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iti on
Pupil’s Book 5

Starter Past ability & obligation 2
1 Out of this world Past continuous & past simple 4

2 Then and now used to/didn’t use to; used to question forms 10
Review 1 Grammar review; exam practice 16
3 Inspiring lives Present perfect: affirmative, negative & question form 18

4 Achievements Present perfect with How long...?, for/since & already/yet 24

Review 2 Grammar review; exam practice 30
5 Getting around Comparatives with just as ... as/not as ... as 32
too/not ... enough 36

6 Products and processes Passive voice: present simple 38

Review 3 Grammar review; exam practice 44
7 Wildlife in danger Future with will/won’t, going to & present simple 46

8 Save our world First conditional; modals: may (not)/might (not)/could 52

Review 4 Grammar review; exam practice 58
9 World festivals Reported speech: He said/told me... 60
Indefinite pronouns: someone/anything/nowhere 64

10 Keeping healthy Question tags with to be, present simple & can 66
Review of modals 70
Review 5 Grammar review; exam practice 72
Writing goals 74
Grammar reference and Wordlists 84

Angela Llanas & Libby Williams

She could swim. She couldn’t walk.
He had to work hard. He didn’t have to stay.

1 Read the article. Circle T (true) or F (false).

Amy White was in an accident five

years ago. She had to spend six
months in hospital. ‘When I left
hospital I couldn’t walk, but I could
swim! I started swimming for four
hours a day. Swimming made me feel
good again. I could move fast and I
didn’t have to sit in a wheelchair all
day. I continued to train hard and soon
I was on the Paralympic team.’ Amy is
now a Paralympic champion.

a Amy had a serious accident. T / F

b Amy was able to walk again six months later. T / F
c It was impossible for Amy to move in the water. T / F
d When she left hospital, Amy spent all her time in a wheelchair. T / F
e Amy worked hard to get into the swimming team. T / F
f Amy won a medal at the Paralympics. T / F
2 Complete the table with the sentences in bold in activity 1.

Past ability Past ability

I could swim.

Past obligation No obligation in the past

2 Past ability and obligation

3 Circle the correct words.
For a whole year Amy (a) had to / didn’t have to do her schoolwork in
hospital because she (b) had to / couldn’t go to school. After the accident,
Amy (c) couldn’t / had to use a wheelchair. She (d) could / couldn’t go out
with her friends, but she (e) could / couldn’t talk to them every day on her
computer. Then she discovered swimming. Swimming was a sport she (f) could /
didn’t have to do very well. ‘I (g) had to / didn’t have to stay in one position
all day. It was a wonderful feeling!’ she says.
4 Complete the text with had to / didn’t have to or could(n’t).
Sam Smith had an accident when he was
11. ‘At first there were a lot of things I
(a) couldn’t do. For example,
I (b) write properly.
My parents bought me a computer so I
(c) worry about my
writing. But the worst thing was that I
(d) play table tennis, my
favourite sport! So, I (e)
learn to play football instead. I
(f) practise very hard,
but slowly I got better. After a while, I
(g) play really well!
Now I play for a team at the weekend.’

5 Write true sentences about you.

When I was six...
a I could .
b I couldn’t .
c I had to .
d I didn’t have to .
e I use a computer.
f I speak English.
g I help at home.
h I do the shopping.
1 Out of this world
Grammar start
He was walking to school when he saw a kangaroo.
1 Read and number the events in order.

A new world record!

On 14th October, 2012, Felix Baumgartner
jumped from space using only a parachute.
He travelled faster than the speed of sound. He
flew 39 km into the sky in a special capsule and
then he prepared to jump. He was checking his
spacesuit when he discovered a problem with
his helmet. However, he decided to continue.
While he was standing on the edge of the capsule he said,
‘I’m coming home now.’ And then he jumped. But there was
another problem. He was passing through the sound barrier
when he started to spin. This was very dangerous. Luckily,
he was able to stop spinning and landed safely.
When he jumped from the capsule, eight million people
were watching on YouTube. One person said, ‘I closed
my eyes while he was stepping off the capsule. It was
terrifying.’ Another said, ‘I was watching music videos
when I saw Felix jump. Incredible!’

a He said, ‘I’m coming home now.’ capsule

b He travelled into the sky in a capsule. 1
c He started to spin.
d He prepared to jump.
e He found a problem with his helmet.
f He landed safely.
g He jumped from the capsule.

