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Prime Minister Hun Sen and British Ambassador to Cambodia, H.E. Tina Redshaw
Credit: Office of Cabinet of Ministers, Cambodia


by Vanndasambath CHHUON
05 May 2022

The Kingdom of Cambodia and the United British researchers. This paper aims to provide
Kingdom (UK) have had diplomatic relations for the readers with an understanding of the
almost seven decades since its establishment history, the current and future relationship
on May 05, 1953. This year marks the 69th between Cambodia and the UK, and especially
anniversary of diplomatic relations between the the recent prominent presence of the UK in
two countries. Cambodia and ASEAN as the new era to
strengthen thier greater relations than ever.
In the past, diplomatic relations between the
two kingdoms could be described as “not History of the Cambodia-United Kingdom
intentionally cut-off but complicated”.
Diplomatic Relations
However, in the 21st century, the relations
Cambodia-UK relations were first established in
between their relations have shifted to a
1953 after Cambodia gained independence
brighter path, reflecting the cooperation in
from France. In the early stages, relations
many areas, both bilateral and multilateral.
between the two countries overlapped in many
areas, especially on the long-term goals of
Due to the relationship between both countries
Prince Norodom Sihanouk and Britain’s
received little research from the Cambodian and
objective of Cambodia’s neutrality during the

1. Interview with the Second Secretary of the Royal Embassy of Cambodia 2. Nicholas Tarling, "Britain and Sihanouk's Cambodia", NUS Press
to the United Kingdom, Mr. Honglim Ti, Vanndasambath Chhuon, July 25, Singapore, (2014), p.04.

Afterward, from the late 1960s to the 1980s, Nevertheless, there is not much information
thier relationship faced challenges. The that has been gone through to explain this
Cambodian side gradually shifted from period.
neutrality toward communism. At the same
time, the British faced difficulties in taking a After the Khmer Rouge took control of the
sympathetic role and remained reluctant to majority of Cambodia’s countryside, the British
entertain Cambodia’s territorial integrity and Ambassador was arranged to leave Cambodia
denounce their allies such as Thailand and for the second time.8

South Vietnam. 3

On March 21, 1975, the British Embassy in

On March 11, 1964, the British Embassy in Cambodia was closed until 1993. In this regard,
Phnom Penh was attacked and the British
the relationship between Cambodia and the UK
Ambassador was forced to withdraw from his from 1975 to 1979 did not appear to have
residence. At that time, British Chargé d’Affaires much information.
in Phnom Penh, Leslie Fielding suggested that
the UK should stay in Phnom Penh for another In late 1979, Cambodia and UK went into the
year, if the UK-Cambodia ties did not improve level of the non-diplomatic period when the
later in a year, they would consider closing the British Government under Prime Minister
embassy.5 According to the British Ambassador Margaret Thatcher decided to withdraw its
to Cambodia, Peter Murray, this violence could recognition of the inhumane Khmer Rouge
happen because the UK, alongside the United regime. At the same time, the British

States undermined the proposal of the Government decided not to make any formal
conference to work on the respect for relations with the People’s Republic of
Cambodia's neutrality made by Prince Sihanouk. 6
Kampuchea as they considered that the
Vietnamese were behind the regime and
Except for the year 1970, their relations have occupied Cambodia. 11

seemed to change. The South East Asia

Department of FCO (SEAD) on April 23, 1970, Although the Cambodia-UK official ties were
instructed the British Foreign Secretary, the Rt withdrawn, the non-diplomatic relations
Hon Michael Stewart MP to do everything continued to play an important role in
possible to help stabilize the situation in unofficially connecting both countries. Most of
Cambodia so that Cambodia could maintain its the talks and discussions were conducted
independence while the Lon Nol government through the Coalition Government of
remained in power. 7
Democratic Kampuchea, led by Prince Sihanouk

3. Telegram, 25.8.62, Murray/Warner, 28.8.62. FO 371/166695 [DU 8. Sir Alec Douglas-Home, the Secretary of State for FCA, Hansard, the
2231/12], based on Nicholas Tarling, "Britain and Sihanouk's Cambodia", House of Commons, Debate on Phnom Penh, Volume 860, July 25, 1973.
NUS Press Singapore, (2014), p.59.
9. Mr. James Callaghan, the Secretary of State for FCA, Hansard, the House
4. Realities, 14.3.64, pp.4ff, based on Nicholas Tarling, "Britain and of Commons, Debate on Phnom Penh, Volume 890, April 17, 1975.
Sihanouk's Cambodia", NUS Press Singapore, (2014), p.175.
10. Telegram, 29.11.79, 721, FCO, the Margaret Thatcher Foundation.
5. Nicholas Tarling, "Britain and Sihanouk's Cambodia", NUS Press
Singapore, (2014), p.249. 11. Ibid.

