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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III - Central Luzon
Schools Division of Tarlac Province
Marawi National High School
Camiling, Tarlac
Name: ___________________________________
Section: 10 – ________________________


Learning Competencies:
• Formulates statistical mini research.
• Uses appropriate measures of position and other statistical methods in analyzing
and interpreting research data.


What do you do when you want to know something? Our curiosity leads us to
make a research on that thing. This is where research begins. Research is concerned
with increasing our understanding. Research provides us with the information and
knowledge needed for problem solving and making decisions.
Statistics is basically a science that involves data collection, data
interpretation and finally, data validation. Statistical data analysis is a procedure of
performing various statistical operations. It is a kind of quantitative research, which
seeks to quantify the data, and typically, applies some form of statistical analysis.
Quantitative data basically involves descriptive data, such as survey data and
observational data.
We've seen that statistics are numerical data that we work with. But statistics
has a second deeper meaning -- it's the science of using these data to learn about our
world and make conclusions.
The science of statistics has four basic components:
1. Formulating Questions
State some questions or problems that we would like to address by collecting
relevant data.
2. Collecting Data
Specify effective ways of collecting data that are useful in answering the
questions of interest.
3. Organizing and Summarizing
Organize and summarize the collected data to learn about its general features.
4. Making Conclusions
Use the data to make conclusions. (It turns out that probability or chance
plays an important role in decision-making.)

Any statistical study reported in the media will have these four components.
At the beginning, there will be some questions that motivated the researcher to
study a problem. If there were no questions, then there would be no reason to
proceed further into a statistical study. Second, the researcher will collect data that
he or she believes will be useful in answering the question. We will see that data can
be collected or found from many sources. Next the researcher organizes the data in
some useful way and make graphs and or calculations that are helpful in answering
the main questions. Finally, the researcher has to use the graphs and calculations to
address the questions of interest. It is possible that the data are insufficient or
inconclusive on answering the questions and perhaps a new statistical study will be

The title summarizes the main idea or ideas of your study. A good title
contains the fewest possible words that adequately describe the contents and/or
purpose of your research paper. Decide whether what topic or scope you want to
study and write your title in box provided.


Learning Competencies:
• Formulates statistical mini research.
• Uses appropriate measures of position and other statistical methods in analyzing
and interpreting research data.




Chapter 1
Some prefer to say growth and development to suggest that the child not only
grows in size, form, weight and other measurements but also develops different
capacities, schedules and learns different activities such as language. Of course the
human organism is not static; it evolves during life from the moment of conception.
The essence and interrelationship of these changes is raising the topic the society is
committed to. Everyone, according to his or her professional training and
experience and, in addition, personality, sees a different set of problems to be
explored in the developing infant. It has been questioned, why add another word
such as maturity or maturation unless the terminal point of growth and
development is indicated? There seems to be some reason, however, for speaking of
maturation as another dimension of this ongoing process that may differentiate
between growth and development.
The need to discuss the definition and consequences of the concept of
maturity provided the venue for this symposium to demonstrate what the concept
of maturity means as perceived by the different children's development students.
Through adding multiple articles, the following consideration might be given
as an example of how the definition of maturity, or ideally of maturation, might be
considered useful in this field.
Maturity may be described as the growth of an individual's spiritual, mental,
emotional, and will power. Some people refer to it as an individual's capacity to act
responsibly. Adults often believed to be responsible, and therefore to mature. In this
research, though, it is asserted that maturity and age are entirely different. It is not
an instantaneous phenomenon. Maturity comes by trial and error; it is a process
that needs to be mastered. Life throws curveballs and there are always many ways
to handle the circumstances. To be wise is to make the right choices, and to know
right from wrong. Some people might be physically mature, which is to say that they
are fully physically grown, but don't yet exhibit signs of emotional maturity — such
as a willingness to accept responsibility or maintain poise in serious situations —
for a long time afterward.
Some of our respondents defined maturity as when they understand life
happenings and they learned to react and manage these happenings, is a stage when
a particular human being has step-up in the stage of being matured. Maturity is the
ability to control anger and settle differences without violence or destruction.
Ripeness is patience. It is the willingness to pass up immediate pleasure in favor of
the long-term gain. Matureness is perseverance, the ability to sweat out a project or
a situation in spite of heavy opposition and discouraging set-backs. Maturity is the
capacity to face unpleasantness and frustration, discomfort and defeat, without
complaint or collapse. Maturity is humility. It is being big enough to say, "I was
wrong." And, when right, the mature person need not experience the satisfaction of
saying, "I told you so. "Maturity is the ability to make a decision and stand by it.
The immature spends their lives exploring endless possibilities; then they do
nothing. Maturity means dependability, keeping one's word, coming through in a
crisis. The immature are masters of the alibi. They are the confused and the
disorganized. Their lives are a maze of broken promises, former friends, unfinished
business, and good intentions that somehow never materialize. Maturity is the art of
living in peace with that which we cannot change, the courage to change that which
should be changed -- and the wisdom to know the difference.
A philosopher named Friedrich Nietzsche said, “ A man’s maturity: that is to have
rediscovered the seriousness he possessed as a child at play.” For researchers, it
means that maturity of an individual is being serious when it comes to things that
matter and being able to accept everything instead of complaining and arguing even
though it’s unfair.
Maturity is the exercise of the fourth dimension of knowledge — time. As Dr.
Kenneth Jernigan, who was then serving as President of the National Federation of
the Blind, said in 1986: "To the extent one ranges backward in time to understand
the causes of present conditions, and to the extent one ranges forward to anticipate
future consequences of present acts, one is mature. Maturity is intelligence in depth.
Maturity cannot be achieved without reaching new understandings and
perspectives for a society or an individual This requires effort and pain tolerance —
at times economical, at times emotional, and at times physical. Maturity cannot be
attained by citizens and societies who are unwilling to spend energy or endure
suffering to achieve a desired goal in citizens and societies whom are
unwilling to spend energy or endure suffering to achieve a desired goal in future.
To build on that, the researchers, conclude that maturity is the time of an
individual where they can handle things with acceptance and understanding. It also
means having a broad way of thinking and making decisions wisely. It is not only
about physical maturity but more on, intellectual and emotional maturity. Like
excellent definition provided by Buddhist Lamas “Maturity is when you understand
everyone is right in their own perspective.”

