO Fail Rate No degradation HSDPA traffic volume
Service Drop Rate No degradation HSUPA Traffic volume
VoIP Drop Rate No degradation HSDPA Throughput (Mbps)
DL User Throughput (Mbps) No degradation RTWP
UL User Throughput (Mbps) No degradation Propagation Delay

RRC user number No degradation HO In Success Rate

DL Traffic Volume No degradation Intra-frequency HO Out Fail Rate

UL Traffic Volume No degradation Inter-frequency HO Out Fail Rate
VoLTE Traffic (Erl) No degradation IRAT HO Fail Rate
DL Cell throughput No degradation
UL Cell Throughput No degradation
Average CQI No degradation
UL Interference No degradation
RB Utilization No degradation
Average TA <10% Variation
RET configuration Configuration Check
Average RSRP No degradation
DL SE (bits/Hz/s) No degradation
QCI (7,8,9) satisfactions ratio No degradation
Sector 2G Sector

No degradation Call Drop Rate No degradation

No degradation Call Setup Fail Rate No degradation
No degradation Voice Traffic Volume No degradation
No degradation GPRS DL+UL Traffic Volume <10% Variation
No degradation TCH Assign Congestion Rate No degradation
<10% Variation Mean Distance No degradation
<10% Variation Mean DL Quality No degradation
No degradation Mean UL Quality No degradation
<2dB Degradation SDCCH Drop Rate No degradation
<10% Variation DL TBF Setup Fail rate No degradation

No degradation UL TBF Setup Fail rate No degradation

No degradation DL TBF Drop Rate No degradation

No degradation UL TBF Drop Rate No degradation
No degradation Incoming HO Fail Rate No degradation
Outgoing HO Fail Rate No degradation
Incoming IRAT HO Fail Rate No degradation
Idle Band Interference Band>2 % No degradation
Fixed Sector New Cell
RRC Connection Setup Fail Rate No degradation <0.5%
ERAB Setup Fail Rate No degradation <0.5%
VOIP ERAB Setup Fail Rate No degradation <0.5%
Intra-Frequency Handover Out Fail Rate No degradation <1%
Inter-Frequency Handover Out Fail Rate No degradation <1%
Incoming HO Fail Rate No degradation <1%
Service Drop Rate No degradation <0.5%
VoIP Drop Rate No degradation <0.5%
DL User Throughput (Mbps) No degradation >4M
UL User Throughput (Mbps) No degradation >1M

Traffic & Throughput Gain DL throughput Gain + Traffic Gain>

(Incremental BW *0.8)
RRC user number No degradation >10
DL Traffic Volume (GB) No degradation >5
UL Traffic Volume (GB) No degradation >1
VoLTE Traffic (Erl) No degradation
DL Cell Throughput (Mbps) >10% Gain
UL Cell Throughput (Mbps) No degradation
Average CQI No degradation >9
UL Interference No degradation <-110
RB Utilization >10% reduction >20%
Average TA <10% variation
MLB functionality >0 for all cells
CA functionality >0 for all cells or Configuration Check
RET Configuration Configuration Check
Throughput Imbalance Max-Min=20%
Average RSRP Monitoring
DL SE (bits/Hz/s) No degradation
MU BF Pairing PRB Ratio % (MM only) No degradation >0
TM7 Ratio (MM/8T8R/4T4R) No degradation >0
TM8 Ratio (MM/8T8R/4T4R) No degradation >0
UpPTS Interference(dBm) No degradation < -110
SRS < -8dB Ratio (MM only) No degradation <30
CSFB attempts Should be 0
Mobile Sector 3G

RRC Connection Setup Fail Rate No degradation Voice call drop rate
ERAB Setup Fail Rate No degradation Voice RAB setup Fail rate
VOIP ERAB Setup Fail Rate No degradation Voice traffic volume
Intra-Frequency Handover Out Fail Rate No degradation RRC setup fail rate
Inter-Frequency Handover Out Fail Rate No degradation HSDPA RAB setup fail rate
Incoming HO Fail Rate No degradation HSDPA traffic volume
Service Drop Rate No degradation HSUPA Traffic volume
VoIP Drop Rate No degradation HSDPA Throughput (Mbps)
DL User Throughput (Mbps) No degradation RTWP
UL User Throughput (Mbps) No degradation Propagation Delay

RRC user number No degradation HO In Fail Rate

DL Traffic Volume No degradation Intra-frequency HO Out Fail Rate

UL Traffic Volume No degradation Inter-frequency HO Out Fail Rate
VoLTE Traffic (Erl) No degradation IRAT HO Fail Rate
DL Cell Throughput No degradation
UL Cell Throughput No degradation
Average CQI No degradation
UL Interference No degradation
RB Utilization No degradation
Average TA <10% Variation
RET configuration Configuration Check
Average RSRP Monitoring
DL SE (bits/Hz/s) Monitoring
QCI (7,8,9) satisfactions ratio Monitoring
Sector 2G Sector

No degradation Call Drop Rate No degradation

No degradation Call Setup Fail Rate No degradation
No degradation Voice Traffic Volume No degradation
No degradation GPRS DL+UL Traffic Volume No degradation
No degradation TCH Assign Congestion Rate No degradation
No degradation Mean Distance <10% Variation
No degradation Mean DL Quality No degradation
No degradation Mean UL Quality No degradation
<2dB Degradation SDCCH Drop Rate No degradation
<10% Variation DL TBF Setup Fail rate No degradation

No degradation UL TBF Setup Fail rate No degradation

No degradation DL TBF Drop Rate No degradation

No degradation UL TBF Drop Rate No degradation
No degradation Incoming HO Fail Rate No degradation
Outgoing HO Fail Rate No degradation
Incoming IRAT HO Fail Rate No degradation
Idle Band Interference Band>2 % No degradation

Upgrade Antenna SSO Upgraded

Sector ID Site Upgrade Type
pending modification indented date

L1800 refarm/ L2100

refarm/ L1800
TM0001@1 Y/N MMIMO/L2600/ Split Y/N Y/N Date

Upgrade completed,
3 Day SSO 3 Day SSO Optimized Optimization not Optimization Remarks/ reason
completed -
Report Date Feedback Date date completed & SLA category for SLA violation
SLA Achieved

mod/Logical para
Date Date Y/N Date Y/N mod/Physical NW

Sector ID Site Upgrade pending Upgrade Type

Carrier addition/MMIMO
conversion/Carrier addition with
TM0010@1 Y/N
adding RRUs for existing MMIMO
Upgrade completed,
Antenna Optmization not
SSO indented Upgraded date completed -SLA Optimized date
modification completed & SLA

Y/N Y/N Date Y/N Date Y/N

Remarks/ reason for
Optmization category
SLA violation

Minimum mod/Logical para

mod/Physical NW mod

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