6. Telegram, 12.3.64, 251 based on Nicholas Tarling, "Britain and 12. Mr. Tim Eggar, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for FCA,
Sihanouk's Cambodia", NUS Press Singapore, (2014), p.176. Hansard, the House of Commons, Debate on Cambodia, Volume 130,
March 30, 1988.
7. Nicholas Tarling, "Britain and Sihanouk's Cambodia", NUS Press
Singapore, (2014), p.318.

to find a way to a Comprehensive Political On August 7, 1988, UK Prime Minister
Settlement in Cambodia and the Paris Peace Margaret Matcher paid her official visit to Site
Agreement in 1991. In that regard, Prince B Sihanouk Refugee Camp in Thailand along
Sihanouk and the UK have shared a common with Prince Sihanouk. The British, however,
goal of restoring an effective and peaceful were still concerned over the unwillingness of
outlook on Cambodia through free and fair the Khmer Rouge to cooperate with the United
elections without foreign interference. 12
Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia
(UNTAC). The UK has also sent 38 military

Cambodia based on Prince Sihanouk has also observers, 13 mine clearance training experts,
favored seeing any resolutions obliging foreign and 70 Royal Navy and Royal Marines
forces to withdraw completely from Cambodia personnel to act as naval monitors for the
and giving only the Cambodian people the operation.17
right to choose and determine their policy. The
British's policy favored maintaining her After a difficult time went through, the
continuing to pressure the Vietnamese to relations between Cambodia and the UK were
withdraw from Cambodia and limiting any role then turned into a more positive image on the
of the Khmer Rouge in the settlement to find a return of the UK mission in Cambodia in 1991,
new government in the future and not attained and later by the reopened of the British
through force of arms.15
Embassy in Phnom Penh in 1993.



Prince Norodom Sihanouk
Norodom Sihanouk and and British
British Prime Prime
MargaretMargaret Thatcher,
Thatcher, Site B RefugeeSite B Refugee
Camp, on AugustCamp,
07, 1988on August 07, 1988
Credit: GettyImages/Krapit
Credit: Getty Images/Krapit Phanvut

12. Mr. Tim Eggar, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for FCA, 15. Mr. Tim Sainsbury, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary for FCA,
Hansard, the House of Commons, Debate on Cambodia, Volume 130, Hansard, the House of Commons, Volume 176, July 09, 1990.
March 30, 1988.
16. Mr. Alistair Goodlad, the Minister of State for FCO, Hansard, the
13. Read out the letter of King Sihanouk sent to Prime Minister Magaret House of Commons, Debate on Cambodia, Volume 208, June 03, 1992.
Credit: GettyImages/Krapit Phanvut
Thatcher, the Margaret Thatcher Foundation, September 10, 1983.
17. Mr. Malcolm Rifkind, the Secretary of State for Defense, Hansard, the
14. 'UK Policy Toward the World', the Margaret Thatcher Foundation, July House of Commons, Debate on Cambodia, Volume 212, October 27, 1992.
21, 1988.

In support of the reconstruction before and Moreover, the UK is one of the most generous
after the installation of the new government in sponsors of the Extraordinary Chamber in the
Cambodia, British Government has supported Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) which amounted to
millions of pounds in humanitarian and $3.7 million since its inception in 2006.23

development assistance, grassroots projects,

UNHCR repatriation programmes, WHO
programmes, English language training, and
water supply projects in rural areas.18

Until May 1998, the Minister of State for the

Middle East, North African and South Asia, Rt.
Hon Derek Fatchett MP undertook a trip to visit
Cambodia to strengthen the relations between
the two countries. Later, in November 2001,

the British Foreign Minister, Rt. Hon Jack Straw Samdech Hun Sen and the British Minister of State Rt Hon. Derek Fatchett MP on May 19, 1988
Credit: Cambodian New Vision

MP, wrote a letter to push the Cambodian

government to reopen an embassy in London, 20

Cambodia and the United Kingdom into

and it was waiting until 2004 that the
the 69th Anniversary of Diplomatic
Cambodian Embassy was reopened in London.
H.E. Hor Nambora was the first Cambodian
Ambassador to the UK after the embassy was
This year, Cambodia and the UK entered the
abolished in 1975. 21

69th anniversary of their diplomatic relations.

