DRRM Year End Accomplishment Report2

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 - Cagayan Valley
Schools Division Office of Isabela
BURGOS District

Year-End Comprehensive Accomplishment Report - Disaster Risk Reduction and

Management (DRRM) Action Plan
Executive Summary:
As we conclude this academic year, we take great pride in presenting the
comprehensive accomplishments of our School-Based Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management (DRRM) Action Plan. Emphasizing the importance of DRRM in the
Philippines, a country prone to various hazards and natural calamities, we have
diligently worked towards the prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response,
rehabilitation, and recovery from potential disasters and emergencies, safeguarding
the safety and well-being of our students, staff, and the entire school community.
In pursuit of ensuring the safety and well-being of our school community, we
embarked on a comprehensive Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM)
Action Plan. As our school is located in a region prone to various hazards and natural
calamities, we recognized the importance of being prepared for any potential
disaster. With the guidance and support of local government agencies and experts in
disaster risk assessment, we began our journey by conducting a thorough hazard and
vulnerability assessment of our school premises. This assessment allowed us to
identify specific risks, such as typhoons, earthquakes, floods, and landslides, and
prioritize areas that required strengthening and reinforcement.
Based on the findings of the assessment, we developed a comprehensive
school disaster risk reduction plan. This plan encompassed a range of strategies to
mitigate potential disasters and minimize their impact on the school. To ensure the
active involvement of the entire school community, we organized workshops and
training sessions for teachers, staff, students, and parents, raising awareness about
disaster risk reduction and the importance of preparedness.
With a strong emphasis on promoting a culture of safety, we launched
awareness and education campaigns, engaging students, staff, and parents in
discussions on climate change and its impacts. We also collaborated with local
government agencies and NGOs to provide students with knowledge and tools to
understand the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable

To enhance our preparedness for emergencies, we established a fully

functional early warning system, incorporating various communication technologies,
such as sirens, text alerts, and social media platforms. Regular testing and
maintenance of the system were carried out to ensure its effectiveness during
critical situations. In parallel, we conducted a series of drills and simulations,
including earthquake drills, fire drills, and evacuation drills, allowing our school
community to familiarize themselves with evacuation procedures and safety

Our preparedness efforts extended to the establishment of an emergency

operation center (EOC), equipped with essential communication devices, first aid
kits, and emergency supplies to facilitate effective coordination during emergencies.
Furthermore, we developed an inventory system to monitor and replenish
emergency supplies and equipment, ensuring their availability at all times.

Through strong partnerships with relevant organizations and agencies, such

as the local government unit and the Philippine Red Cross, we enhanced our capacity
to respond to emergencies swiftly and efficiently. We also designated and trained
emergency response teams, including first aid, search and rescue, and psychological
support teams, who demonstrated their capabilities during response drills.

As we progressed through the year, we made sure to implement protocols

for student and staff accountability during emergencies, ensuring the safety of every
individual during evacuations. Our teachers and staff received training in
psychological first aid, empowering them to provide immediate support to students
during crises, thus addressing their emotional needs.
In the face of adversity, we remained resilient and focused on facilitating our
school's recovery and restoration. After significant disaster events, we conducted
thorough assessments to determine repair and reconstruction needs. We mobilized
resources for the rehabilitation of school infrastructure, focusing on critical areas
that were affected.

Throughout the recovery process, we prioritized the well-being of affected

students and staff, offering support and counseling services. We organized seminars
and workshops on trauma healing and stress management, promoting resilience
within our school community.

As we near the end of this academic year, we have begun the process of
restoring our school's teaching and learning environment, aiming to resume
educational activities with minimal disruption. We continue to monitor and evaluate
our recovery efforts, seeking continuous improvement in our disaster response and
recovery plans.

Our accomplishments in implementing the DRRM Action Plan would not have
been possible without the unwavering support and collaboration of all stakeholders,
including students, staff, parents, local government agencies, NGOs, and community
partners. We express our heartfelt gratitude for their dedication and commitment in
making our school a safer and more resilient learning environment.

