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In our lives, there are a lot of things that we are yet to discover and situations that we are yet to
experience which will give answers to our questions in mind. Our curiosity leads us in doing, exploring and
knowing something. However, before getting the answers to our questions, there are other factors that we
should consider. As critical thinkers start to formulate questions, they then hop in to assumptions, then
clarifications, proofs, consequences, and other considerations before reaching the final station – the answers.
This is what I have learned from the concept of “Critical Thinking” during our class discussion. Truly, critical
thinking is not driven by answers; it is driven by the questions that we ask.
One example which is based from my own experience that shows the use of critical thinking was when I
decided on who among the presidential candidates was the most deserving one for the position. Initially, I was
in favor of Bongbong Marcos because of family influence and they were praising him for being the best
candidate for that position. However, different other candidates presented themselves to the public and shared
to us their interesting platforms, which made me realize that I should do some research on my own and should
not merely support a candidate based from what the people around me suggest. The idea that he was the best
candidate was purely an assumption which I have never questioned, thus I eventually decided to challenge
that assumption through considering other alternative candidates and evaluating their qualifications and
policies. I assessed every one of them by looking at their backgrounds, what they have done for the country
and its people even before they decided to engage themselves in politics, their records, and their history.
There are a lot of fake news which circulated the internet during those times, but through critical thinking, I was
able to assess its credibility and reliability before immediately believing it and jumping into conclusions. I had
seen their credibility and their potential to lead the country, but one will always have the edge. The question
that guided me all throughout was “who among the 10 candidates for this position has the most genuine desire
to lead the country, especially to serve the marginalized communities in the Philippines?” and I eventually
found the person I was looking for after reading several articles, watched different interviews, and gathering
relevant information about them. Atty. Leni Robredo got my support not because of peer pressure nor because
her name was the loudest one during the campaign period, but because I considered lots of things, assessed
her performance and platforms, gathered proofs and evidences for her services, and evaluated the current
situation of the Philippines to see the person who will best handle our country in this time. Even though she
lost, I will always be proud that I stand for her, and for once, the Filipinos found a glimpse of hope from the only
woman who bravely showed herself to the people.
In light of the abundance of false information and divergent viewpoints, critical thinking is crucial today.
In making thoughtful decisions and forming reasoned judgments, this ability is important. In this generation
where information is more available than ever thanks to social media and the internet, the ability to distinguish
between trustworthy sources and those that are not is important because not all information presented to us is
accurate. However, we can assess the reliability of sources and confirm whether the information being
provided is accurate by using one’s critical thinking. Aside from social media, critical thinking also aids us in
evaluating the circumstances we find ourselves in, considering all available perspectives without
preconceptions or biases, and putting everything into perspective before making the best decision possible.
We should never stop asking questions because they are necessary to understanding. Let us never stop
asking questions because they exist for a reason.

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