From 1993 onwards, the Cambodia-UK With nearly seven decades of mutual
relations have become slightly smaller because engagement, the two countries have faced
most trade, investment, and political lobbying both ups and downs along the way. However,
activities took place on behalf of the European the baggage of the past did not determine
Union (EU) framework. 22 their hardship in building up their future
relations. The years 2021 and 2022 have
From the 2000s to the 2010s, even though become special years that change their
relations between both countries did not show diplomatic relations like never before.
significant milestones in political engagement,
the UK remained an important partner in terms On June 23, 2021, Cambodia welcomed the
of trade with Cambodia, especially the imports official visit of the Rt Hon Dominic Raab MP, in
of garments and footwear products. In his former position as the Secretary of State for
addition, the UK has supported Cambodia's Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development
social development assistance in many areas Affairs and First Secretary of State of the
including environment, good governance, United Kingdom after the absence of a high
democracy, human rights, health, volunteerism, representative from the UK in Cambodia for
education, child protection, demining, and almost three decades.
on August 07, 1988

18. Mr. Alastair Goodlad, Minister of State for FCO, Hansard, the House of 21. Hor Nambora, "Journey of a Down-To-Earth Diplomat", PT Gramedia
Commons, Debate on Cambodia, Volume 224, May 06, 1993. Jakarta, (2019). Credit: GettyImages/Krapit Phanvu

22. James Brooke, "Britain Punches Above Its Weight in Cambodia, Khmer
19. Cambodia New Vision, the Cabinet of Samdech Hun Sen, Issue 06,
Times, December 15, 2014.
May 1998.
23. Extraordinary Chambers in the Court of Cambodia (ECCC).
20. Mr. Ben Bradshaw, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for
FCA, Hansard, the Written Answers on Cambodia for May 09, 2002.

The intention of this visit was to promote and Strengthen economic relations with the UK is a
strengthen bilateral and multilateral key strategy for the Cambodia Government in
cooperation between Cambodia and the UK in expanding their economic diplomacy efficient
many areas, and a keen interest in establishing collaboration and achieving the economic
the Dialogue Relations with ASEAN. In a national development and Cambodia’s 2022
concerted effort, the UK became the 11th Priority Economic Deliverables (PEDs) that
ASEAN Dialogue Partner on August 05, 2021, align with the UK's Priorities on economic
which is the first time in 25 years after ambition and commitment to Cambodia, as 25

ASEAN’s moratorium on the third countries to well as the outcome of the ASEAN-UK Joint
become its highest level of partnership. Ministerial Declaration on Future Economic
Cooperation that set out with ASEAN member
Here below are the specific discussion on states to form the basis of future economic
Cambodia and the UK on economic and trade, engagement and post-COVID-19 Recovery. 26

social development, and political security

scopes. Based on Former British Foreign Secretary of
State, Dominic Raab, the UK are optimistic
Economic and Trade about a good spirit in the future and potential
relations with Cambodia for partnership and
Cambodia has been a key export partner to the cooperation on increasing trade and corporate
UK, with a total worth about £7.3 billion in this investments and plans in the post-pandemic. 27

last decade. Cambodia's Government has also

currently working and welcoming to seize its Notedly, on December 17, 2020, the British
cooperation and agreement to develop Government enforced the independent UK
stronger trade relations with the UK. Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) on


Foreign Minister H.E. Prak Sokhonn and British Ambassador to Cambodia, H.E. Tina Redshaw, discuss the UK's GSP on Cambodia, on December 17, 2020
Credit: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Cambodia

24. Cambodia's 2022 Priority Economic Deliverables (PEDs) 26. Joint Ministerial Declaration on Future Economic Cooperation
Credit: GettyImages/Krapit Phanvut between ASEAN and the UK, ASEAN .

