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MM :- 300

UNIT TEST-1 TIME:- 3:00 Hours

Please read the instructions carefully. You are allotted 5 min specifically for this purpose.

The test is of 3 hours duration.
There are THREE parts in the question paper, consisting of

Part-A Physics, Part-B - Chemistry and
Part-C-Mathematics. TOPI CS
The test will be objective pattern. Each part is further divided into
two sections: Section I & II.
U&D,Dimension & Error
Vectors, Kinematics
Measurement, Vector,
Section –I: Contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question
has four choice (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which ONLY ONE Motion in 1-D
is correct. Each question awarded 4 marks if you darken the
bubble corresponding to the correct answer ONLY and zero (0)
marks if no bubble are darkened. In all other cases, minus (-1) Periodic
Atomic Table

mark will be awarded in this section. &
Section- II: Contains 05 questions. The answer to each question Gaseous State
is a NUMERICAL VLAUE. For each question, enter the

correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/

rounded-off to the second decimal place; e.g 6.25, 7.00, 0.33,
30.27, 127.30) Each question awarded 4 marks if you darken Trigonometric
Trigo, RatioLog,
Quadratic, &
all the bubble(s) corresponding to the correct answer(s) ONLY. Identity, Log, Inequalities
Graphs, Inequalities
In all other cases zero (0) marks will be awarded. No negative
marking in this section.
Do not fold or make any stray marks on the Answer Sheet.

Name of the Candidate Registration Number

I have read all the instructions and shall abide by them. I have verified all the information filled in by the Candidate.

………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………….
Signature of the Candidate Signature of the Invigilator

Best of Luck
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

1. If the velocity v (is cm–1) of a particle is given in terms of t (in second) by the relation

then, the dimensions of a, b and c are

a b c
(a) [L] [LT] [T2]
(b) [L2] [T] [LT–2]
(c) [LT2] [LT] [L]
(d) [LT–2] [L] [T]

2. The dimension of k in the equation W = kx2 is

(a) [ML0T–2] (b) [M0LT–1] (c) [MLT–2] (d) [ML0T–1]

3. The mass and volume of a body are found to be 5.00 ± 0.05 kg and 1.00 ± 0.05 m 3 respectively.
Then the maximum possible percentage error in its density is
(a) 6% (b) 3% (c) 10% (d) 5%

4. A body thrown vertically up to reach its maximum height in t second. The total time from the
time of projection to reach a point at half of its maximum height while returning (in second) is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

5. A particle moves along with x-axis. The position x of particle with respect to time t from origin
given by x = b0 + b1t + b2t2. The acceleration of particle is
(a) b0 (b) b1 (c) b2 (d) 2b2

6. the acceleration a of a particle starting from rest varies with time according to relation a = t+
. The velocity of the particle after a time t will be

(a) (b) (c) (d)

7. A body of mass m is thrown upwards at an angle with the horizontal with velocity v. While
rising up the velocity of the mass after t second will be
(a) (b)
(c) (d)

8. A ball which is at rest is dropped from a height h metre. As it bounces off the floor its speed is
80% of what it was just before touching the ground. The ball then rise to nearly a height
(a) 0.94 h (b) 0.80 h (c) 0.75 h (d) 0.64 h

9 The acceleration experienced by a moving boat after its engine is cut-off, is given by a = –kv 3,
where k is a constant. If v 0 is the magnitude of velocity at cut-off, then the magnitude of the
velocity at time t after the cut off is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

10. If the velocity of a particle is given by v = (180 – 16 x)1/2 ms–1, then its acceleration will be
(a) zero (b) 8 ms–2 (c) – 8 ms–2 (d) 4 ms–2

11. A particle is thrown upwards, then correct v – t graph will be

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

12. The angle subtended by the vector with the x-axis is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

13. A force F = N is applied over a particle which displaces it from its origin to the
point m. The work done on the particle in joules is

(a) –7 (b) +7 (c) +10 (d) +13

14. If the two vectors A = ,B= are perpendicular then the value of n is

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4

15. The height y and the distance x along the horizontal plane of a projectile on a certain planet (with
no surrounding atmosphere) are given by y = 8t – 5t 2 metre and x = 6t metre, where t is in
second. The velocity with which the projectile is projected, is
(a) 14 ms–1 (b) 10 ms–1 (c) 8 ms–1 (d) 6 ms–1

16. A particle is moving velocity v = k , where k is a constant. The general equation for its
path is
(a) y = x2 + constant (b) y2 = x + constant (c) xy = constant (d) y2 = x2 + constant

17. A stone is thrown at an angle to the horizontal reaches a maximum height H. Then the time of
flight of stone will be

(a) (b) (c) (d)

18. Two stone are projected with the same speed but making different angles with the horizontal.
Their horizontal ranges are equal. The angle of projection of one is and the maximum
height reached by it is 102 m. Then the maximum height reached by the other in metre is
(a) 336 (b) 224 (c) 56 (d) 34

