Ib Pre Interm Skillsbook7 9

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W h a td o y o ut h i n k ?

How often do you look at your watch during the daf How often do
V / l r o l ec l a s s you check your diaryl? How do you feel if you leave your watch at
5 rljlutes home?

s a y ?1 Talkingaboutdatesand times
fl fUatch the way we say the times with the correct watch.
I a quarter to eight 4 eight o'clock
2 half past seven 5 a quarter past eight
3 twenty-five to eight 6 ten past seven

a t --a

34 a Unit z
* - Complete the sentencewith at, of, on and the.
We write; We sav:
Tuesday14thOctober 4pm 'l'll
seeyou Tuesday 1{t h
October 4pm.'
Imagine that the date today is Monday lgth April. Match the
phrases with the dates in the calendar.
I the day before yesterday
2 last Monday
3 the day after tomorrow
4 this Thursday
5 next Tuesdav

Task1 Objective: Say dates and times

Step I Say dates

Look in your diary. Find three dates and times that are / were
imponant for you this year. Say the dates and times to your partner
and say why they are / were important.
You want to arrange a meeting with your partner next week. Allow
three hours for the meeting. Look at your diary. Find a day, date and
time that is good for you and your partner.
Use these phrasesto help you:
What about(Tuesday
/ 2 o'clock)? Yes,that's fine.
(Tuesday/ 2 o'clock)is good for me.
I can't make (Tuesday/ 2 o'clock).

Wereyou abteto saydatesandtimescorrectly?

Didyoufinda dateandtimeyoucouldbothdo?

Unit 7 r i5
c D 1 6 oListening 1 Il Tom Davis is a relocations consultant for Centurian Services.He
10 nrinutes phones to arrange an appointment to visit a regional office in
Warsaw. Listen to the conversation. What day, date and time do
Tom and Adriana agree on?

fl fisten again and correct one mistake in each sentence from Tom
and Mriana's conversation.
I What can I get for you? 5 I'm sad I'm busy on the 28th.
2 I'd like to find an appointment. 6 How is Wednesdaythe 29th?
3 Are you three at the end of the 7 Let'sspeak around 9 o'clock.
month? 8 OK I'll look you at 1:30on
4 What date'sfine for vou? Thursday the 30th.

-^t\ - . ., . .^.
;n G r a r n m al er f e r e n c cF: i t t r l r ef o l n r s ,p a g e8 : r

Task2 Objective: Make an appointrnent

P a i rs
i0-15 mrinutes A relocations consultant phones a client to make an appointment.
Iook at the diaries and role-play the telephone conversation. Use the
phrases from Listening I to help you.
srudent A rurn to page 96.
Student B turn to page 99.

Analysis Whatdateandtime did you agreeto meet?

5 m inu t e s Didyou confirmthe day,dateandtime at the endof the ca[[?

W h a td o y o u Makingchanges
Il Sometimes you need to change arrangements.Complete the
sentencewith the following words.
come tt change appointment afraid
I'm something's up. Is possibleto
our ?

B wtatch the sentencesl-3 with the correct calendar a-c.

I I haveto cancelour appointment.
2 Can we postponeour meeting?
3 Is it possibleto bring forwardthe deadline?

21't 22nd 24tn 25rh 21.1 22nd 24tn 25rh 21.t 22d 23,d 24th 25rh
<-- -)

+D GooC practice,
business page8o

36a Unit z
Tom Davis phones to change his appointment with Adriana. Listen
to the telephone conversation and answer the questions.
I DoesTom cancel,postponeor bring forward the appointment?
2 What is the day, date and time of the new appointment?

Attitudesto arrangements
In somecultures.peoplehavea flexibleattitudeto time and arrangements.
In other cultures.peoplelike times and arrangements to be fixed.Look at the
information below. Which is closerto your culture?Completeyour culture
profile on page82.

