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lShowappreciationlTatk products

aboutllkesanddistikeslDescribe andglre opinionsl

ui.,r,Ji,i,-,:.r.;Thg perfeCt lUnCh gUgst

Choosea word or phrasein italics to make sentences
that are true
in your country.
G ' g e V

Goodadvicefor guestsat a businesslunch

.lt's importantI not importanfto be on time.
. lt'sa goodI bad ideato bringa smallgiftforthe hostor hostess.
. lt's OKI not OK to discussbusiness duringthe meal.
. lt's OKI notpoliteto refusefoodor drink.
'You canI can'ttellyourhostdirectlyif youdon'tlikea dish.
. Yourmobilephoneshouldbe turnedonI off duringthe mear.
. lt is comfortable
I uncomfortable to havesilenceduringthe meal.
I not importanfto say 'Thankyou'at the endof the meal.
. lt's important

Compare your ideas with a partner. What other things are OK / not
OK for a guest to do at a business lunch or dinner in your countrjf

20 a Unit +
C D1 1 O L i s t e n i n g fl uartha works for Hola Madrid, a telecommunications company
iii iiti;ruLer: in Spain. Jake is her colleague from the company's london offiie.
Martha invites Jake to a business dinner. Listen to their conversation
and decide if the statements are true or false.
I Martharecommends the fish.
2 Jakelikesthis restaurant.
3 Jakeis payingfor the meal.

I fisten again. Complete the phrases in the extracts.With a partner,

practise saylng the phrases and responding.
commenting on the meal and responding to comments
Jake: This is d , Martha.
Martha: I'm g you I it. It's a regionalspeciality.
Sayrngthank you and responding to thanks
Jake: Martha,thank you for a I meal.
Martha: It was my p , Jake.

I r t ' ] l r l l r l f lr:e { e ' e . ' tn' :r (


Objective: Show appreciation

Write a short menu with your partner. Include two main courses
and two desserts.
Step 2Have a convercation
You are at a restaurant having a business lunch. Take turns to be the
guest and the host. Use your menu from Step l. The guest starts the
Startof the meal:askyour hostto recommenda dish (what do gou... ?)
Duringthe meal:commenton the food
End of the meal:thank the host
Startof the meal:recommenda dish from the menu(The... is good./
I recommendthe ...)
Duringthe meal:respondto your guestwhen theycommenton the meal
End of the meal:respondto your guestwhen theythankyou

A n a t y s i s Asthe guest:Whatphrase did you useto comment pol.iteLy

on the mea[?
5 n ri n trre .' r Didyouthankthe hostfor the mea[?
Asthe host:wereyou abteto respond to yourguest'scomments?
Whatphrase did you useto respond to thanksat the endof the mea[?

Unit 4 a zl
Sayingwhatyou think
In some cultures,peoplethink that it is very important to be honestbut in
other culturesthey think that it is more important to be diplomatic.When
you visit another country it is a good idea to checkinformation about food
and etiquette.Look at the situation below.Would you give a diplomatic or an
honest responsein your culture?Complete your culture profile on page82.
Your host offers you food that you do not like.
How do you respond?

Diplomatic Honest

A c c e p tthe food and eat i t. Explainthat youdo not [ikethe food.

Y o uth i n k that i t i s i mpol i teto In yourcountry,it is 0K to refusefoodor
re fu s efo od or dri nk and you do drink.Youdon'tthinkthat it is a probtem
n o t w a n t to offendyour host. to saywhatyou[ikeor don't[ike.

likes and dislikes
Put the phrases expressinglikes and dislikes in the correct place
on the line below.
['m not keen on I like I hate I love I don't like

a b c I don'-i rninc\ d e f
Like loo% Dislike loo%

Youcan makelikesand dislikesstrongerby usingreaLlg.

I realLyLike... I reaLlyhate... I'm not reallg keenon ...

Ask and answer questionsabout the following things.

spicyfood fastfood vegetarian
food sushi fizzydrinks chocolate dessert
Do gouLikespia4food? Yes,I Lwe spicyfood. / No, I'm not keenon spiq

Task2 Objective:Talk about likes and dislikes

You work for a company that
or$anisesconferences.You are Re: Buffet lunch
arranging the menu for a
buffet to welcome guestsat the Pleasetick four dishesfrom the listto
start of the conference.L,ookat order the food for the buffetlunch.
the email from the . spicychickenE
company. Use a dictionary to . mi nihamburgers tr
help with any words that you . sushiselectiontr
don't know. Add another dish . sal adE
to the list. Talk to your group . sandwichselectiontr
about the things that you like
. mini cheese pizzasfJ
and dislike on your list. Agree
on four dishes to order from A notherdi sh:
the catetittg company.