Statement of the Problems

1. How do the students defined maturity?
2. Why do some people say that maturity comes with age?
3. If maturity comes with age, at what age do they think that they will get matured?
4. How does maturity affects the students’ performance in school?

Hypotheses of the Study

There is no significant connection between the student’s maturity and their
performance in school.

Significance of the Study

The study's significance is discovering how students define maturity and

determining how maturity affects their education. The students are the ultimate
beneficiary of this study.
This study helps the students to determine what age should they mature and the
responsibility of the matureness in their performance in school.
Furthermore, this study, helps the students to define maturity by their selves.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on maturity correlation with performance of the school students.
This study focus is on the respondents with fifty (50) students of Benigno S. Aquino
National Highschool during the school year 2019-2020. The aspects were examined when
the students define maturity, if maturity comes with age, at what age do they think they
will be matured, and how does maturity affect their studies?
The study attempts to determine how does the respondent’s maturity affects their
studies. There are 7 persons who conducted the survey regarding maturity. The
researchers’ group was divided into 4 pairs and those pair are designated in each grade
levels to attain 50 students.


Learning Competencies:
• Formulates statistical mini research.
• Uses appropriate measures of position and other statistical methods in analyzing
and interpreting research data.


Chapter 2
Subjects of the Study
The respondents of the study comes to a total of 50 students from grade levels 7 to
10. Random students were kindly asked by the researcher to write their name, grade,
section and answer in the survey form.

Research Instrument
In gathering data relevant in this study, the researcher conducted a survey to
different grade levels students of Benigno S. Aquino National High School.
Data Gathering Procedures
The researchers were divided into 4 pairs assigned to each level. The researchers
approached some students to answer their questionnaires. The questions were written on
a piece of paper. Researchers easily attained the goal to survey 50 students of Benigno S.
Aquino National High School.

Treatment of Data
Construction of the Frequency Distribution Table.

Step 1:
7 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 17 18 18 18 18
18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 25 35

Step 2: Step 3: Step 4:

R = Highest Score – Lowest Score k = 1 + 3.32 logN C=
R = 35 – 7 k = 1 + 3.32log(50) C= 7
R = 28 k = 6.64 C=4
K=7 C= 5

Step 5:
32-36 1 31.5 50
27-31 0 26.5 49
22-26 1 21.5 49
17-21 24 16.5 48
12-16 23 11.5 24
7-11 1 6.5 1
Chapter 3

Summary of Findings
Most of the students have their own definition of maturity but the most
particular definition is "maturity is the stage where you have developed everything
and when you know what is the right thing to do". And mostly answered 18 years
old on the question, "at what age do maturity comes?".
It also affects their studies in a way that they are being serious and they also
know how to manage their time.

Most of the students really know what is maturity and when will maturity
comes. And 18 years old is the most relevant age that they answered when asked 'if
maturity comes with age, at what age it will come?'. The researchers realized that
maturity does not comes with a specific age, it does come when an individual
already know how to decide, when an individual know what is right and wrong, and
when an individual have developed everything, including their body.
It affects their studies in a way that they know how to manage time,
pressuring their selves that they must have high grades, and they are tend to be
more responsible in everything.

Some of the respondents were not able to answer the questions about
maturity, for the questions are in English language and some respondents do not
have ideas about maturity, so the researchers recommend that questions should be
simple and understandable for the students, so they can give the specific data
needed in the survey.
And also the respondents are having difficulty in answering, because they are
ashamed of the researchers because of closed interactions, so they cannot focus
properly, that’s why researchers recommend that it is best to go to a room and ask
the teacher if it is alright to take a survey to their class so that the respondents will
feel more comfortable, and they are able to answer the questions in the survey
correctly based on their further knowledge.


Conduct a mini research based on what you want to investigate. Apply the
knowledge and skills you have learned in this lesson to evaluate and interpret results and
to make/formulate meaningful decisions based on the results to resolve difficulties or
issues on that certain topic. You can use your chosen topic/title on Activity 1. Please
follow the format below. You can rely the sample research that we discussed.

The Problem and It’s Background
Statement of the Problem
Hypothesis of the study
Significance of the Study
Scope and Delimitation od the Study
Methods of Study and Sources of Data
Subjects of the Study
Research Instrument
Data Gathering Procedures
Treatment of Data
Computation and Interpretation of the Data

Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations
Summary of Findings

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