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Ulangan Akhir Semester Ganjil
Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Nama : …………………………

Hari,Tanggal : Nomor : …………………………
Waktu : Kelas : V (Lima)

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a,b, c or d !

( Silanglah (x) jawaban yang benar pada huruf a,b,c atau d ! )
1. what is this? This is ….

a. Hair b. hand c. finger d. nose

2. I can use my ….to listen everything. (listen = mendengarkan)
a. nose b. ear c. mouth d. hand
3. We can look at many thing with our ….( look at = melihat)
a. hand b. ear c. eyes d. legs
4. We can taste the delicious food because we have …. (taste = merasakan)
a. hand b. eyes c. ear d. tongue
5. We can hold everything with our ….. (hold = memegang)
a. hand b. ear c. eyes d. ttongue
6. X: May I borrow your …. .I would like to come to my friends birthday party.
Y: yes, of course. Here it is
a. decoration b. costume c. cone hat d. gift
7. Rani gets so many …. When she has a birthday party

a. candle b.ballon c. cake d. gift

8. I have a birthday …. In my birthday. It’s so delicious and I give it to all
a. candle b.ballon c. cake d. gift
9. X: what are those?
Y: Those are three ….

a. cakes b. gifts c. ballon d.candle

10. What is this?
This is a ….

a. invitation card b. cake c. gift d. candle

11. X: What time is it now?
Y: it is …. O’clock pm

a. ten b. nine c. eight d. seven

12. I go to bed at …. In the night

a. a quarter past seven c. a half past ten

b. a half past nine d. thirty past eight
13. Today is …. In the morning. I learn English in my classroom.

a. a quarter past nine c. ten past ten

b. a half past ten d. a quarter past six
14. Amir oftrn watches TV at …. Pm (10.05)
a. one past ten c. ten past one
b. five past ten d. ten past five
15. I go to school at forty eight ….five in the morning.(kurang)
a. to b. pose c. past d. pass
16. X: Do you mind …. The animal? (memberi makan)
Y: Not at all
a. feeding b. eating c. drinking d. cooking
17. My grandmother is …. The floor right now. (menyapu)
a. mopping b. sweeping c. dusting d. washing
18. My mother cooks in the …. Every morning. We can find cooking utensil there.
a. living room b. kitchen c. dining room d. garden
19. The gardener is …. The flower in the garden now.
a. throwing b. cutting c. watering d. firing
20. My father …. A car to his school. He is a teacher in a junior school
a. drives b. pulls c. takes d. buys

II. Answer these questions carefully!

21. Today is …. It’s time to watch Mata Nazwa on TV

22. These are …. I got so many when I have a birthday party
23. X: What do you have in your birthday?
Y: I have a birthday ….
24. X: May I borrow your ….
Y: Yes, please. I don’t use it
25. We can so many …. When we are in the birthday party
26. My elder sister …. The flower in the garden. Her hobby is gardening
27. My hobby is cooking. I …. Tempe and tofu every morning ( menggoreng )
28. X: what is this?
Y: This is ….
29. I wear a cone …. In my birthday party
30. X: What time do you usually go to bed?
Y: I usually go to bed at ….

III. Arrange these jumbled words into correct form!

31. Mother – My – flowers – the – waters = …………………...........................
32. A – motorcycle – wash – I – in the garage = …………………………………..
33. Use – his – old – car – May – I - ? = …………………………………..
34. Not – does – have – cake – birthday – she – a = …………………………………..
35. You – dinner – have – do – six – pm – at = …………………………………..

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