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Địa chỉ: 33 Nguyễn Trã i – Thanh Xuâ n – Hà Nộ i Fanpage: Lớ p Tiếng Anh Phú c Đứ c
KHOÁ CHUYÊN ĐỀ PRO 1 - LUYỆN THI THPTQG Số điện thoại : 0987019808

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
1. Don't say anything _____________.
A. when you will be asked B. until you are asked
C. before you were asked D. after you had been asked
2. I will help you with your homework_________________.
A. before I did my own B. after I had done my own
C. as soon as I have done my own D. while I was doing my own
3. We ___________ for our friends at the restaurant when they arrived.
A. were waiting B. waited C. have waited D. had been waiting
4. I am writing a letter, _______ I?
A. are B. aren’ C. don’t D. am not
5.There are a lot of wonderful books in this library, _______?
A. aren’t they B. are they C. aren’t there D. are there
6.This shirt is too big for me, _______?
A. isn’t it B. isn’t this C. doesn’t it D. doesn’t this
7.You’re Cynthia, ______ you?
A. aren’t B. Are C. didn’t D. were
8. It must……………without delay.
A. be done B. have been done C. Do D. be doing
9. On September 9, 1850, California……………to the United States as the thirty-first state.
A. has been admitted B. was admitted
C. was admitted D. admitted
10. When I came, an experiment……………in the lab.
A. was being holding B. has been held
C. was being held D. has held
11. I still cannot believe it! My bicycle…………… some minutes ago.
A. was stolen B. was stealing C. stolen D. stole
12. New York is _______ Seattle.
A. larger than B. more large than C. as larger than D. more larger than
13. Our house is _______ yours.
A. as big than B. as bigger as C. bigger than D. more big than
14. City life is _______ country life.
A. as busier as B. busier than C. more busier than D. most busy as
15. Of the two, the round table is _______.

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Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học Facebook: Hoà ng Phú c Đứ c
Địa chỉ: 33 Nguyễn Trã i – Thanh Xuâ n – Hà Nộ i Fanpage: Lớ p Tiếng Anh Phú c Đứ c
KHOÁ CHUYÊN ĐỀ PRO 1 - LUYỆN THI THPTQG Số điện thoại : 0987019808

A. the nicest B. a nice one C. nicer D. the nicer

16. Visitors to the local museum are mostly attracted by______rocking chair.
A. an old wooden European beautiful B. a beautiful old European wooden
C. an old beautiful wooden European D. a wooden old beautiful European
17. In the kitchen there is a______table.
A. round large wooden beautiful B. large beautiful wooden round
C. wooden round large beautiful D. beautiful large round wooden
18. My friend bought______from a shop on Tran Phu street.
A. a nice brown leather belt B. a brown nice leather belt
C. a leather brown nice belt D. a nice leather brown belt
19. She has just bought______.
A. a French old interesting painting B. an interesting old French painting
C. a French interesting old painting D. an old interesting painting French
20. They________for Japan at 10.30 tomorrow.
A. will be leaving B. have left C. will have left D. will leave
21. When I________to the airport, I realized that I________my passport at home.
A. got/had left B. got/left C. had got/had left D. got/was left
22. I________was angry when you saw me because I________with my sister.
A. have been arguing B. had been arguing
C. argued D. would argue
23. Call me as soon as you________your test results.
A. get B. will get C. will have got D. got
24. The news from the destroyed villages so bad.
A. was B. were C. is D. were
25. Measles a dangerous disease for pregnant women.
A. have B. are C. is D. were
26. Rickets popular among some countries in Africa.
A. is B. are C. were D. have been
27. Of all high school courses, mathematics to be difficult.
A. consider B. have considered C. are considered D. is considered
28. That boy wasn’t busy. _______, he refused to help his mother.
A. so B. but C. and D. however
29. ________the rain, the baseball game was not cancelled.
A. In spite of B. Even though C. Although D. Despite
30. I got a job _________ my bad English.
A. if B. although C. in spite of D. because

Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học
Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học Facebook: Hoà ng Phú c Đứ c
Địa chỉ: 33 Nguyễn Trã i – Thanh Xuâ n – Hà Nộ i Fanpage: Lớ p Tiếng Anh Phú c Đứ c
KHOÁ CHUYÊN ĐỀ PRO 1 - LUYỆN THI THPTQG Số điện thoại : 0987019808