Looking ahead, we reaffirm our commitment to disaster risk reduction and

management. As we face the uncertainties of the future, we remain steadfast in our
resolve to protect our school community and continue building a culture of safety
and preparedness. Together, we strive to be a beacon of resilience and hope, ready
to face any challenge that comes our way.

II. Significance Accomplishment

A. Prevention and Mitigation:

Objective: To reduce the risk of disasters and minimize their impact on the school.


1. First Quarter:
- Completed a thorough hazard and vulnerability assessment of the school
premises, identifying various hazards such as typhoons, earthquakes, floods,
and landslides, specific to our geographical location.
- Analyzed the vulnerability of critical school infrastructure, including
classrooms, laboratories, and facilities, to prioritize areas for strengthening
and reinforcement.

2. Second Quarter:
- Developed a comprehensive school disaster risk reduction plan, taking into
account the findings of the hazard and vulnerability assessment.
- Conducted workshops and training sessions with teachers and staff to raise
awareness about disaster risk reduction and the importance of preparedness.

3. Third Quarter:
- Launched awareness and education campaigns on disaster risk reduction,
involving students, staff, and parents to promote a culture of safety both
within the school and the surrounding community.
- Organized seminars and workshops in collaboration with local government
agencies and NGOs to equip students with knowledge on climate change and
its impacts.

4. Fourth Quarter:
- Established a fully functional early warning system, integrating technologies
such as sirens, text alerts, and social media platforms, regularly tested and
maintained to ensure its effectiveness.
- Conducted regular drills and simulations, including earthquake drills, fire
drills, and evacuation drills, enabling the school community to familiarize
themselves with evacuation procedures and safe practices.

B. Preparedness:

Objective: To ensure the school community is well-prepared to respond effectively

during disasters.


1. First Quarter:
- Reviewed and updated the emergency response plan to incorporate lessons
learned from past disasters and feedback from stakeholders.
- Conducted workshops and training sessions with teachers and staff to
reinforce their roles and responsibilities during emergencies.

2. Second Quarter:
- Established a designated emergency operation center (EOC) equipped with
necessary communication devices, first aid kits, emergency supplies, and
resources for effective coordination during emergencies.
- Developed an inventory system for emergency supplies and equipment,
regularly monitored and replenished to ensure their availability during crises.

3. Third Quarter:
- Conducted a series of fire drills, earthquake drills, and evacuation drills,
ensuring the active participation of students, teachers, and staff to enhance
their preparedness and response capabilities.
- Collaborated with the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) to conduct
workshops for parents on disaster preparedness and safety measures at

4. Fourth Quarter:
- Strengthened partnerships with relevant organizations and agencies,
including the local government unit, the Philippine Red Cross, and
community-based organizations, to enhance the school's capacity to respond
to emergencies.
- Established a roster of trained emergency response teams, including first
aid, search and rescue, and psychological support teams, who have
demonstrated their capabilities during drills.

C. Response:

Objective: To ensure a timely and effective response to emergencies within the

school premises.


1. First Quarter:
- Established a clear communication system for emergency situations,
ensuring seamless communication among all stakeholders during
- Conducted workshops and training sessions to enhance the communication
skills of teachers and staff during crisis situations.

2. Second Quarter:
- Designated and trained emergency response teams, including first aid and
search and rescue teams, who have demonstrated their capabilities during
- Conducted a series of response drills, simulating various emergency
scenarios to test the school community's ability to respond effectively.

3. Third Quarter:
- Developed protocols for student and staff accountability during
emergencies, enhancing safety measures and ensuring no one is left behind
during evacuations.
- Conducted workshops and training sessions on psychological first aid to
equip teachers and staff with skills to provide immediate support to students
during crises.

4. Fourth Quarter:
- Implemented procedures for providing immediate medical assistance and
psychological support during crises, ensuring the well-being of the affected
- Conducted a comprehensive review and evaluation of the school's response
efforts during drills and simulated emergencies, identifying areas for
improvement and continuous enhancement.

D. Rehabilitation and Recovery:

Objective: To facilitate the school's recovery and restore normalcy after a disaster.