4 Past continuous and past simple

2 Read and complete the grammar box.

We use the past continuous and past simple in the same

sentence to describe a past action that was interrupted by
another action.
We use the past continuous for the action that started first and
the past simple for the action that interrupted it (the second action).
We can use when + past simple to join the two parts of the sentence:
First action Second action
He was passing through the sound barrier when he started to spin.
Second action First action
When he jumped from the capsule, eight million people were watching.

I music videos when I saw Felix jump.

He was checking his suit when he a problem.

We can also use while to introduce the first action:

While he was passing through the sound barrier,
he started to spin. (While + past continuous)

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the past continuous.
a When he flew into space, Felix was wearing (wear) a special suit.
b He (prepare) to jump when he discovered a problem.
c He made a speech while he (stand) on the edge of
the capsule.
d He broke the sound barrier while he (fall) through
the sky.
e Many people (watch) him on the internet when he
f When his family arrived, he (celebrate) on the

Grammar practice nze

1 Listen and answer the questions.

a How many kangaroos did Alex see? Three

b Where was he when he saw them?
c Does he often see kangaroos?
d Where did the kangaroos come from?
e What helped them escape?
f Is Alex happy that they live in the zoo?
2 Circle the correct words.
a I played / was playing in the park when I saw / was seeing
three kangaroos.
b When I saw / was seeing them, they jumped / were jumping
round the trees.
c They jumped / were jumping away while I watched /
was watching them.
d I found / was finding out that they were from the zoo while I
watched / was watching the news.
e While the fox dug / was digging a hole, the kangaroos escaped /
were escaping.
f The police were looking / looked for them when someone called /
was calling.
Silver 1
3 Read and complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs.

Exploring the Arctic

Yesterday the sun was shining. I (a) was having (have)
breakfast on the boat when we (b) (see)
a polar bear. I (c) (watch) it when it
(d) (jump) into the water and disappeared.
Later that morning I (e) (take) photos of an
iceberg when a large piece of ice (f) (fall) off.
It was an incredible sight. Later, while I (g)
(look) at the sea, a whale (h) (jump) right out of
the water. In the evening, we (i) (make) dinner
when someone (j) (point) to the sky. It was red,
green, blue and violet! While we (k) (look) at the
sky, someone (l) (explain) that these were the
Northern Lights.

4 Use the prompts and the words in brackets to write sentences.

a We / have dinner / we / see some seals (when)

We were having dinner when we saw some seals.
b I / take photos / an Arctic fox / appear (while)

c I / take photos of the fox / I / drop my camera in the

snow (when)

d We / look for my camera / the fox / ran away (when)

e I / clean / my camera / the seals / jump / into a water hole (while)

Grammar goal What were you doing when you saw the tornado?

1 Listen and circle the correct word.

a:  hat were you two doing when you saw the

tsunami /tornado ?
b: We were playing football / basketball in
the playground. It was scary!
a: Sue, what were you doing when it happened?
: I was saying goodbye to my brother / dad.
He always brings me to school. Then we
phoned my granny / mum.
a: And what was she doing when you phoned?
: She was watching the tornado on TV / her

2 Read and complete the grammar box.

What were you doing when you saw it?

What she doing when you her?

3 Complete the questions. Write the answers in order.

a What were you doing when the tornado passed?
I / from the classroom / it / watching / was
I was watching it from the classroom.
b What they when the tree fell down?
were / photos / taking / they

c What he when the fire engine arrived?

his mum / phoning / was / he

d What the teacher when the reporters arrived?

children / the / talking to / she / was

8 Questions with past continuous and past simple

4 Complete the questions. Write true answers.
a What was your mum doing (do) when you
woke (wake) up this morning?
She .
b What your school friends (do) when you
(arrive) today?
They .
c What you (study) when the bell
(ring) for break?

d What your teacher (do) when school


e What your parents (do) when you

(get) home yesterday?

