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Millennials and generations, in general, represent unique cohorts shaped by their

distinct experiences, technological advancements, and societal changes. Millennials,

born approximately between the early 1980s and mid-1990s to early 2000s, are
characterized by their familiarity with digital technology, diverse perspectives, and
values like work-life balance, social consciousness, and a strong desire for personal

Each generation, including Millennials, has its defining traits and influences shaped
by historical events, technological advancements, and socio-cultural shifts during
their formative years. Understanding these generational characteristics helps to
appreciate the differences and similarities in their attitudes, behaviors, and approaches
to life, work, and societal issues.

Generations are not homogenous, and individual experiences within each generation
vary widely. Therefore, while generational labels provide insights into broad trends
and characteristics, they don't define every individual within that group. It's essential
to recognize the diversity and complexity of individuals within generations while
appreciating the broader societal impacts and cultural shifts that shape each
generation's worldview and values.

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