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The Rizz Bible: How to have any girl you want by

becoming HIM

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Becoming HIM (Having motion)

Here’s what we are going to cover:

1: How to make her never lose interest

2: How to make them come to you by having motion

3: How to never be left on Delivered

What this is going to do is allow you to stop having these girl issues and be able to
Attract them by chasing your purpose
Cold Approach:

The biggest thing about this is just keeping it simple.

You are overthinking it way too much. You need to be able to just walk up and let her know what
the business is

Walk up like you don't give a FUCK.

Because you shouldn't

Simply just introduce yourself and wait for her to ask you what her name is

And simply just say whatever is on your mind

It's only when you have a line saved up ready to say

It was when you freeze and stutter

That's why it’s better just to go up there and say what your thinking

That way you don't complicate it

DM cold approach:

Don't slide in the DMs with some weak ass “HI”

Or “Can I ask you a question”

Thats soft

Go in them DMs and get straight to business

Either use a line that hits hard (Please don't be corny)

Or tell her exactly what it is

“Cookies & Icecream Friday night I’ll pick you up and see you then”

This is something once you get good at you will never have to worry about girls again

Sit down and think about it

Dudes out here are constantly trying to get girls to pay attention to them

So they hold them on a pedestal and always hit them up on some “Hey BBY How you doing”

Shit aint gonna work

You need to show her that you could care less

And that will drive her crazy

The way you want to do this is by constantly playing with her feelings

One day you are there - One day you aren’t

One day you care - One day you don’t

1 thing for sure girls don't like to be bored

You need to have her always thinking

“Well the first date…. And now he’s all”... Bending over on command

Also use the smallest things against her

Always make it her fault

You are a saint you do no wrong

Make her feel bad

Blame it on her friends if you have to

Even the slightest things that turn your way let it be known

I know it may sound weird but everyone wants what they can't have
So if there's 99 guys on her phone she's going to give the most attention to the one that she
can't have

If you got a snap streak with this chick… She's gone G… You’d be lucky to Tap once

You have to seriously be selfish

Text her, hang out with her, only when YOU want

She's on your time and you make the rules


This mixed with manipulation is going to make them go crazy

There’s guys out here begging and crying for girls

G you think that's going to help?

You need to be able to stand your ground

Drive her insane

When she's making a scene and carrying on…

Don’t give her a reaction… It will make her go insane

Just give her a real nonchalant “Typeshii”

This works well when you are a high value dude

You have too much to be worried about and too much motion going on

That you could care less if Victoria didn't get for her birthday flowers

Or you keep skipping out on dinner with her parents

We got moves to make…. I don't make the rules

Being emotional is a woman's job

You can’t be out here putting a girl in your bio and constantly posting her (Bro Seriously)

If you never put a woman as your top priority

She will for damn sure put you as hers

Just become someone who’s completely unbothered

She’s on your time not hers

You need to be a man and call the shots

And be chill about it

You need to come off like you have done this plenty of times before and it's just another day in
the office

They don't want a crybaby soy boy

They want someone who is honestly emotionally unavailable

You cannot show these females your emotions G

They will act like they care but she will leave you


This is how you can keep them on their toes

Never let them figure you out

Give them mixed signals instead (this will drive them crazy)

It’s a game of push and pull

This works well if you also have options

Give Rachel attention on Tuesday don't text her until Friday

And never let them know you doing something that doesn't make you sound like you
have motion

(Girl) - “WYD”

(You)- “Just woke up from a nap” WRONG

(You) - Something came up I have to deal with something

And then never tell her what it is

(Girl) - “OMG what”

(You) - “Business”

Always being deceptive or secretive is always going to make them think about you

Don't put all your cards out on the table

Because they will start reading you like a book

Remember we want them to be Interested

The Moment she loses interest the game we’re playing comes to an end

And it's even harder to get the interest back once it's lost

You need to have things going for yourself

You can't expect girls to come to you if you are out of shape

You're broke and don't even have a car

You think they want to pay for your food and pick you up to hang out with THEM

Your crazy

You need to be a busy dude and always have things going on

You also can't pull that nonchalant card or act like you don't care

If you're sitting there out of shape and broke

They're not dumb they see right through you

So here's what you need to do you need to go into business

And start learning skills

This way you will constantly become a better man

Chase your purpose

And the women will come to you

I will show you how to do this personally.

Dm me CHANGE on IG
How to get her back:

If you are at this point you obviously didn't listen to my advice before

But that's okay we still might be able to fix it

So this is how you're going to get that interest back

You need to show her what she is going to lose out on

If you’ve been listening you would have some motion going on

Hitting the gym

Making money

Chasing your purpose and becoming better as a whole

You will then slowly start to show this by making a post here and there

She will see this and it will spark some interest

As time goes on you need to hit her back up just to get some “Closure”

After you haven't talked for a while let her know that you two should get something to eat

To “Talk about everything and end it off on a good note”….(LOL)

Then also started to remind her about all of the good times and the small arguments that you
guys have gone through
Handle her being dry:

This is 50/50

If she starts being dry that means the interest levels have dropped yet again

So this is what you can do

You need to start being dry asf

Put the text back down to once a day

And continue working on yourself

You shouldn't even be focused on a girl that isn't giving you a time of day

There are so many other girls out here G

Becoming a man & having motion:

Everything that I've used on this WILL work

But you have to remember that it's not always about what you do

It’s who you are YOU NEED TO BE HIM

You can't expect girls to throw themselves at you if you are fat and broke

It's not the RIZZ that isn't working

It’s you G your not HIM

Even though I had all of this sauce back then

Girls weren't clockwork until I chased my purpose first and got myself together
Only until I built myself up

So remember you need to get off your ass

And make sure you're becoming better every day

Stay in the gym

And get yourself some motion

Get them to chase you:

Now you can have every pick up line known to man

But girls want certain guys for who they are

If your not HIM good luck g

A pick up line or what you say isn't saving you

People are being left behind and cheated on because there's better options

That's why its important that you work on yourself and become him

So women will chase you

And you never have to worry about being picked for another dude

Or thinking about what message you should send her

If you need even more help on how to be him


I’ll see what we can do to help you out even more

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