5 Choose an important event that happened recently.

Write what you were doing when it happened.
When the Prime Minister visited us, I was playing football.

6 Interview five friends. Find out what

they were doing when the event happened.
Complete the notes.

Question Names Answers

What 1

2 Then and now
Grammar start We used to speak Punjabi at home.
I didn’t use to play ice hockey.
1 Read the interview. Circle T (true) or F (false).

Cedar Park Primary School

Pupil profile of the week: Shazia Aslam, 11 Interview by Fiona Irvine
Fiona: Hi, Shazia. When did you move to the UK?
Shazia: Four years ago. My family and I used to live in
Fiona: How is your life different now?
Shazia: Well, we used to speak Punjabi at home, but
now we speak English most of the time.
Fiona: In what ways is school different?
Shazia: In Pakistan, we didn’t use to have a computer
in every classroom. And I didn’t use to eat in
the canteen – I used to go home for lunch.
Fiona: What do you miss most about Pakistan?
Shazia: The fruit! I used to eat a lot of mangoes and
dates. I don’t eat them now because they’re
quite expensive in the UK.
I don’t miss the climate though! Summers are
so hot in Pakistan – the temperature can be
more than 47°C. We used to swim in the river
to cool off!

a Shazia lives in Pakistan. T/F

b She lived in Pakistan five years ago. T/F
c She usually speaks Punjabi at home now. T/F
d They have a computer in every classroom at Cedar Park. T/F
e She always ate in the school canteen in Pakistan. T/F
f She misses the hot summers in Pakistan. T/F

10 used to; didn’t use to

2 Read and complete the grammar box.

We use used to to talk about...

1 things that we often did in the past, but we don’t do now:
I used to eat mangoes and dates. (I don’t eat them now.)
2 past situations or habits that are finished. They are not true now:
We used to live in Pakistan. (We don’t live there now.)

Used to is followed by the infinitive without to:

I used to go home for lunch.
We use didn’t + use to to make the negative:
We didn’t use to have a computer in every classroom.
Used to is the same with all pronouns (I, he, she, we, etc.).

Affirmative Negative

I used to eat a lot of fruit. I didn’t use to eat in the canteen.

We swim in the We to have

river. computers.

3 Circle the correct words.

a Shazia used to / didn’t use to live in a hot climate.
b She doesn’t usually / didn’t use to eat lunch at school.
c She used to / didn’t use to speak English at home.
d She used to / didn’t use to eat a lot of fruit.
e She used to / didn’t use to go to the river in summer.
f She doesn’t usually / didn’t use to have a computer in her classroom.

There is no present form of used to. To talk about habits in the present,
we use the present simple:
I use to speak English at home now. ➜ I (usually) speak English at home now.

Grammar practice nze

1 Complete the blog with the phrases in the box.

used to live didn’t use to speak used to live didn’t use to like
used to swim used to have didn’t use to eat

I’m Brendan and I’m 11 years old. We

(a) used to live in Sydney, Australia, but
now we live in Moscow in Russia. We moved
here for my dad’s job and it’s really different! We
(b) near the beach, but now
we live on the 15 floor of a block of flats. In

Sydney, I (c) in the sea every

day, but it’s too cold here. I go ice skating and do other winter sports. I
(d) cold weather, but now I do. I (e)
Russian, so school was really difficult at first. But
now I speak it well, and I have a lot of friends. In
Australia, we (f) a barbecue every
Sunday. Now my mum is learning Russian cooking,
so we eat things like blinis (little pancakes). We
(g) pancakes, but now we have them
a lot, which is great because they’re delicious!

