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TEST I- MUSIC: MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best possible answer. Write only the letter of the correct

1. What do you call the epic song of Maranao people?

a. Darangaen
b. Ballads
c. Palangan
d. Langkit
2. What do you call the vocal music that tells story in Muslim Mindanao about religious and historical?
a. Darangen
b. Ballads
c. Palangan
d. Langkit
3. Why does Mindanao music are different from Luzon and Visayas folksongs?
a. Because the Spaniards were not able to penetrate Mindanao during their era.
b. Because Mindanao has a different set of instruments for their songs.
c. Because most recording companies are situated in Luzon and Visayas.
d. Because their way of life is different
4. What do you call of the Islamic sacred book, believed to be the word of God as dictated to Muhammad by
the archangel Gabriel and written down in Arabic?
a. Lullaby
b. Quran
c. Bayok
d. Dikker
5. What do you call the vocal music of Tausug?
a. Baat
b. Lugu
c. Langit
d. Palangan
6. What kind of musical instruments that produces sound primarily by the vibration of the air within?
a. Chordophones
b. Idiophones
c. Aerophones
d. Membranophones
7. Which instruments of the kulintang ensemble that is called “talking gongs” because traditionally they are
arranged to tell messages?
a. Gandingan
b. Dabakan
c. Gagandir
d. Kulintang
8. What kind of musical instruments that produce sounds by plucking, striking, or bowing the strings attached
to them?
a. Chordophones
b. Idiophones
c. Aerophones
d. Membranophones
9. What kind of musical instruments that have no definite pitch. It´s sound is produced by striking or rubbing,
plucking, or blowing the substance of the instruments itself?
a. Chordophones
b. Idiophones
c. Aerophones
d. Membranophones
10. Which of the following instrument in Mindanao that is goblet-shaped drum and it is carved from a single
trunk of wood?
a. Dabakan
b. Agung
c. Gandingan
d. Babandir

TEST II- ARTS: MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the best possible answer. Write only the letter of the correct

1. It is an ethnolinguistic group that inhabit some parts of South Cotabato, North Cotabato, and Davao Del Sur
and has the meaning of “house of people”?
a. Bagobis
b. Yakans
c. B´laan
d. T´boli
2. Which of the following is defined as a process of dyeing the fabric where the yarns are wrapped with
strings and dyed before weaving?
a. T´nalak
b. Ikat
c. Badjulapi
d. Pinalantupan
3. Which of the following is described as special textile woven from abaca fibers and it is woven from deep
brown abaca treated in the ikat process to obtain intricate designs?
a. Ikat
b. Malong
c. Badjulapi
d. T´nalak
4. What do you call of the traditional Filipino tube skirt that is made of hand-woven or machine-made multi-
colored cotton cloth, bearing a variety of geometric or floral designs?
a. Malong
b. Kandit
c. Kendi
d. Kayab
5. Which of the following is NOT a part of a Yakan wedding atiire?
a. Kandit
b. Okir
c. Pis
d. saruk
6. Which of the following is the ancestral house of the upper class Maranao and this is the dwelling place of
the datu along with his wives and children?
a. Torogan
b. Panolong
c. Grand Mosque
d. Fort Pillar of zamboanga
7. Which of the following is a wing-like ornament of torogan flaring out from the beams?
a. Torogan
b. Panolong
c. Grand Mosque
d. Fort Pillar of Zamboanga
8. It is one of Maranao Wood Carving and Metal Casting that is a heirloom teapot or kettle used for hot water,
coffee, or tea.
a. Rarub-A-klong
b. Kampilan
c. Batige
d. Kendi
9. How is the bagobos textile design related to that of T´bolis?
a. Both use T´nalak as a fabric in making clothes
b. Both use symmetrical patterns
c. Both textile designs exhibit a cosmological color scheme
d. Both use resist-dyeing to produce a good textile design
10. Which of the following shows the MOST unique characteristics of the Sarimanok?
a. It has sharp claws covered with yellow0gold skin
b. It has tiny pieces of artificial feathers in different colors
c. It has a long and sharp beak holding a fish or a golden coin
d. It has colorful wings, a feathered tail, and its head is decorated with scroll, leaf, and spiral motifs.

TEST III- PE: MATCHING TYPE. Match column A with the corresponding item in column B. Write the letter of
your answer for each number.

1. 1st position in feet a. Tikling bird
2. 2nd Position in feet b. is a traditional Philippine dance which
originated during the Spanish colonial era.
The dance involves two people beating,
tapping, and sliding bamboo poles on the
ground and against each other in coordination
with one or more dancers who step over and
in between the poles in a dance.The name
"tinikling" is a reference to birds close known
as tikling
3. 5th Position in feet c. Point, step
4. 1st Position in arms d. Step, close
5. 4th Position in arms

6. 3rd Position in arms

7. Touch Step


8. Close Step

9. Tinikling Folkdance

10. Name of birds where the tinikling dance is


TEST IV- PE: TRUE OR FALSE. Read each statement below carefully. Write the big Letter T if the statement is
true and write big letter F if the statement is false.

1. A little stress can be good to you?

2. Talking to your family or friend can help you to reduce stress?
3. Taking a break can reduce your stress or anger?
4. Travelling in the nice places can make you stress?
5. Playing sports can increase the level of your stress?
6. Dealing with anger will reduced the one´s level of stress?
7. Accepting failure in life will help to prevent being depress?

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