Ftexibte Fixed

Yo ua r e spontaneous and can make Y ouw ant to ptanschedutes car ef ut lyand

at short noti ce.
a rra n g ements fi x arrangementsw e[[i n adva nce.
Yo ud o not consi deri t a probtem Y ou[i keto keepappoi ntmen t s. Youdo not
to c a ncelor changeappoi ntments. l i k et o c a n c eol r c h a n g ea r r a n g e m e n t s .
If y o u makean arrangement to If you makean arrangemento t m eetat a
me e ta t a certai nti me, i t doesnot certai nti me, i t i s i mportantto be
matterif you are a littte tate. punctuat.

Task3 Objective: Change an appointment

The client from Task 2 phones the relocations consultant to change

the appointment. Take turns to be the client and the relocations
consultant. Try to find another date and time when you are both
Client: Look again at the diary on page99, and crossout two appointments.
Phonethe relocationsconsultant.
Apologiseand explain that you need to changeyour appointment.

Relocationsconsultant: Look again at the diary on page96 and crossout

two appolntments.
Your client phonesand wants to changeyour appointment.

W e r ey o u a b L et o a p o t o o i saen d s a yt h a t v o u n e e d e d t o c h a n q et h e
ap p o i n t m e n t ?
D i dy o u u s ep h r a s etso s u g g e sat n o t l r edr a t e :
W e r ey o u a b t et o a r r a n q ea n o t h e ra ' t r n o i n t n r e,r^h
r'te n v o u a r e b o t h a v a j [ a b L e ?

T h i n ka b o u ty o u rp e r f o r n r a nocnet h et a s k sWere
. y o u a b t et o :
s a yd a t e sa n dt i m e s ? - yes n e e dm o r ep r a c t i c e
m a k ea n a p p o i n t m e n t ? - yes n e e dm o r ep r a c t i c e
change - yes n e e dm o r ep r a c t i c e

Unit 7 ,:n37
howto do somethinglGive


which of these things should a company do to help a new
employee on their first daf rick the ideas that you agree with.
Arrangefor someoneto show him / her around the company. T
Introducehim lher to colleagues. T
Setup an induction programme. T
Ask an experiencedmember of staff to help with any problems. tr
Leavea list of company rulesand procedureson the new person'sdesk. T
Have a fullday training sessionon securityprocedureson the first day. T
Does your company do any of thesethings?
Is there anything else that companies can do to help new employees?

An assistantfrom Human Resourcesis showing a new employee

round. Listen and complete the map using the following 'rords.
Start the tour from reception.Compare your map with a partner.
canteen a
ilb t
Salesand Marketing
car park
Youare here tl

38 m Unit g

tVhatdo you say? Givingdirections
i ' , 1 ' , ' , i l t r t )

Il wtt"t prepositionis neededto complete three of the directions

from Listeningl? Which direction does not need a preposition?
I the left 3 go straight_
2 turn _ right 4 _ the right

E At the directions true or false according to the map? Correa the

false information.
I The Productionareais behind the loadingbay.
2 Thecanteenis pastthe warehouse, on the left.
3 The FinanceManager's offrceis oppositeHuman Resources.
4 Salesand Marketingis betweenreceptionand the Human Resources

Task1 Objective: Show someone round

' ' ' . , l ,j , l ; ,

ir.t 1,.; ii-ltriili{-l:, Draw a map of your own company / department. Imagine you are
taking your partner on a tour and point out the most important
areas. If you do not want to use your own company, use the map
below. Use the language from What do you sa1l?to help you.


@ ?
c91 6
d E F
F = F


f : i : )i q , - ; ) L j s i e r r i n q It is Alberto's first day in his new job. Sylvia shows him round the
j l r : , : , '
depanment. Listen to their conversation and answer the questions.

II SyMa explains how to use the vending machine. Listen and

number her instructions in the correct order.
a Putyour moneyin here. I
b And thereyou are! tr
c ShallI go overthat again? I
d Takea cup. tr
e Pressthe button nextto the drink that you want. tr
f Insertit here. I
pf Choose the correct worrd in italis to complete Sylvia's explanations
I It might be best to have tea / cofee.
Don't Jorget I remember to collect your lunch card from the office
It's a bad / good idea to collect it from receptionbeforel00o.
If you have a lot of copies,make stne / certain that you use the one on
the right.
Remember caLLwtE
/ to call, the support team on 22A9.