31. I’m not going to the party _________ I know that I should.
A. although B. because C. despite D. if
32. _______________the distance was too far and the time was short, we decided to fly there instead
of going there by train.
A. To discover B. Discovered C. To have discovered D. Discovering
33. _______________every major judo title, Mark retired from international competition.
A. When he won B. Having won C. On winning D. Winning
34. _______________for 4 hours, they decided to stop to have lunch at a cheap restaurant.
A. Having been walked B. Having walked
C. Walking D. Walked
35. _______________ , Joe was annoyed to find that he had left his key at the coffee shop.
A. After returned to his office B. To have just returned to his office
C. Upon returning to his office D. Having been returned to his office
36. We picked up some ________ material on holiday tours to Europe.
A. promotion B. promote C. promotional D. promotionally
37. To my parents’ ________, I passed the exam with flying colors.
A. amazing B. amazed C. amaze D. amazement
38. Light refreshments will be ________ at the back of the hall.
A. availably B. availability C. avail D. available
39. We need to ________ the language in this report.
A. simplify B. simple C. simplicity D. simply
40. She's finished with that boyfriend and found herself _______.
A. other one B. the other one C. another one D. the others one
41. The plan has been opposed by schools and _______ local organizations.
A. another B. the other C. other D. others
42. There is no _______ work available at the moment.
A. another B. the other C. other D. Others
43. Those shirts need________but you needn’t________them now.
A. iron/iron B. to iron/to iron C. ironing/iron D. ironed/to iron
44. They finished________and then they wanted________out for pleasure.
A. learn/to go B. to learn/go C. learnt/goes D. learning/to go
45. I hope________that tiring work again.
A. not do B. not to do C. not doing D. to not do
46. They postponed________an Element School for the lack of finance.
A. built B. to build C. building D. builds

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Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học Facebook: Hoà ng Phú c Đứ c
Địa chỉ: 33 Nguyễn Trã i – Thanh Xuâ n – Hà Nộ i Fanpage: Lớ p Tiếng Anh Phú c Đứ c
KHOÁ CHUYÊN ĐỀ PRO 1 - LUYỆN THI THPTQG Số điện thoại : 0987019808

47. If we had known your new address, we________to see you.

A. came B. will come C. would come D. would have come

48. ________she agreed, you would have done it.

A. If B. Had C. Should D. Would
49. If you________to be chosen for the job, you’ll have to be experienced in the field.
A. want B. wanted C. had wanted D. wants
50. If the doctor had arrived sooner, the boy________saved.
A. might be B. have been C. was D. might have been
51. Cathy is trustworthy. She's a person upon you can always depend.

A. who B. whom C. that D. ∅

52. Your career should focus on a field in you are genuinely interested.

A. which B. what C. that D. ∅

53. People outlook on life is optimistic are usually happy people.

A. whose B. whom C. that D. which

54. The girl dress you admire has been working for an export company since she left

A. who B. what C. whose D. whom

55. He treats us as if we__________ all idiots
A. has been B. have been C. be D. were
56. The spacemen felt as if he ______ in a paradise.
A. had been B. falls C. fall D. has fallen
57. He behaved as though he __________to the USA.
A. has been B. had been C. were D. was
58. I wish the more effective teaching method______ used.
A. is B. was C. were D. has been
59. He's wearing _____ green shirt today.
A. A B. An C. The D. Ø (no article)
60. _____ ocean is a vast body of saltwater.
A. An B. The C. A D. Ø (no article)
61. She's drinking _____ cup of tea to relax.

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Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học Facebook: Hoà ng Phú c Đứ c
Địa chỉ: 33 Nguyễn Trã i – Thanh Xuâ n – Hà Nộ i Fanpage: Lớ p Tiếng Anh Phú c Đứ c
KHOÁ CHUYÊN ĐỀ PRO 1 - LUYỆN THI THPTQG Số điện thoại : 0987019808

A. A B. An C. The D. Ø (no article)

62. I need to buy _____ new computer for my job.
A. A B. An C. The D. Ø (no article)
Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.

