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▪ When the motor shaft is not loaded, the machine has only to rotate itself against the

mechanical losses and the rotor speed is very close to the synchronous speed because if
it does so, the emf induced in the rotor winding would become zero and there will be no
torque. Hence the speed remains slightly less than the synchronous speed. If the motor
shaft is loaded, the rotor will slow down and the relative speed of the rotor with respect to
the stator rotating field will increase. The emf induced in the rotor winding will increase and
will increase the electromagnetic torque produced by thre motor. Conditions of equilibrium
are attained when the rotor speed has adjusted to anew value so that the electromagnetic
torque is sufficient to balance the mechanical or load torque applied to the shaft. The
speed of the motor when running under full conditions is somewhat less than the no-load
▪ Slip – it is stated that the rotor speed must always remain less than the synchronous
speed. The difference between the synchronous speed and the rotor speed is known as
‘slip’. It is usually expressed as a fraction of the synchronous speed. Thus slip s is

= synchronous speed (rpm)



− 34
= rotor speed (rpm)
In the practice the value of slip is very small. At no-load, slip is around 1% or so and at full
load it is around 3%. For long efficient machines the slip at full-load may be around 1% only.
induction motor, is therefore, a motor with substantially constant speed and fills the same role
DC shunt motor.
➢ When the rotor is stationary (standstill) its speed is zero and s = 1. The rotor cannot
run at synchronous speed because then there will be no rotor emf and no rotor current
and torque. If the rotor is to run at synchronous speed an external torque is necessary.
If the rotor is driven torque such that
, the slip becomes negative, the rotor
torque is necessary. If the external driving torque and the machine acts as induction
➢ The induction motor derives its name from the fact that the current in the rotor circuit is
induced from the stator. There is no external connection tpo the rotor except for some
special purposes.

If the rotor reactance at standstill is

is very
X2 its value at slip’s becomes sX2 . This

desirable. For at no-load the reactance becomes almost negligible and the rotor impedance is
all resistance. Further if the rotor resistance is small the rotor current is large, so that motor
with a large torque which brings the speed near to synchronous speed, i.e., the slip is reduced

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