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Ulangan Akhir Semester Ganjil
Tahun Pelajaran 2020/2021

Mata Pelajaran : BAHASA INGGRIS Nama : …………………………

Hari,Tanggal : Nomor : …………………………
Waktu : Kelas : IV (Empat)

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a,b,c or d !

( Silanglah (x) jawaban yang benar pada huruf a,b,c atau d ! )
1. Jhon is from the USA
He is ….
a. American b. british c. Spanish d. french
2. Marni is from Italy
She is ….
a. Indonesian b. indian c. Italian d. dutch
3. Where …. You from, bianka?
a. are b. do c. is d. does
4. See you ….
a. tomorrow b. yesterday c. good bye d. to meet you
5. X: Do you like watching …. on tv?
Y: yes, I do

a. basketball b. volleyball c. baseball d. football

6. X: Do you do …. Everyday?
Y: No, I do it once a week

a. boxing b. karate c. gymnastic d. swimming

7. X: Do you like water sports, like ….?
Y: yes, I do
a. swimming b. fencing c. football d. long jump
8. A: what is your favourite sport?
B: I lke …

a. gymnastic b. marathon c. skiing d.boxing

9. A: What means of transportation is it?
B: It is a …

a. bus b. tram c. car d. pedicap

10. A: What means of transportation are those?
B: Those are …

a. Hot air balloons b. halicopters c. Planes d. canoe

11. This is land transportation It is pulled by horses.
It is a …
a. train b. motorcycle c. horse carriage d. submarine
12. This is a water-trasnportation.
It transports people from harbor to harbor.
It is …
a. bus b. double decker c. plane d. ship
13. Mother wants to buy apples.
She will go to a …
a. butcher b. fruit stall c. shoes store d. confectionery
14. Aunt siska wants to buy T-shirt.
He will go to a …
a. green grocer b. butcher c. bakery d. clothing store
15. Aunt siska wants to buy meat.
She will go to a ….
a. butcher b. fishmonger c. jewelry d. fruit stall
16. Father wants to buy roses.
He will go to a ….
a. fishmonger b. florist c. clothing store d. fruit stall
17. My mother is a ….
She works in the hospital
a. doctor b. soldier c. pilot d. teacher
18. My father is a ….
He defenses our country
a. nurse b. reporter c. singer d. soldier
19. My uncle works in a restaurant
he cooks delicious food
he is a ….
a. dentist b. singer c. chef d. pilot
20. Aunt maya is a ….
She works in a big mall
She helps the customers
a. dancer b. teacher c. shop asistent d. farmer
II. Fiil The Blank
Isilah Titik Dibawah ini
21. Canada is a Country in …
22. The Capital of This Country is …
23. What is your favourite sport?
My favourite sport is ….(karate)

24. What is your favourite sport?

My favourite sport is ….

25. What is that?

That is a …

26. What is this?

This is a …

27. I want to buy breat

I go to the …
28. Ririn wants to buy flowers
She goes to the …
29. Mr. Nurdin is a …
He works in a school
30. Mrs. Dania is a …
She preats patients.
III. Compose and rewrite these jumbled words!
Susun dan tulus ulang kata-kata acak berikut ini!
31. From – they – are – the USA
32. a – badminton – Rudi Hartono – is - legend
33. train – in – A –a – train station - stop
34. I – Can – have – chocolate - some
35. Teacher – A – students - teaches

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