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N: Hey Chinh, when you go shopping, what kind of bag does the staff usually put
your items in?

C: The salesperson put my goods in a plastic bag

N: Oh, did you know that plastic bags cause a lot of harm to the environment?

C: Yes, I know this

N: So do you think plastic bags should be completely banned to protect the


C: Yes, I agree with this, because they have quite a high level of environmental

N: Yes, plastic bags are very difficult to decompose in the natural environment

C: Yes, let's try to change this to protect the environment

N: Yes, it must be done as soon as possible

Hey Chinh, do you think exercising at the gym will be more effective than
exercising at home? Do you think this is right?
C: I think that's right

N: Why do you think that?

C: Because when we practice at the gym, there will be a trainer to guide us

N: Oh, besides, I think the gym will have a lot of exercise machines so we can

C: That's right. For example, when we exercise at the gym with a trainer, we will
be less likely to get injured than when we exercise at home

N: Yes, I also think the same

N: Hey Chinh, when you were in high school, did you have art and music subjects?

C: My high school didn't have those two subjects

N:Oh so do you think schools should teach art and music subjects?

C: I think we should, because they will help us discover students' talents

N: Yes, I also think the same

N: For example, singing will help students relieve stress after studying
C: Yes, and art will help us have a better view of life
C: Art and music competitions should be organized for students participating in

N: That's a good idea

C: Yes

N: Hey Chinh, I have a question to ask you?

C: Ok, just ask about anything

N: Do you think people think foreign culture threatens national identity? What do
you think about this?

C: I think that might be true

C: Because if we keep accepting too much foreign culture, we will forget our long-
standing national identity

N: Yes, I also think the same

For example, we are following trends too much

C: Yes, so we should balance them in the best possible way

N:OK I agree with you

SET 10
N: Hey Chinh, do you think social skills are more important than education?

C: I think yes

N: Why do you think that?

C: Because I think good social skills will be beneficial for handling jobs that require
behavioral skills

N: That's also the same idea, I think good social skills and should also be good in
terms of education

C:Oh, you balance them

N: Yes

C: It's quite difficult

N: I think these two things combined will create a good result

C:Ok, I agree with you

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