63. It is awful to see these magnificent creatures in flight. I have never seen these things before.
64. This win could prove to be a historical turning point in the fortunes of the team.
65. The deadly Covid-19 pandemic has a severe impact on Rolls-Royce’s 2020 performance and its
near-term outlook.
66. Hand sanitiser category surges 16 times in 2020 compared to 2019 while the hand wash category
grew 1.5 times.
67. The Joshua tree is marked by their sword shaped leaves and greenish white flowers.
68. An octopus has three hearts to pump blood throughout their body.
69. Each of the nurses report to the operating room when his or her name is called.
70. As a result of the Women’s Movement, women now holds positions
that were once restricted to men.
71. Diamonds are graded according to weigh, color, and cut.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
72. He last had his eyes tested ten months ago.
A. He had tested his eyes ten months before.
B. He had not tested his eyes for ten months then.
C. He hasn’t had his eyes tested for ten months.

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Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học Facebook: Hoà ng Phú c Đứ c
Địa chỉ: 33 Nguyễn Trã i – Thanh Xuâ n – Hà Nộ i Fanpage: Lớ p Tiếng Anh Phú c Đứ c
KHOÁ CHUYÊN ĐỀ PRO 1 - LUYỆN THI THPTQG Số điện thoại : 0987019808

D. He didn’t have any test on his eyes in ten months.

73. The last time when I saw him was ten years ago.
A. About ten years ago, I used to meet him.
B. I have not seen him for ten years.
C. I saw him ten years ago and will never meet him again.
D. I have often seen him for the last ten years.

74. “I found a lot of mistakes in your plan”. Catherine said to Kevin.

A. Catherine told Kevin she found a lot of mistakes in his plan.
B. Catherine told Kevin she has found a lot of mistakes in his plan.
C. Catherine told Kevin she had found a lot of mistakes in his plan.
D. Catherine told Kevin she had found a lot of mistakes in her plan.
75. “I have just seen your mother this morning”.
A. Laura told Lewis I have just seen your mother this morning.
B. Laura told Lewis she had just seen his mother that morning.
C. Laura told Lewis she has just seen his mother that morning.
D. Laura told Lewis he had just seen her mother that morning.
76. “We are ready to come with our friends”
A. They told us they are ready to come with their friends.
B. They told us they were ready to come with our friends.
C. They told us we were ready to come with our friends.
D. They told us they were ready to come with their friends.
77. “I couldn’t get into the house because I had lost my key”
A. He said he couldn’t get into the house because he had lost my key.
B. He said he hadn’t been able to get into the house because he had lost his key.
C. He said he had been able to get into the house because he had lost his key.
D. He said he hadn’t been able to get into the house because he lost his key.
78. Every student is required to write an essay on the topic.
A. Every student might write an essay on the topic.
B. Every student must write an essay on the topic.
C. They require every student can write an essay on the topic.
D. Every student should write an essay on the topic.
79. If only you told me the truth about the theft.
A. Had you had told me the truth, there wouldn’t have been the theft.
B. You should have told me the truth if there was a theft.
C. Only if you have told me the truth about the theft.
D. You should tell me the truth about the theft.

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Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học Facebook: Hoà ng Phú c Đứ c
Địa chỉ: 33 Nguyễn Trã i – Thanh Xuâ n – Hà Nộ i Fanpage: Lớ p Tiếng Anh Phú c Đứ c
KHOÁ CHUYÊN ĐỀ PRO 1 - LUYỆN THI THPTQG Số điện thoại : 0987019808

80. It’s not necessary that you do your homework now.

A. You needn’t do your homework now.
B. You have to do your homework now.
C. You must do your homework now.
D. You cannot do no homework now.
81. Maybe I will do well in my next English test.
A. I will have to do well in the next English test.
B. I must do well in the next English test.
C. I will surely do well in the next English test.
D. I may do well in the next English test.
82. I like reading books more than surfing the Internet.
A. I like surfing the Internet more than reading book.
B. I like reading book less than surfing the Internet.
C. I don’t like reading book as much as surfing the Internet.
D. I don’t like surfing the Internet as much as reading books.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
83. I want to help you, but I don’t have money now.
A.I wish I had money to help you now
B. If I have money, I will help you
C. If only I had had money and could have helped you
D. should I have money, I will help you
84. John regrets forgetting to send Mary a Christmas card.
A. John wishes he remembered to send Mary a Christmas card.
B. John wishes he didn’t forget to send Mary a Christmas card.
C. John wishes he sent Mary a Christmas card.
D. John wishes he had remembered to send Mary a Christmas card
85. John didn’t install an alarm, so the thieves broke into his house last night.
A. If John installed an alarm, the thieves didn’t break into his house last night.
B. Because John hadn’t installed an alarm, the thieves would break into his house last night.
C. If John had installed an alarm, the thieves wouldn’t break into his house last night.
D. Had John installed an alarm, the thieves wouldn’t have broken into his house last night.
86. You won’t find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mrs Jones.