Unit 8 r 39
fl uatch the expressions l-3 with the uses a-c.
I Did you say...? /So,you can'tusemoney? a confirmingthat you
2 Fine./ OIC/ fught./ Aha... b showingthat you aren'tsure
3 Sorry?/Erm ... c askingfor clarification

+D reference:
Granimar page90
ihe inrperative,

Task2 Objective: Explain how to do something

10-15 Role-play the conversations.
Conversation I
StudentA: You areshowinga new colleagueround the office.Explainhow
to enterand exit the building.Usephrasesfrom Listening2 to explainthe
proceduresto StudentB.Checkthat theyunderstand.
How to enterand exitthe building
Importantto giveSecuritya passportphoto and theywill makeyou an
Insertidentitycard in barrierat reception.
Pressblue button.
Wait for greenlight to show.
Pushgateand walk through.
Neverleaveyour identitycard in your ofifice;keepit with you at all times.
Your partnerwill giveyou
StudentB: You arethe new colleague.
informationaboutenteringand exitingthe building.Listenand replyusing
from Listeningz.
Conversation 2
SrudentB: You areshowinga new colleagueround the office.Explainhow
to usethe food vendingmachine.Usephrasesfrom Listening2 to explain
the procedureto StudentA
How to usethe food vendingmachine
C,ettokensfor machinefrom reception.
Puttokenin slot.
Presscodefor the food you want.
Takefood out.
Thereare two microwaveovensto heat food.
Microwaveovenon the left is quickerand moreefficient.
Yourpartnerwill giveyou information
SrudentA: You arethe new colleague.
abut usingthe food vendingmachine.Listenand replyusingexpressions
from Listening2.

40 r Unit g
Attitude to procedures
Everycompanyhasdifferentprocedures; rulesfor doingcertainthingssuch
asorderingstationeryor claimingexpenses. [n somecultures,peoplelike
clear,fixedprocedures.In othercultures,peoplepreferprocedures to be
moreflexible.Lookat the statementsbelow.Whicharecloserto attitudesto
procedures in your country?Completeyour cultureprofileon page82.

Morefixed Lessfixed

Pro cedures
shoutdbe fi xed and ctear. Procedures areimportant, but they
P e o p [ en e e dt o k n o ww h a tt o d o a n d shouLd beftexibte.
w h a t i s expectedof them. Peopte tiketo showinitiativeandadapt
It i s u ncomfortabLe w henyou do not to newsituations.
know exacttywhat to expectin a I t i s b o r i n gw h e ny o uk n o ww h a tt o
s i tu ati on. expecteveryday.

Task3 Objective: Give advice and explain prccedures

Step I Give advice

A colleague from the Sydney branch of your company transfers to
your office. Your boss asks you to look after your new colleague.
Look at the information and take turns to give advice and explain
company procedures.
Srudent A turn to page 96.
Student B turn to page 99.
Step 2Explain a procedure
Think about a procedure that you have in your company, collegeor
somewhere that you have worked in the past. Write shon notes
about the procedure and then explain it to your partner.

WereVouab[eto answer yourpartner's questions?

D i dy o uu s ee x p r e s s i ot o
n sg i v ei n f o r m aaId v i c e ?
D i dy o uc h e c tkh a ty o u rp a r t n eur n d e r s t o tohdei n f o r n r a t i o n ?
CouLd youdescribe procedures to yourpartner?

T h i n ka b o u ty o u rp e r f o r m a n coen t h e t a s k s W
. e r ey o u a b [ et o :
s h o ws o m e o n reo u n d ? yes I n e e dm o r ep r a c t i c e
e x p t a i nh o v vt o d o t h i n g s ? yes I n e e dm o r ep r a c t i c e
g i v ea d v i c ea n , Je x p t a i np r o c e d u r e s ?I yes t] n e e dm o r ep r a c t i c e

Unit 8 r 41


Whatdo you think?

