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READING PASSAGE 1: Questions 1-10

Today Singapore is a world centre for trade, shipping and tourism, 1. While young, Raffles worked in …… .
but two hundred years ago, Singapore was just a deserted island A. Singapore B. Malaysia
off the coast of Malaya with only a few fishermen living there C. Indonesia D. England

Stamford Raffles was an Englishman who helped to make 2. Stamford Raffles began to work when he was young
Singapore. Raffles, the son of an English sea captain, was born in because …… .
Jamaica in 1781. Because his parents were poor, he left school A. he wanted to see the world
when he was 14 and started work in a trading company in London. B. he was not clever
C. his parents do not have much money
The trading company was called the British East India Company. It
D. he did not like to study
was an important and powerful company that sent ships all over
the world. As well as trading, the company officials sometimes 3. What does “it” in paragraph 2 refer to?
became rulers of the countries they traded with. Raffles did his A. The captain
work well and soon began to get higher positions in the company. B. The trading
C. The British East India Company
He was often sent to other countries, and he became very
D. The ship
interested in foreign places. He became the ruler of Java and in
1817 he wrote a book called History of Java. 4. When Raffles first came to Singapore, it was …… .
In 1819, Raffles went to rule the island of Singapore. At that time, A. a very busy port B. almost deserted
C. a big city D. a very old city
Singapore was covered with forest and there were only a few poor
fishermen living there. Some of them were pirates and when a ship 5. The word “pirates” in paragraph 2 could best be
came near the island, they went out to it in small boats. They replaced by …… .
attacked the ships, stole things from them and sometimes killed A. sailors B. captains
the sailors. The waters around Singapore were dangerous and ships C. sea robbers D. wealthy fishermen
were afraid to come near the island.
6. Singapore became safe because …… .
When Raffles came, he made laws and stopped the pirates. He A. no more ships went there
made some the people policemen and they made sure that the new B. the thieves were caught
laws were kept. Singapore became safe and people were no longer C. many pirates came there
afraid. [7A] Many people came to live in Singapore and ships were D. the thieves went to other islands
no longer afraid to visit there. The ships came to buy and sell things
7. Look at paragraph 4, where the following sentence
and the island began its history as a trading center for the world. can be added?
[7B] Now people could easily go from one place to another on the Raffles built many houses, buildings and roads.
island. [7C] Beside houses and roads, Raffles built schools and he
A. [7A] B. [7B]
brought in teachers from Britain to work in the schools. [7D] The C. [7C] D. [7D]
lessons were taught in both English and Malay, and the teachers
wrote schoolbooks to help their students. Many Europeans came 8. Most of the first teachers in Singapore were …… .
to Singapore and started companies. A. foreigners B. from Singapore
C. not real teachers D. not good at teaching
In 1824, Raffles and his wife returned to England. He put all his
books, plants and animals on the ship but before it reached 9. When Raffles was travelling back to England, …… .
England, a fire began on the ship, and everything was lost. Despite A. his wife died
this, Raffles started the London Zoo and was its first president. B. he died
C. all his books were burned
Raffles died at the age of 45 in 1826.
D. the ship was lost

10. What is the main purpose of the author when writing

this passage?
A. To tell the life story of Stamford Raffles.
B. To explain why Singapore is a world centre for trade
C. To invite foreign companies to invest in Singapore.
D. To explain why Stamford Raffles left Singapore.

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