19. At the top of the trajectory of a projectile, the direction of its velocity and acceleration are
(a) perpendicular to each other (b) parallel to each other
(c) inclined to each other at angle of 45° (d) antiparallel to each other

20. Three balls are dropped from the top of a building with equal speed at different angles. When
the balls strike ground their velocities are v1, v2 and v3 respectively, then

(a) v1 > v2 > v3 (b) v3 > v2 > v1 (c) v1 = v2 = v3 (d) v1 < v2 <
This section contains 05 questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each
question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to the second
decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, 0.33, 30.27, 127.30)

21. A physical quantity A is related to four observables a, b, c and d as follows


The percentage errors of measurement in a, b, c and d are 1%, 3%, 2% and 2% respectively.
What is the percentage error in the quantity A?

22. If a body loses half of its velocity on penetrating 3 cm in a wooden block, then how much will it
penetrate more before coming to rest in cm?

23. A man can throw a stone to a maximum distance of 80 m. The maximum height to which it will
rise in metre, is

24. The equation of trajectory of a projectile is y = 10x – x2. If we assume g = 10 ms –2, the

range of projectile (in metre) is

25. Two bodies are projected from ground with equal speed 20 ms –1 from the same position in the
same vertical plane to have equal range but at different angles above the horizontal. If one of the
angle is 30° the sum of their maximum heights is….meter (assume g = 10 ms–2)
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

26. Which of the following process requires largest amount of energy ?




(d) All the processes require same amount of energy

27. The I.E. of Al is smaller than that of Mg because

(a) Atomic size of Al > Mg
(b) Atomic size of Al < Mg
(c) I.E. in Al pertains to the removal of p-electron which is relatively easy
(d) Unpredictable

28. The size of following species increases in the order

(a) Mg2+ < Na+ < F– < Al (b) F– < Al < Na+ < Mg2+
(c) Al < Mg2+ < F– < Na+ (d) Na+ < Al < F– < Mg2+

29. Which of the following is energy releasing process?

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

30. Which of the following pairs show diagonal relationship?

(a) B, Al (b) Li, Na (c) C, Si (d) B, Si

31. Which of the following represent the correct order of electron affinities?
(a) F > Cl > Br > I (b) C<N<O<F (c)N < C < O < F (d) C > Si > N > P

32. Among Al2O3, SiO2, P2O3 and SO2 the correct order of acid strength is:
(a) SO2 < P2O3 < SiO2 < Al2O3 (b) Al2O3 < SiO2 < P2O3 < SO2
(c) Al2O3 < SiO2 < SO2 < P2O3 (d) SiO2 < SO2 < Al2O3 < P2O3

33. In which of the following arrangements, the order is not according to the property indicated
against it?
(a) Al3+ < Mg2+ < Na+ < F– Increasing ionic size
(b) B<C<N<O Increasing first ionization energy
(c) I < Br < F < Cl Increasing electron gain enthalpy (without negative sign)
(d) Li < Na < K < Rb Increasing metallic radius

34. Which one of the following arrangements represents the correct order of electron gain enthalpy
(with negative sign) of the given atomic species
(a) Cl < F < S < O (b) O < S < F < Cl (c)S < O < Cl < F (d) F < Cl < O < S

35. The IE of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV. The energy required to remove an electron in the n = 2 state
of the hydrogen atom is
(a) 27.2 eV (b) 13.6 eV (c) 6.8 eV (d) 3.4 eV

36. The decreasing order of the second ionization energy of K, Ca and Ba is

(At. Nos. K = 19, Ca = 20, Ba = 56)
(a)K > Ca > Ba (b)Ca > Ba > K (c)Ba > K > Ca (d) K > Ba > Ca

37. The correct order of electron affinity of the elements of oxygen family in the periodic table is
(a) O > S > Se (b) S > O > Se (c) S > Se > O (d) Se > O >

38. Which of the following has the highest electron gain enthalpy?
(a) Li+ (b) Na+ (c) F– (d) Cl–

39. The kinetic energy of the electron in the nth orbit of an atom is given by the relation

(a) (b) (c) (d) None of these

40. The transition in He+ ion that would have the same wave number as the first Lyman line in
hydrogen spectrum is

(a) 2 1 (b) 5 3 (c) 4 2 (d) 6 4

41. The ratio of the radii of the first three Bohr orbit in H atom is

(a) (b) 1:2:3 (c) 1:4:9 (d) 1 : 8 : 27

42. The kinetic energy of the photo-electrons does not depend upon
(a) intensity of incident radiation (b) frequency of incident radiation
(c) wavelength of incident radiation (d) wave number of incident radiation

43. The shortest wavelength of H-atom in Lyman series is x, then longest wavelength in Balmer
series of He+ is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