25. "Cambodia, UK to tighten bilateral trade cooperation", Khmer Times, 27. Exclusive Interview with the former Foreign Secretay of State for
April 07, 2022. FCDO, Rt. Hon. Dominic Raab MP, during his visit to Phnom Penh, Sao
Phal Niseiy, the Cambodianess, June 23, 2021.

Cambodia intended to assist the economic In the field of education, the Cambodian and
impact of COVID-19 and increase a major British Government has worked and
opportunity and commitment to growing free collaborated closely together to promote
and fair trade with Cambodia through the UK STEM education by being key partners with
Developing Countries Trading Scheme (DCTS) STEM Cambodia and STEM Sisters. Besides,
by not replicating the EU’s partial withdrawal the UK also focuses on supporting the
of Everything But Arms (EBA). Technical and Vocational Education and
Training (TVET) programs to encourage
The UK is also working to enhance Cambodian Cambodian young people, to improve their
women toward entrepreneurship and workforce skills for those who might not have
leadership to hand a significant impact on received higher education. At the same time,
society. 29
they also continue to provide the Chevening
Scholarships to Cambodian students to further
Total Trade
(Million £)
UK Imports from
Cambodia (Million £)
UK Exports to
Cambodia (Million £)
their opportunities for a master's degree.

2012 479 459 20

In terms of the environment, both countries
2013 587 557 30
recognized many common areas of
2014 666 642 24
collaboration interest. With the launch of
2015 805 771 34 Cambodia’s Long-Term Strategy for Carbon
2016 903 873 30 Neutrality by 2050, it is demonstrated that
2017 1002 944 58 Cambodia is now in a good position with the
892 67
UK Net Zero Strategy and COP 26 Ambition.
2018 959
Likewise, Cambodia has worked in hand with
2019 1080 953 127
the British Government in attaches of their
2020 746 665 81
great support for the climate change, green
Q3 of 2021 535 97
transitions, biodiversity conservative, from the
Figure 1: shows the trade amounts within the last five years from 2012 to Q3 of 2021 range of financing to projects and technical
between both kingdoms. 30
consultations to working and discussing with
Social Development the government in policy development and

From the 1990s until the present. Cambodia

has received support from the UK in many
sectors such as Science, Technology,
Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM),
education (including Chevening Scholarships),
environment, conservation, woman
empowerment in entrepreneurship, and
promoting human rights. 31

CMAA's Vice President H.E. Ly Thuch and British Ambassador to Cambodia, H.E. Tina Redshaw on the launch of the new DFID
Credit: British Embassy in Cambodia

28. Press Release, the British Embassy in Cambodia on July 19, 2021, 30. Data from UK Trade and Investment Factsheets, last updated on
based on Thou Vireak, "New UK trade rule to profit exporters, the Phnom April 14, 2022.
Penh Post, July 20, 2021. Credit: GettyImages/Krapit Phanvut
31. Email interview with the British Ambassador to Cambodia, H.E. Tina
29. Exclusive Interview with the British Ambassador to Cambodia, H.E. Redshaw, Vanndasambath Chhuon, July 16, 2021.
Tina Redshaw, ACE Team, ACE Magazine, June 10, 2020.
32. Exclusive Interview with the British Ambassador to Cambodia, H.E.
Tina Redshaw, Sao Phal Niseiy, the Thmey Thmey, December 05, 2020.
British Ambassador to the Kingdom of Cambodia, H.E. Tina Redshaw presented her official credential to His Majesty the King Norodom Sihanmoni, on July 31, 2018
Credit: British Embassy in Cambodia




Prime Minister Hun Sen and British Deputy Head of Mission in Phnom Penh, Marc Thayre, during the AstraZeneca Handover Ceremony, on August 05, 2021
Credit: Office of Cabinet of Ministers, Cambodia