2 Complete the sentences with used to / didn’t use to and a verb in the box.

have live play cook live play eat wear

a Brendan’s family used to live near the coast.

b Brendan shorts and T-shirts all the time.
c He with friends on the beach.
d He ice hockey.
e He in a block of flats.
f They Russian food.
g They food outside.
h Brendan any Russian friends.
Silver 2
3 Look and write sentences with used to / didn’t use to.
Now Four years ago

a Carrie / not live / in the country

Carrie didn’t use to live in the country.
b She / wear / school uniform

c She / play / hockey

d She / not walk / in the mountains

e She / not collect / rocks

f She / have / long hair

4 Write sentences with used to / didn’t use to and the words in the box.

city computer cuddly toys cat glasses karate tennis

a Carrie used to collect cuddly toys .

b She didn’t .
c She used .

Grammar goal
Where did you use to live? Did you use to go to school?

1 Listen to the interview. What did the boy’s granny use to do?

Family histories
a Where did you use to live?
b Did you use to go to school?
c Did you use to dance every day?
d Did you use to study maths and science, too?
e What did you use to do in your free time?

Information questions

Where did you use to live? I used to live in Russia.

Question Short answers

Did you use to go to school? Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t.

2 Write the questions in order. Match to the answers.

a to / every day / did / dance / use / you 1 At 7 o’clock in the
Did you use to dance every day? morning.
b use / study / to / you / did / English 2 No, we didn’t, but we
did gymnastics.
c you / did / to / get up / what time / use 3 I went to the ballet
d did / go to / where / use / school / to / you 4 Yes, we did – for two
e sport / to / use / did / do / you 5 No, we didn’t. We
studied French.

14 used to; question forms

3 Complete the dialogue.
a: Hi, granddad. Can I ask you some questions about when you were a child?
b: Yes, of course.
a: Where did you use to live?
b: I used to live in a big, old house in the country.
a: Did you go to school?
b: Yes, I .
a: What you do after school?
b: I do a lot of chores to help my mum.
a: What chores you do?
b: Well, I do the washing up and the gardening!
a: you do any sport?
b: No, I . I didn’t have any free time!
4 Write questions to ask an older person. Use the ideas below.
• home • school • free-time activities
• chores at home • likes and dislikes

When you were a child...

a Where did you use to live ?
b Did you ?
c Did you ?
d What did you ?

5 Interview your teacher or role-play the interview with a partner.

Where did you use to live? I used to live in Hong Kong.

Review 1
1 Circle the correct words.
a: Granddad, while I (a) looked /
was looking at these old photos,
I (b) found / was finding this
one. Where is it?
b: It’s the market in Marrakech – it’s
called the Souk. We used
(c) to live / to living in Morocco.
a: What did you (d) use / used to eat?
b: We often used to eat couscous and
tagine. My mum (e) use / used to
cook with spices. In summer it was
very hot. My brothers and I
(f) were swimming / used to swim in
the sea. When it was cooler, we (g) used to / usually walk in
the mountains.
a: Why did you move here?
b: Well, one day I (h) visited / was visiting the Souk (i) when / while
I met your granny.
a: Wow! What (j) was she doing / did she do when you met her?
b: She (k) studied / was studying at the university in Marrakech.
2 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
a: The storm last night was terrible! It (a) was raining (rain) heavily when
I (b) (go) to bed, and it was still raining this morning!
b: I know. My dad says the weather is changing. It (c)
(not / use / rain) like that here.
a: Well, this morning my mum (d) (drive) to work when she
(e) (see) a horse in the river.
b: A horse? What (f) it (do)?
a: It (g) (swim) towards the riverbank. My mum called the fire
brigade. While she (h) (wait), she (i) (try)
to calm the horse down. When the fire engine (j) (arrive),
the horse (k) (climb) out. Luckily, one of the firemen
(l) (use / live) on a farm, so he knew what to do.

3 Listen and draw lines. There is one example.

Witness 1 Witness 2 Witness 3

Witness 4 Witness 5 Witness 6

What can you do? Circle a medal.

1 I can talk about what people were doing when something happened.

2 I can talk about things I used to do.

Exam practice 17

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