22 a Unit +
Didyoute[[yourgroupaboutthe dishes
that you[ikeanddistike?
youa[[agreeon fourdishes
Could to choose?

Lisa invites a client to lunch in a restaurant. Listen to the

conversation and choose the correct option to answer the questions.
Philip commentson Lisa's
a digital camera. b laptop computer. c mobile phone.
Underwater,Lisa can
a make calls. b take photos. c send emails.
3 Lisa saysthat the cover is made of
>\-\- a plastic. b wood. c metal.

. Listen again and tick the phrasesthat you hear.

Questions Description Opinion
I Doesit haveany I It'ssuitable
for ... ! That's nice /great.
specialfeatures? lt,sdesigned for ... f It looks really stylish.
I I don't like it very
I Wow, that's amazingt
tr lt's too big / small.
I Why do you like itz
I What'sit madeofz

Task3 Objective: Describe prcducts and give opinions

Step I Write questions

Look at the four products. work with your partner to write two
questionsthat you could ask about each product.
Step 2 Write notes
Choose one of the products (a different one to your panner). write
notes about how to describethe product and your opittion on it (say
why you like or dislike it).
Step 3 Have a conversation
Take turns to talk about the product that you chose in step 2. when
your partner is describing their product show interest by aiking
questionsand giving your opinion.

Wereyouableto describe
the product
to yourpartner?
andgiveopinions aboutthe product?

on the tasks.wereyouableto:
s h o wa p p r e c i a t i o n ? I yes L-l needmorepractice
anddisLikes? n yes Ll needmorepractice
describe andgiveopinions?I yes I needmorepractice

Unit 4 a 23
Introducea talk events
Sequence Present history |
a company

Openinga presentation
Look at the list of things to do when you open a presentation. Tick
the five items that you think are most imponant. Compare your
ideas with a partner.
Greetthe audience. T
Tell a joke. tr
Introduceyourself. tr
Tell a story. tr
Makeeyecontactwith the audience. tr
Includelotsof statistics. T
Tell peoplethe subjectof the
Smile. tr

24 a Unit s
| *nra do you say? 1 E Co-plete the introduction to the presentation using these words.
then finally today to beginwith hello
Presentation notes
, ladiesand gentlemen.
My name is '_ . (your name)
I'd like to talk to you about time management.
tll tell you someof the theoriesabouttime management.
we'll look at the company'scurrentsystem.
And' we'll talk aboutwaysto improvetime management in
our department.

fl fake turns to read the introduction to your talk Speakslowly

and clearly.

Objective: Introduce a talk

Prepare an introduction to a talk about a current project or one that
you enjoyed working on in the past. Presentyour introduction to
your partner.

Analysis Whatprojectdid you chooseto present?

2 ntinutes Didyou andyour partnerspeakslowlyand ctearly?

i c D13 O Listening II fh. Gadget House is a company that sells gifts in stores and on
i 1 5 mi nutes the internet. Listen to the introduction to a presentation about the
company's history and tick the places that you hear.
warehousen factory ! headoffice n
Poland ! Lisbon tr Berlin n
gift shop tr Europe tr onlinestore tr

B fisten again and put the events in the correct order.

a Bruno boughta new warehouse. n
b He movedto Berlin. n
c The GadgetHouselaunchedan online store. n
d Bruno openeda shop in Portugal. n
e The companystartedto sell productsby mail order. tr
f He had a chain of tz shopsin Europe. u
E nthrt did Bruno do on thesedates?
I 1985 In 1985he...
2 1988
3 200s

+ts reference:
Grammar page88

Unit 5 a 25
W h a t d o yousay?
2 Sequencingevents
5 rninutes Complete the sentencesabout The Gadget House using the language
for sequencing events.
Finally And now So what did I do? To beginwith After moving
For the next Then After a while
I , let's look at how the company started.
2 to Berlin in 1988,I decided to expand the business.
3 three or four years it was fine.
4 there were problems with the economy.
5 I bought a huge new warehouse!
6 , we startedto sellour productsby mail order.
7 , in 2005we launchedour online store.
8 TheGad$etHouseis one of the mostsuccessful new internet

Objective: Sequence events

Step I hrcparation
5 minutes

HeLLo-Todag l'mhere to talk about Bntno Cardosoand TheC,ad,getHotrse.

To begtnwith, l'Ll"talk about hov'tBruno startedTheGadgetHousetn lgss...
Pairs Step 2 Presentation
1 0m i r r u t e s
Take tums to p-resgntyour introduction. when you listen to your
partner's introduction, note the events that they include.

Anatysis Wereyou abteto sequence events?

5 minutes Didyou focuson differenteventsto yourpartner?
Didyou usethe samephrases asyourpartneror differentones?