Cambodia and the UK also have a joint mission Cambodia has gradually gained its benefits to
on mine clearance. Cambodia has received improve on the Rectangular Strategy for
support from the UK based on the Mines Growth, Employment, Equity, and Efficacy
Clearance programme since 1992 and Phase IV for 2050 Vision while it is also
contributes to demining activities in more than demonstrating the common alignment with
122 kilometers square and detecting nearly the UK's values in Indo-Pacific to deepen and
70,000 landmines and unexploded ordnances. 33
expand their partnership to promote open
societies and uphold international rules and
Plus, the UK also pays attention to open norm through soft power approach and their
societies such as human rights, children’s influence in the region.35

rights, and democracy issues in Cambodia. The

UK would like to see Cambodia fulfill the spirit Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic,
of the Paris Peace Agreements by ensuring Cambodia is the first Southeast Asia country
open multi-party and that rights are respected that has received 415,000 doses of the Astra
for all its citizens. Until 2022, three sessions of
Zeneca Vaccines from the UK on August 05,
the Cambodia-UK Dialogue on Human Rights 2021. The handover ceremony was held in the
were already conducted, focusing on media presence of Prime Minister Hun Sen and
freedom, freedom of expression, and the British Deputy Head of Mission in Phnom
impact of COVID-19 on children. Penh, Marc Thayre.

Those above-mentioned areas have provided a

significant boost to building closer and are
beneficial to both countries.

33. Ry Sochan "UK Commits $4.3 million to demining", the Phnom Penh 35. "The Global Britain in a Competitive Age: Integrated Review of
Post, March 17, 2020. Security Denfense, Development and Foreign Policy, UK Government,
34. Email interview with the British Ambassador to Cambodia, H.E. Tina
Redshaw, Vanndasambath Chhuon, July 16, 2021.

Cambodian Ambassador to the UK, H.E. Kan Pharidh presented his official credential to Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II, on May 25, 2021 British Ambassador to Cambodia, H.E. Tina Redshaw presented her official credential to His Majesty the King Norodom Sihamoni, on July 31, 2018
Credit: Royal Embassy of Cambodia in London Credit: British Embassy in Cambodia

Security and Politics

questioned another signal to be noticed on
their Indo-Pacific Strategy on Security in
Given that diplomatic relations between
Cambodia and the UK are developing, yet, the
navigating their national interest through
political-diplomatic relations between the two the persistent engagement of armed and
countries are still in the early stages. The goal wider security capacity building, at the
of the Cambodian government is to strengthen centre of geopolitical competition region
further relations with the UK, as it is a good and its choke point, particularly on the
strategy for Cambodia to implement the unresolved territorial dispute and maritime
balance policy by the gaining support of the issue, as well as in working with the Five
UK on the international stage. While for the
Power Defense Arrangement (FPDA).
UK, would see that having a good friendship
with Cambodia will partly contribute to UK’s Cambodia and the United Kingdom: New
Indo-Pacific Tilt Strategy to expand its Era of Bilateral and Multilateral Relations
capability and ambition to improve its “soft
power superpower” stance and pivot role

The year 2022 is the special year. With

within Southeast Asia and play an influential
Cambodia as the Association of Southeast
player in the Indo-Pacific region for its Global
Asian Nations (ASEAN) Chair and the UK
Britain in a Competitive Age. 38
starting to act actively with ASEAN as the
Dialogue Partner, this will be considered as the
Regarding security, Cambodia would receive
big wave of the positive path in the
both benefits and challenges in between. It
development of both relations into greater
will benefit via military training and
relations ever seen. This also marks a new era
sponsorship or cooperation. But, challenges
for Cambodia and the UK in pursuing
might happen when it comes to Cambodia’s
cooperation and ambitions on the bilateral and
foreign policy in dealing with China. The
multilateral pathways.
ambition of the UK in the Indo-Pacific, and
Australia, UK and US Partnership (AUKUS) have

36. Interview with the Second Secretary of the Royal Embassy of 38. Nicholas Tarling, "Britain and Sihanouk's Cambodia", NUS Press
Cambodia to the United Kingdom, Mr. Honglim Ti, Vanndasambath Singapore, (2014), p.04.
Chhuon, July 25, 2021.

37. Describe by "the Global Britain in a Competitive Age: Integrated

Review of Security Denfense, Development and Foreign Policy, UK
Government, (2021).