1. First Quarter:
- Conducted a thorough assessment of repair and reconstruction needs after
any significant disaster or emergency event, collaborating with local
government agencies and experts.

2. Second Quarter:
- Mobilized resources for the rehabilitation of school infrastructure, focusing
on critical areas that were affected by disasters.
- Developed a plan for the phased rehabilitation and reconstruction of
damaged facilities, ensuring a safe and conducive learning environment for
our students.

3. Third Quarter:
- Provided support and counseling services for affected students and staff,
prioritizing their well-being during the recovery process.
- Organized seminars and workshops on trauma healing and stress
management, promoting resilience among the school community.

4. Fourth Quarter:
- Implemented measures to restore the school's teaching and learning
environment, aiming to resume educational activities as swiftly as possible.
- Established a monitoring and evaluation system to assess the progress of
recovery efforts, ensuring continuous improvement and effective
implementation of rehabilitation plans.

III. Impact of Accomplishment

The accomplishments outlined in the School-Based Disaster Risk Reduction

and Management (DRRM) Action Plan have had a significant impact on the school
and its community. The impact of these accomplishments can be summarized as

Prevention and Mitigation:

The completion of a thorough hazard and vulnerability assessment, coupled

with the development and implementation of a comprehensive DRRM plan, has
significantly reduced the school's vulnerability to disasters. This accomplishment has
laid the foundation for a safer school environment. Analyzing vulnerabilities in
critical infrastructure has ensured that resources are directed towards reinforcing
the most essential areas, thereby reducing the potential impact of disasters.

The awareness and education campaigns launched during the third quarter
have not only benefited the school but also extended to the surrounding community.
This broader reach has contributed to a more resilient local community that is better
equipped to handle disasters. Furthermore, the establishment of a functional early
warning system and regular drills have improved the readiness of students, staff, and
parents to respond effectively to emergencies.

The review and update of the emergency response plan have streamlined the
school's preparedness efforts. Workshops and training sessions have empowered
teachers and staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to fulfill their roles during
emergencies. The establishment of an emergency operation center (EOC) and
inventory system ensures that resources are readily available for an effective

Collaboration with the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) has not only strengthened
the school's preparedness but has also extended disaster preparedness knowledge
to families, enhancing the overall resilience of the community.


The clear communication system and designated emergency response teams have
significantly improved the school's ability to respond to emergencies. This
achievement ensures that communication is efficient and that there are trained
personnel ready to provide immediate assistance. The implementation of protocols
for student and staff accountability and the training on psychological first aid
demonstrate a holistic approach to emergency response, focusing not only on
physical safety but also on the psychological well-being of the school community.

The comprehensive review and evaluation of response efforts indicate a

commitment to continuous improvement, ensuring that the school's response
mechanisms evolve and become more effective over time.

Rehabilitation and Recovery:

The school's assessment of repair and reconstruction needs, followed by the

mobilization of resources for rehabilitation, has expedited the recovery process. This
accomplishment has minimized disruptions to the teaching and learning
environment, allowing students to resume their education promptly. Additionally,
the provision of support and counseling services has been crucial in helping affected
students and staff cope with the aftermath of disasters, promoting resilience and
emotional well-being.

The monitoring and evaluation system for recovery efforts demonstrate a

commitment to long-term recovery and improvement. This systematic approach
ensures that rehabilitation efforts are effective and sustainable.

In summary, the accomplishments in the School-Based DRRM Action Plan have not
only improved the school's preparedness and response to disasters but have also
had a positive impact on the surrounding community. These achievements reflect a
proactive and community-oriented approach to disaster risk reduction and
management, making the school and its vicinity more resilient and better prepared
to face future challenges.

VI. Photo documentation:

V. Conclusion:

As we conclude this year's DRRM Action Plan, we express our heartfelt

gratitude to all stakeholders, including students, staff, parents, local government
agencies, NGOs, and community partners, for their unwavering support and
collaboration in making our DRRM initiatives a resounding success. Our commitment
to disaster risk reduction and management remains steadfast, and we look forward
to further strengthening our resilience in the face of future challenges.

Prepared by: Noted:


School DRRM Coordinator Principal 1

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