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Địa chỉ: 33 Nguyễn Trã i – Thanh Xuâ n – Hà Nộ i Fanpage: Lớ p Tiếng Anh Phú c Đứ c
KHOÁ CHUYÊN ĐỀ PRO 1 - LUYỆN THI THPTQG Số điện thoại : 0987019808

A. Mrs Jones is the most dedicated worker you won’t find anywhere.
B. Nowhere will you find a more dedicated worker than Mrs Jones.
C. Nowhere will not you find a more dedicated worker than Mrs Jones.
D. Mrs Jones can’t be found in nowhere.
87. The outcome of the election was never in doubt.
A. At no time was the outcome of the election in doubt.
B. At no time the outcome of the election was in doubt.
C. Never in doubt was the outcome of the election.
D. By no means was the outcome of the election been suspected.
88. The only way to eliminate world terrorism is by united opposition.
A. Only with united opposition could we eliminate terrorism.
B. Only by united opposition can we eliminate terrorism.
C. Only in this way can world terrorism be eliminated.
D. Only then can we eliminate terrorism.
89. He forgot about the gun until he got home.
A. Not until he got home did he forget about the gun.
B. Not until he got home did he remember about the gun.
C. Not until he had got home did he remember about the gun.
D. Not until he had got home did he forget about the gun.

Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học
Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học Facebook: Hoà ng Phú c Đứ c
Địa chỉ: 33 Nguyễn Trã i – Thanh Xuâ n – Hà Nộ i Fanpage: Lớ p Tiếng Anh Phú c Đứ c
KHOÁ CHUYÊN ĐỀ PRO 1 - LUYỆN THI THPTQG Số điện thoại : 0987019808

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
1. Kate will come back home__________________.
A. after she had finished the last semester
B. before she finished the last semester
C. when she will finish the last semester
D. as soon as she has finished the last semester
2. I will call you and we will go out for dinner_______.
A. after I had finished my report
B. as soon as I finish my report
C. before I finished my report
D. while I was finishing my report
3. She ___________ on the couch when I walked into the room.
A. was sleeping B. slept C. has slept D. had been sleeping
4. You are going to come to the party, ______?
A. aren’t you B. do you C. will you D. won’t you
5. I’m getting better at this job,______?
A. am I B. am not I C. isn’t I D. aren’t I
6. No one is absent today,______?
A. are they B. aren’t they C. is one D. isn’t it
7. He’s never on time to fulfill the tasks,______?
A. isn’t he B. is he C. hasn’t he D. has he
8. The current constitutional problem is……………by the top legal minds in the country.
A. studying B. being studying C. being studied D. been studied
9. Something funny……………in class yesterday.
A. happened B. was happened C. happens D. is happened
10. The child’s arm was swollen because he……………by a bee.
A. stung B. had stung C. had been stung D. had being stung
11. Today many serious childhood diseases……………by early immunization.
A. are preventing B. can prevent C. prevent D. can be prevented
12. I feel _______ better than I did yesterday.
A. a little B. more C. a few D. many
13. There is nothing _______ travelling abroad.
A. more interesting than B. more interesting as
C. as interesting than D. the most interesting than

Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học
Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học Facebook: Hoà ng Phú c Đứ c
Địa chỉ: 33 Nguyễn Trã i – Thanh Xuâ n – Hà Nộ i Fanpage: Lớ p Tiếng Anh Phú c Đứ c
KHOÁ CHUYÊN ĐỀ PRO 1 - LUYỆN THI THPTQG Số điện thoại : 0987019808