I cut, work Tatkingaboutpastevents

In somecultures,peopleexplaineventsin sequence and quicklygetto the
main point. In othercultures,peoplecan describeeventsin a diferent
order.How do peopledescribeeventsin your culture?completeyour
cultureprofile on page82.

WhentaLking aboutthe historyof a Whentalkingaboutthe historyof a

company or projectin a presentation companyor projectin a presentation
youstructure eventsinto a beginning, you maytatk aboutdifferentpartsof
middleandend. the history,out of sequence.
Thebackground information buitds Thebackground information
towardsa keypieceof information. asimportantasthe mainstory.
Youget to the pointquickl.y andkeep Youtatkaroundthe subjectand
to the facts. jumpfrompointto point.

26 a Unit s
Task3 Objective: Present a company history

Step I Preparation
Prepare a short talk about the history of your company or the
history of another company that you know. Stan your talk with an
introduction and use phrases to sequence events.

Step 2 Presentation
Take turns to give your presentation to the group. Remember to greet
the audience, introduce yourself and say what your talk is about.

) , . . ,, r i ' t Jt i r e i . , t i t e ip. e c ) p i e| .
: - : i o i u c e t h e t a L ka n d s a y i ; l t a i :
. , e q u e n c ee v e n i - 'i ;n t l t e c o m p a n vs

' e r f o t n r a n coen t h e t a s l < sW

a b o u ty o r j )p
Thjrrl< . e r ev o u d l l r e L 0 :

i n L r o d u c ea t a i , k ? i lyes n e e d n r o r e lt r a' - c' -l j c e


s e q u e n c ee r r e n t s J L iyes n e p d r T r o r Pr , r a c t i a , l
i - i
- l l i (-l i ,C ri.ii (-(.)ri l l l any
hi story? i yes l l n e e dn r o r ep r a c t i c e

whatdoyouthink? Participatingin a meeting
5 minutes You are participating in a meeting where people have lots of
different opinions. Tick the things that you think are a good idea.
! Listento what peoplesay.
n Beaggressive.
n Usepolite phrasesto agreeand disagree.
n Make personalcomments.
tr Makeyour point in short,simple sentences.

+B practice,
Goodbusiness page76

The orion Group is a soft drinla company.The CEo calls a meeting

to decidethe companfs ten-yearplan. He asksfor ideas about what
changeswill influence the soft drinks market in the nert ten years.
Four peoplegive.theiropinion

ll risten to the four speakers.Write the correct speakernumber next

to each opinion.
a Healthdrinksmightincrease. n
b Consumers will beolder. tr
c Sportsdrinkswill increase. tr
d Therewon'tbe muchchange. tr

28 a Unit e
E Wtrich speaker sounds most sure?Whyr Which speaker sounds
least sure?Whyl

fl How do the speakersintroduce their ideas?Listen again and

complete the sentences.
I I sportsdrinks will be a big market.
2 I think therewill be any greatchange.
3 I'm the over-55market will grow.
4 It'S that health drinks could be an important area.

( ,i . r| r .rtl r ar r e f e r e r tei : M o d a I v e r b r sI i a r t ] , ; - r . t r i t, 'Lj :l '

I n d i v i d u a t l y Step I Preparation
5 rrtirtrrtcs
You are in a meeting to discuss a new anti-ageing drink that Orion
is thinking of developing. The drink can possibly improve eyesight
and memory. Read the list of a4uments for and ngnuut. Tick the
opinions that you agreewith and add your own ideas. Do you think
that Orion should develop the drinke Whya / tNhy not?

Argunents for Argnrnents against

tr The average age of the tr orion should stay with
population wil-1 rise in its current target
the future. Orion should cusLomers children and
target older customers. teenagers. It is a safe
tr older people will be market.
more interested in t1 rr wilt be difficulr ro
healthy food and drink market the drink without
products it could be a losing the younger
big market. market.
tr It would be good to be tr rt will cost a lot of
one of the first money to develop the
companies to offer anti- drink.
ageing drinks. Any other opinions?
Any other opinions?

Unit 5 129
G r o u p os f 4 Step 2 The meeting
i C - 1 5m i n u t e s
Have a shon meeting to discusswhether Orion should invest money
in developing this product. Give your opinion and listen to the
opinions of other people in your group.

Anatysis Whatphrasedid you useto givean opinionaboutthe drink?

5 mj n u t e s Didyou decidethat 0rionshouldinvestmoneyin this product?

I cur*ure
at work Focuson the pastandfuture
All companiesneedto think abouthow theywill developin the future,but
different culturesfocuson the pastand the future in differentways.Lookat
the statements and decidehow you talk aboutthe pastand futurein your
culture.Completeyour cultureprofileon page82.