With the UK as the Dialogue Partners of At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign
ASEAN, it means that the UK will be stepping Affairs and International Cooperation of
further with ASEAN in the political and Cambodia has shown its utmost welcome
security, economic, and socio-cultural pillars and set out the Cambodian ASEAN
this year. Chairmanship's Priorities to become the first
country to host the 1st ASEAN-UK Foreign
With that opportunity, Cambodia will play an
Ministers’ Meeting expected to take place
important role in enhancing and connecting
by August 2022 in Phnom Penh to discuss
the fresh status into comprehensive action,
the ASEAN-UK Plan of Action (PoA) to

nurturing and filling gaps, and developing

action plans for the UK's future cooperation
implement the ASEAN-UK Partnership from
2022 to 2026 on their closer partnerships

with the ASEAN region with flexibility,

grasping benefits, and prudence. within bilaterally and multilaterally, that
benefit for ASEAN regional development
During her official visit to Cambodia in early and make Global Britain in a competitive
2022 on January 10-12, the Minister of State age on the Indo-Pacific Strategy become a
for Asia of the United Kingdom, the Rt Hon reality.
Amanda Milling MP said that “Cambodia will
be a vital partner for the UK in 2022 as we With the above factors, it will also lead to a
seek an ever-closer relationship with the new opportunity for Cambodia and the UK
ASEAN friends” within the mutual bilateral

to reach several agreements and advance

benefits and regionally to solve some of the
their relations into a good strategic
region’s biggest challenges and take the
relations further.



Cambodian Foreign Minister, H.E. Prak Sokhonn and British former Foreign Minister, Rt Hon. Dominic Raab MP, during his official visit to Cambodia, on June 23, 2021
Credit: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Cambodia

39. Quote from Minister of State for Asia, the Rt. Hon. Amanda Milling 40. Cambodian Foreign Minister, H.E. Prak Sokhonn, during the 23rd
MP, during her trip to Cambodia, UK Government's Press Release, January Lecture on ASEAN, Yusof Ishak Institute, January 11, 2022.
11, 2022.
41. Cambodian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, H.E. Kan Pharidh,
during the 2022 UK-ASEAN Business Forum, February 24, 2022.

Cambodian Foreign Minister, H.E. Prak Sokhonn and British Minister of State for Asia, Rt Hon. Amanda Milling MP, during her visit to Cambodia on January 10-12, 2022
Credit: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Cambodia

Moreover, both countries should establish
To sum up, in a complex and competitive to have more like-kind of the Political
contemporary world, it is very difficult to Consultation or Cambodia-UK Dialogue
predict any possible path that countries can discussion on the economic and social areas
take. As this article has shown, this new to discuss in deep on their concern, mutual
stronger interaction between Cambodia and interests, priorities, and understanding to
the UK, and with ASEAN will highlight the foster its current status and pace in
new positive sign for Cambodia to deepen deepening this relationship.
cooperation with the UK in many areas into
comprehensive and broader actions. This Additionally, with Cambodia as ASEAN
relationship will bring Cambodia and the UK Chairmanship this year, it is critical for
the benefits of their common goals and Cambodia to ensure the healthy
interests to improve their priority and engagement of the ASEAN region with the
foreign policy strategies in nurturing the UK within this complex and competitive
development of more political options, region to prevent the risk of confrontation
varieties of partnership, synergizing the on the regional choke-point on maritime
regional cooperation and collaboration on issues and overlapped superpower strategic
social and economic in persevere for on ASEAN; especially toward China. Plus,
national and regional interest. Cambodia should take its role to boost the
most of its possibility to deliver the feasible,
In this respect, Cambodia and the UK should flexible, and achievable ASEAN-UK Plan of
ensure the commitment and steady Action from 2022 to 2026 to at most of
engagement at the national level toward their national and regional advantages and
the cooperation in expanding further trade the mutual interest for the UK.
agreements and cooperation.

The First ASEAN Economic Ministers - United Kingdom Consultation, on September 15, 2021
Credit: ASEAN

About the Author

Mr. Vanndasambath Chhuon is a graduate student in Bachelor of Political Science and International
Relations at Paragon International University, with his thesis focus on "Cambodia-United Kingdom
Relations: Brief History and Future Cooperation". He is also a Founder and General Coordinator of the
ASEAN-UK Young Leaders Initiative (ASEANUK-YLI).


All views are the author’s own. This working paper does not reflect the views of the author’s affiliations.

This paper was completed in mid-April. Some information may be outdated.

Editorial Appreciations
ASEANUK-YLI would like to express our gratitude to Mr. Kimkong Heng, Bunna Vann, and Sovinda Po
for their review and editing of this article.

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