1 Findingout what peoplethink
1. 0m inut es A nernrhead of marketing wants to hear employees' s;uggestionsfor
ways to promote the compaqfs prcducc. What are the advantages and
disadrantages of these methodsa
Havea suggestionbox.
Sendan email to staffaskingfor suggestions.
Call a meeting.

+ts Good practice,

business page

ll Vanage Travel specialisesin businesstravel arrangements.Listento

part of a meeting to decidewtrat fiee gift to give to cliens to promote
the companys loth anniversary.How many ideasar€ suggested?

B risten again and match the sentence halves.

I 0 think) we should... a givingthem a pen with our companynameon?
2 (Perhaps) we could ... b arran$ea celebrationparty?
3 We needto ... c do somethingreallyspecial.
4 Whynot... d a travelalarm clocka
5 How about... e getthe holdersprinted with the companylogo.
6 What about... f givecustomers a little holderto put their

)B reference:
Grammar ModalverbspartZ, page86
42 a Unit g
Objective: Make suglglestions

Step I Add to the list

5 minutes Ttrink of one more gift idea to add to the list from the meeting in
the listening.
Groupsof 4 Step 2 Continue the meeting
10 minutes
Continue the r.neetingat Vantage Travel. Tell your group the idea
that you have for the gift. Use phrases frtom the listening to make
your suggestion.

Analysis Didyou think of a gift idea?

5 minutes Whatphrasedid you useto suggest youridea?
Whatotherphrases couldyou useto introduce

I cutaur.at work Showingreactions

In somecultures,peopleshow their reactionsby the expressionon their face
or throughbody language.In other cultures,peopledo not show obvious
reactionsand havea more neutralstyleof body language. Which styleis
more like the way that you show reactionsin your culture?Completeyour
culture profile on page82.

Ifthe personis happy,angryor surprised, Ifthe personis happy,angryor

it oftenshowsin their expression. surprised,
their expression
Peopleusehandsto emphasise whatthey remainneutrat.
aresaying. Peoplekeephandsandbodystilt
Peopledo not feel comfortablewith whenspeaking.
silenceandwilt usuattyrespondto a Peoplefeel comfortabtewith silence
suggestionquicklyto avoidbreaksin the and[iketo taketime to consider the
conversation. suggestionbeforeresponding.

Whatdo you Makinga response

5-10 minutes

CD20 O Listento the meeting again. Tick the responsesyou hear.

t Brilliant! tr
2 That'sa good idea. tr
3 That'sa possibility. !
4 I'm not sureabout that. tr
s I like that. n
6 That'san interestingidea. !
7 No, I don't think that would work. tr

Unit 9 a 43
l;l ' , hat do youthink?2 Doyou haveenoughtime?
Tell your partner what is on your to do list this week. Include things

t ,
from *otk and home. Do you have enough time to do everything
on the liste What would help you have more time? Would you pay
for someone to do some of the things on the list?

Objective: Respond to suggestions

Step I
perfect Concie{e is a new company that provides a personal seruice
for busy businesspeople. Iook at the information about the
co-pany. Have a meeting to suggestwhat other servicesthe company
could offer. Use phrases to make and respond to su$$estions.

Whereveryou trovel,PerfectConciergecon offerYpuo ronge

of corporoieond personolservicesto mokeyour life eosier:
teomto deolwithollyour business
O An internotionol
includingexcellent to documents.

O Plonningond coteringfor corporotedinnerportiesond

in the city ond
O A bookingservicefor the bestrestouronts
the top shows.

o Shoppingservicesto buy ond delivergiftsfor personol

or corporote occosions.