14. He finds physics _______ other science subjects.

A. far more difficult than B. much difficulter than
C. too more difficult than D. more much difficult than
15. His car is _______ mine.
A. more expensive and faster than B. faster and more expensive than
C. more faster and expensive than D. more expensive than and faster than
16. Yesterday, my husband gave me a(n)______painting he bought when he went on a business trip.
A. French old interesting B. interesting old French
C. old interesting French D. French interesting old
17. We bought some______glasses for our children who like collecting glasses.
A. German lovely old______ B. old lovely German
C. German old lovely______ D. lovely old German
18. Peter is the______runner-up although he is not good at running.
A. oldest American idol B. American idol oldest
C. oldest idol American D. American oldest idol
19. She has her______hair cut by her mother, who is very meticulous.
A. short black beautiful B. black long beautiful
C. beautiful short black D. short beautiful black
20. I________to Greece until Sally and I went there last summer.
A. have never been B. had never been C. was never being D. were never
21. I________ along the street when I suddenly heard footsteps behind me.
A. was walking B. am walking C. walk D. walked
22. He occasionally________a headache in the morning.
A. has had B. has C. have D. is having
23. The boy fell while he________down the stairs.
A. run B. running C. was running D. runs
24. Look! The cattle on the meadow.
A. has grazed B. have grazed C. is grazing D. are grazing
25. Many people claim that health more important than wealth.
A. are B. is C. have been D. has been
26. The fishing boat sank but luckily all the crew able to save themselves.
A. have been B. is C. are D. were
27. Wealth to the possession of a large amount of money, property, or other
valuable things.
A. refer B. are referring C. is referring D. refers
28._________ I came to see her yesterday, she was reading a magazine.

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Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học Facebook: Hoà ng Phú c Đứ c
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A. When B. While C. Before D. After

29. Tom went to work despite _______.
A. that he did not feel very well B. of the fact not feeling well
C. he did not feel very well D. not feeling very well
30. Though _______, they are good friends.
A. their sometimes quarrel B. to have a quarrel sometimes
C. they sometimes have a quarrel D. of having a quarrel sometimes
31. Despite _______, we arrived on time.
A. the traffic B. of the traffic
C. there was heavy traffic D. of there was heavy traffic
32. Are you sure you told me? I don't recall ________________about it.
A. having told B. to have told
C. Having been told D. to have been told
33. _______________UNESCO criteria for outstanding universal value to humanity, Trang An
Scenic Landscape Complex was added to the World Heritage List in 2014.
A. Meeting B. Met C. To meet D. Having met
34. _______________the email - supposedly from Boyd's Bank - to be genuine, she was tricked into
disclosing her credit card details.
A. Believe B. Being believed C. To believe D. Believing
35. On_______________he had won, he jumped for joy.
A. he was told B. having told C. being told D. get fined
36. Monica, his mother, agrees to _____ David, a robotic boy capable of human emotions.
A. activate B. activation C. active D. activator
37. My car is very ________, it uses very little petrol.
A. economically B. economical C. economist D. economy
38. The equator is an ________ line running around the center of the earth.
A. imagination B. imagine C. imaginary D. imaginarily
39. The coronavirus, known as COVID-19, spreads from person to person in close proximity,
similar to other_______ illnesses.
A. respirator B. respiration C. respiratorily D. respiratory
40. We don’t need those books, we need _______
A. other ones B. another one C. the others one D. the other ones
41. Some people prefer a vegetarian diet, while _______ prefer a meat-based diet.
A. another B. other C. others D. the other
42. I don’t like these postcards. Let’s ask for _______.
A. another B. other C. others D. the other
43. It’s no use________him. He never allows anybody________him advice.

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Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học Facebook: Hoà ng Phú c Đứ c
Địa chỉ: 33 Nguyễn Trã i – Thanh Xuâ n – Hà Nộ i Fanpage: Lớ p Tiếng Anh Phú c Đứ c
KHOÁ CHUYÊN ĐỀ PRO 1 - LUYỆN THI THPTQG Số điện thoại : 0987019808

A. advise/give B. to advise/to give C. advising/giving D. advising/to give

44. Are his ideas worth________to?
A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. listened

45. He always avoids________me in the streets.

A. meet B. to meet C. met D. meeting
46. My parents decided________a taxi because it was late.
A. take B. to take C. taking D. took
47. If I had enough money, I________abroad to improve my English.
A. will go B. would go C. should go D. go
48. If you________to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now.
A. listen B. had listened C. will listen D. listened
49. If you________Tom, tell him I have a message for him.
A. will meet B. would meet C. meet D. met
50. If I lived nearer the centre, I________always late for work.
A. wouldn’t be B. can be C. won’t be D. will be
51. One of the people arrested was Mary Arundel, is a member of the local council.