44. Angular momentum of an electron in the nth orbit of hydrogen atom is given by

(a) (b) (c) (d) nh

45. The energy of an electron in the 3rd orbit of an atom is –E. The energy of an electron in the first
orbit will be
(a) – 3E (b) – E/3 (c) – E/9 (d) – 9E


This section contains 05 questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each
question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to the second
decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, 0.33, 30.27, 127.30)

46. Ionisation energy of F– is 320 kJ mol–1. The electron affinity of fluorine would be

47. The work function of a metal is 4.2 eV. If radiations of 2000 Å fall on the metal then the kinetic
energy of the fastest photo electron is

48. The ratio of K.E. to P.E. of an electron in Bohr-orbit of hydrogen like species is

49. In a hydrogen atom, if the energy of an electron in the ground state is 13.6 eV, then that in the
2nd excited state is

50. What is the maximum no. of emission lines obtained when the excited electrons of a hydrogen atom in
n = 5 drop to ground state?
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has four choices (A), (B), (C) and
(D) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.

51. If a + b + c = 0, then the roots of the equation 4ax2 + 3bx + 2c = 0, where a, b, c R are
(a) real and distinct (b) imaginary
(c) real and equal (d) infinite

52. Product of Solutions Equation is

(a) 2 (b) 1/2 (c) 4 (d) 1/4

53. The Number of Solutions of

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3

54. If The Roots of The Equation 6x2 - 7x + k = 0 are rational, then K is Equal to
(a) -1 (b) -1, -2 (c) -2 (d) 1, 2

55. The rational values of a in ax2 + bx + 1 = 0 if root, are

(a) a = 13, b = –8 (b) a = –13, b = 8 (c) a = 13, b = 8 (d) a = –13, b

= –8

56. The values of p for which one root of the equation x 2 – 30x + p = 0 is the square of the other,
(a) Only 125 (b) 125 and – 216 (c) 125 and 215 (d) Only 216

57. If and are the roots of x2 – a(x – 1) + b = 0, then the value of


(a) (b) (c) 0 (d) –1

58. The value of a for which the sum of the squares of the roots of the equation x 2 – (a – 2)x – a – 1
= 0 assume the least value is
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 0 (d) 1

59. Sachin and Rahul attemped to solve a quadratic equation. Sachin made a mistake in writing
down the constant term and ended up in roots (4, 3). Rahul made a mistake in writing down
coefficient of x to get roots (3, 2). The correct roots of equation are
(a) –4, –3 (b) 6, 1 (c) 4, 3 (d) –6, –1
60. If and are the roots of x2 + x + 2 = 0 and are the roots of x2 + 3x + 4 = 0, then
is equal to
(a) –18 (b) 18 (c) 24 (d) 44

61. If x2 + 2ax + 10 – 3a > 0 for all , then

(a) –5 < a < 2 (b) a<–5 (c) a>5 (d) 2<a<5

62. The number of real solutions of the equation = –3x + x – x2 is

(a) 0 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) None of these

63. If tan A + cot A = 4, then tan4 A + cot4 A is equal to

(a) 110 (b) 191 (c) 80 (d) 194

64. If = m and = n, then the value of tan B, n2 < 1 < m2, is

(a) n2 (b) ± (c) (d) m2

65. If 12 cot2 – 31 cosec + 32 = 0, then the value of sin is

(a) or 1 (c) or (c) or (d) ±


(a) [–10, ) (b) [10, ) (c) [4, 44] (d) [–44, )

67. If x satisfies the inequations 2x – 7 < 11 and 3x + 4 < – 5, then x lies in the interval (– , – m).
The value of ‘m’ is
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

68. The solution set of the inequalities 3x – 7 > 2(x – 6) and 6 – x > 11 – 2x, is
(a) (–5, ) (b) [5, ) (c) (5, ) (d) [–5, )

69. The number of integral values of m for which the equation (1 + m 2)x2 – 2(1 + 3m)x + (1 + 8m) =
0 has no real root is:
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) infinitely many (d) 3

70. If f(x) = , then the equation f(x) = 0 has:

(a) no solution (b) one solution

(c) two solutions (d) more than two solutions
This section contains 05 questions. The answer to each question is a NUMERICAL VALUE. For each
question, enter the correct numerical value (in decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to the second
decimal place; e.g. 6.25, 7.00, 0.33, 30.27, 127.30)

71. If the maximum value of 3 cos + 5 sin for any real value of is , then k =

72. Find integral values of K for which the quadratic equation (K-12) x2 + 2 (K-12) x+ 2 = 0 passes
no real roots



73. Find the greatest value of


74. If and be the roots of the equation x 2 – 2x + 2 = 0, then the least value of n for which

= 1 is

75. If x = 2 + 22/3 + 21/3, then x3 – 6x2 + 6x =

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