Youtalk aboutwhatthe company Thehistoryof a company is veryimportant.

is doingtoday. Youreferto the pastin orderto givea
Pastperformanceis lessimportant contextto presentperformance.
than futuregoals. Futureptansbuitdon pasttraditions.
Youemphasise futureptansand

CD15 €) Listening Il et the Orion meeting, the chairperson asks three key departments
1 0m i n u t e s for opinions about the drink What three depanments do you think
he will ask to hear opinions from? Listen to the recording. Did he
mention the departments you noted?

pf risten again. Completethe questionswith on or about.

I What's your opinion the drinka
2 What do you think this?
3 How do you feel the productionside?
4 Hasanyoneelsegot any thoughts this?

Objective: Ask for opinions

Step I Preparation
5 minutes Your company asks for ideas about what new technology and
equipment to purchase to allow employees to work from home.
Note five things that employeeswill need to set up a modern home
office. How much do you think each item will cost?
Groupso{ Step 2 Meeting
10 minutes
Have a meeting to discusswhat new technologiyand equipment to
purchase for ten employees to start the home-working project. You
have a budget of $t,ooo per person. Everyone in the group is
responsible for asking for and giving opinions. Use phrases from
Listening 2 to find out what the other people in your group think.

30 r Unit e
W h o t eg r o u p Step 3 Presentation
5 i i i i nu t e - s
Presentyour group's ideas to the rest of the class.
I Anatysis Wereyou ableto askopinions?
Didyou givean opinion?

whatdoyousay? Respondingto opinions

[l toot at the phrases and decide which you would use to a$ree (A)
or disagree(D).
I That'sright. T 5 [ don'tthink ... tr
2 SorryI don't agree. tr 6 That'sa goodpoint,but ... T
3 tr
I'm not sureaboutthat ... 7 I seeyour point. T
4 I (totally)agree. T 8 I know exactlywhat you mean. tr
ff rake tums to give an opinion on the followittg subjects. Use the
phrases in exercise I to agree or disagree with your partner.
I Peoplewho speakon their mobilephonewhile driving.
2 A total ban on smokingin all officebuildings,restaurants,
pubs in your country.

Objective: Aglee and disagfee

Step I Discussion
A local charity asks your company to help with one of its
community projects.T?reproject will invest in the community and
your company will increase its local profile. Iook at the information
about three projects on page lO3. Discussthe possible advantages
and disadvantages of each project with your partner.
t ^
i t r r o u p so t 4 Step 2 Meeting
i t. -:':..-.2-.
Have a meeting to decide which community project your company
should help with. Use phrases to ask for and give opinions, and to
agree and disagreewith the other people in your group.

An al y s is Didyou usephrasesto agreewith the opinions

of otherpeoplein yourgroup?
Didyou useany phrasesto disagree?
Dideveryonegivean opinion?

i S e l f - a s s e s s m e n t Thinkaboutyourperformance
on the tasks.Wereyouableto:
giveyouropinion? tr yes t] needmorepractice
askfor opinions? I yes I needmorepractice
agreeanddisagree? I yes I needmorepractice

Unit 6 r 31
| *nra do you think? Iook at the two emails Emir Mahoud has received, asking for
product information. Which email is more formala Which email is
from someone that he knows?

H Efrl Fr;E r9|y Eplrrl ffi

To: Emir Mahoud To: EmirMahoud

From: Emma From: EdwardBaxter

DearMr Mahoud
Canyou sendme someinformation Couldyou sendme someinformation about
aboutthe newelectronic dictionary
on the electronic on page9 of your
page9 of yourbrochure? I
Can add brochure?
wordsto it? Doesit useAmericanand
I'd liketo knowif it is possibleto add
vocabulary to it.Also,doesit includeboth
Thanks. American andBritishEnglish?
Bestwishes Thankyoufor yourhelp.
Emma Regards

Write an email to Emir to ask for information about a laptop
computer. Use these notes. Choose whether you want to write a
formal or informal email.
laptop / page12/ brochure
how heavy?
how long / battery/ lasta

32.Writing 2
What do you write? Use the phrasesto complete Emir's reply to Emma.
Letme know Thanks can ideal Hi regards quality information

Delete Junk Reply ReplyAll Fonrvard Print

To: Emma
From: EmirMahoud

for youremail.
page 9 of the brochure.You o add up to 10,000new words to it
and it's 5 for use with bothAmericanand's also
very good

if you have any other questions.


Objective: Reply to a request

Write a reply to the email. Use the information about the mobile
phone in Audioscripts, Unit 4, Listening 2 on page lOZ.

V\ \\F\ -/,

Delete Junk ReplyAll Fonaard Print

could you send me some information aboutthe mobilephoneon page 12 ot

your catalogue?Does it have any specialfeatures?what is it made of?

Thanksfor your help.



Writing2 .33

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