A. that B. who C. whom D. ∅

52. The Titanic, Gsank in 1922, was supposed to be unsinkable.

A. whose B. that C. which D. who

53. The Newspaper is owned by the Mearson Group, _________chairman is Sir James Bex.

A. which B. that C. who D. whose

54. Genghis Khan, name means "very mighty ruler", was a Mongol emperor in the
Middle Ages.

A. whom B. whose C. who D. how

55. She wishes she ______ a fairy now.

A. was B. were C. is D. had been
56. She spent money as if she always______ plenty of it.

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A. have B. had C. had had D. has

57. Mr Nam ate as if he ________anything for days
A. didn’t eat B. haven’t eaten C. hadn’t eaten D. not ate
58. She walks as if she_______ a wooden leg.
A. has B. have C. had D. have had
59. She's allergic to peanuts, so she can't eat _____ peanut butter.
A. A B. An C. The D. Ø (no article)
60. I saw _____ white bird fly by the window.
A. A B. An C. The D. Ø (no article)
61. We went to _____ store to buy some groceries.
A. A B. An C. The D. Ø (no article)
62. _____ apple pie is a delicious dessert.
A. A B. An C. The D. Ø (no article)
Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
63. Most of these women are very poorly paid and work in terrific conditions.
64. An area with a favourite climate will inevitably be richer than one without.
65. The White House says the program could create tens of thousands of new jobs while moving
the country toward clean energy.
66. Officials made a similar case on Monday, saying offshore wind deployment will create 44,000
new jobs directly in the offshore wind sector.
67. Kiwi birds mainly eat insects, worms, and snails and search for food by
probing the ground with its long bills.
68. The library at the university is new and has taken her name from the wife
of the first president of the university.
69. One of the students who are being considered for the scholarship

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are from this university.
70. Mrs. Steven, along with her cousins from New Mexico, are planning to attend the festivities
71. Don’t go up to your hotel room because the maid is making the beds, cleaning the
bathroom, and vacuum the carpet.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.
72. The last time I went to the museum was a year ago.
A.I have not been to the museum for a year.
B. A year ago, I often went to the museum.
C. My going to the museum lasted a year.
D. At last I went to the museum after a year
73. The last time I met Mary was two months ago.
A. I haven’t met Mary for two months
B. I have met Mary for two months
C. I had met Mary since two months
D. I haven’t meet Mary for two months
74. “I was intending to meet you tomorrow”.
A. She told me she was intending to meet me tomorrow.
B. She told me she had intending to meet me the next day.
C. She told me she had been intending to meet me tomorrow.
D. She told me she had been intending to meet me the next day.
75. “Don’t make noise because I am listening music now”
A. He asked me not to make noise because I am listening music now
B. He asked me not to make noise because I was listening music then
C. He asked me not to make noise because he was listening music then
D. He asked me to make noise because I was listening music then
76. '' Where did you go last night''? she said to her boyfriend.
A. She asked her boyfriend where did he go last night.
B. She asked her boyfriend where he went the night before.