Orgonisotion of oll trovelorrongements including

o lututy cor ond chouffeur, o yochtor o helicopter
to helpyou trovelin style.

i G r o u p so f 4 Step 2

you work for PerfectConcierge.Have a meeting to discuss ideas for

i _ : : i : r r
i ) -

promoting the company. look at the promotion idea on your role

iard. Give your opinions and make suggestionsto your group.
Respond to other people's suggestions.
Student A: Use TV advertisin$.
An advertisementduring a weeklyArts pro$rammewould tar$etthe
right clientsfor the company.
The Arts programmeis at llpm on Tuesdayevenings.
Cost:$18,000for a one-minuteadvertisement.
Srudent B turn to Page 98.
Student C turn to Page l0l.
Srudent D turn to Page lO4.

ideasto yourgroup?
: A n a L y s r s Wereyou ableto suggest
t, .' I
:r. to suggestions?
Didyou respond

M rUnit g
W h a td o Coming
to a decision
5 nrinutes
lomplete the expressionsfor coming to a decision with the
following verts.
does come is go make agree
I Let's a decision,then.
2 So, everyonehappywith that?
3 everyoneagreewith that?
4 We have to to a decision.
s fught,shallwe for Stuart'sidea?
6 Doeseveryone that we should open a new branch?

Objective: Make a choice

Step I Preparation

StudentA: At the meeting,suggestthis idea or one of vour own to

celebratethe company launch:
a party on a boat with disco and food.
Your idea:
Srudent B turn to page 99.
Student C rurn to page lO2.
Srudent D turn to page lO4.
Step 2Have a meeting
Have a short meeting to discussyour ideas. Make suggestionsand
give your opinions. Listen to everyone'sideas and -i[e a choice
about how to celebratethe launch of the company.

Didyou makesuggestions?
Didyou respond to suggestionsthat otherpeoplein the groupmade?
Wasit easyor difficultto makea choice?

i S e t -f a s s e s s l n e n t Thinkaboutyourperformance
on the tasks.wereyouableto:
makesuggestions? I yes I needmorepractice
to suggestions? I y.t E needmorepractice
makea choice? E yes f] needmorepractice

Unit 9 a 4s
Structurea memo I Explaina procedure

A memo is a shon, official note, sent from one person to others

in the same company. Choose the correct words in italics to
complete the advice about writing memos.
You should write memos using formaL I tnformal language,with
'no I qLot of contractions.It's a good idea to use'Lon! lshort sentences
and t dffia.tLt I simpLevocabulary.Memos should be as cLearI tntcLearas

Read the memo and match the descriptions t{ with the parts of
the memo a-f.
I More information
2 What the memo is about
3 The main point
4 Who the memo is to
5 A solution
6 Who the memo is from

To: All staff Manager
Lee Stone'Facilities
srnoki': be
healthof all
in anYpart of
allowed .o*'ou u:d s
;; ;nd
-- we ffi
to cornPt a special
,;]ff, ""d ::^"-rbility of installing
-we are investiq":'is^::
loVestt5<'.;;;." ffi| future'
in the future'
for Your cooPeratron'
Thank You

46 | Writing 3
Task1 Objective: Write a memo
You are the Facilities Manager, I.ee Stone.Write a memo to all staff
to explain the siruation in the notes below.
companycar parkclosedl5th - tgth August
urgentrepairs& createextraparkingspaces
usepubliccar park- KingStreet

Put the sentencesin the correct order to complete a memo about

changesto claiming expenses.

To: All staff
From: Financedepartment
Re: Important changesto claiming expenses
I claiming expenses/ proceduresfor / will / changein october
The proced,utres
for cLaLvt*Ln4expewseswLLLchav"geLw october.
2 expensesclaims / put in / every month / will no longer
3 a company/ will have/ all staff/ credit card
4 it like I a normal I canuse / credit card
5 by your / should be signed/ departmentmanagerI credit card
6 the credit card bill / will pay I each month
The finance department

Task2 Objective: Explain a pnocedure

Iook at the notes and write a memo to staff about a change to the
procedure for ordering stationery.
Staffno longerorderown stationeryfrom nextmonth.
Liz Harriswill coordinateorders.
Collectan orderform from Liz.
Completethe orderform.
Ordersplacedby apm on ThursdayarriveMondav.

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