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C. She asked her boyfriend where had he gone the night before.
D. She asked her boyfriend where he had gone the night before.
77. '' Remember to write to your aunt''. I said to Miss Linh.
A. I said to Miss Linh remember to write to her aunt.
B. I said to Miss Linh to remember to write to her aunt.
C. I told Miss Linh remember to write to her aunt.
D. I reminded Miss Linh to remember to write to her aunt.
78. It is impossible to smile properly if you don’t feel like it.
A. If you like smiling, you should smile properly.
B. You can’t smile properly if you don’t feel like it.
C. If it is possible, you should smile properly.
D. You must know how to smile properly.
79. It's time they realised that they won't be able to finish the job by the deadline.
A. They may that they won't be able to finish the job by the deadline.
B. They have to realise that they won't be able to finish the job by the deadline.
C. They should realise that they won't be able to finish the job by the deadline.
D. They must realise that they won't be able to finish the job by the deadline.
80. I don’t think she is English. She doesn’t speak English at all.
A. She shouldn’t be English because she doesn't speak English at all.
B. She mustn't be English because she doesn't speak English at all.
C. She needn't be English because she doesn't speak English at all.
D. She can’t be English because she doesn’t speak English at all.
81. It’s prohibited to take dogs into the restaurant.
A. You must take dogs into the restaurants.
B. You mustn't take dogs into the restaurant.
C. You may take dogs into the restaurant.
D. You needn't take dogs into the restaurant.
82. My father likes reading newspaper more than watching TV.
A. My father doesn’t like reading newspaper as much as watching TV.
B. My father likes watching TV as much as reading newspaper.
C. My father doesn’t like watching TV as much as reading newspaper.
D. My father likes watching TV more than reading newspaper.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
83. I wish I didn’t have to get up early tomorrow.

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A. I don’t have to get up early tomorrow.

B. I will have to get up early tomorrow.
C. Getting up early tomorrow is not necessary.
D. It is my wish to get up early tomorrow.
84. I regret not telling the truth.
A. If only I could tell the truth.
B. Telling the truth means regret,
C. I have never regretted telling the truth.
D. I wish I had told the truth
85. It was only because I owed Bill a favor that I agree to help him.
A. I agree to help Bill only as a favor.
B. I agree to do Bill a favor, by helping him.
C. I only agreed to help Bill because I owed him some money.
D. If I hadn’t owed Bill a favor, I wouldn’t have agreed to help him.
86. The only way to eliminate world terrorism is by united opposition.
A. Only with united opposition could we eliminate terrorism.
B. Only by united opposition can we eliminate terrorism.
C. Only in this way can world terrorism be eliminated.
D. Only then can we eliminate terrorism.
87. He forgot about the gun until he got home.
A. Not until he got home did he forget about the gun.
B. Not until he got home did he remember about the gun.
C. Not until he had got home did he remember about the gun.
D. Not until he had got home did he forget about the gun.
88. The truth only came out on the publication of the general’s personal diaries.
A. Only by publishing the general’s personal diaries, did the truth come out.
B. Not until the general’s personal diaries published did the truth come out.
C. Hardly were the general’s personal diaries published than the truth came out.
D. Only when the general’s personal diaries were published did the truth come out.
89. The truth only came out on the publication of the general’s personal diaries.
A. Only by publishing the general’s personal diaries, did the truth come out.
B. Not until the general’s personal diaries published did the truth come out.
C. Hardly were the general’s personal diaries published than the truth came out.
D. Only when the general’s personal diaries were published did the truth come out.

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct
answer to each of the following questions.
1. _________, we will be able to leave for the airport.
A. Before the taxi arrived B. After the taxi had arrived
C. While the taxi was arriving D. As soon as the taxi arrives
2. I’m sorry about the delay, but I will be back ________.
A. after I had checked this B. as soon as I have checked this
C. while I was checking this D. when I checked this
3. The snow ___________ heavily when we woke up this morning.
A. was falling B. fell C. has fallen D. had been falling
4. I’m not pronouncing that new word correctly,______?
A. amnot I B. am I C. are I D. aren’t I
5. There’s something wrong with the stove,______?
A. isn’t there B. is there C. isn’t it D. is it
6. Donald John Trump is the 45th President of the United States,______?
A. is he B. Is not he C. isn’t it D. isn’t he
7. The meeting is at 3 PM, ____?
A. isn't it B. are they C. aren't you D. is it
8. Sally gave such a good speech that I couldn’t resist……………loudly when she finished.
A. applauding B. being applauded C. to applaud D. to be applauded
9. Not all the necessary things …………… for our trip that’s why the departure……………
A. will have been bought - has been postponed
B. have been bought - has been postponed
C. has been bought - had been postponed
D. had been bought - has been postponed
10. If you want to develop inner tranquility, you have to stop……………by every little thing that
A. bothering B. being bothered C. to bother D. to be bothered
11. Richard really didn’t mind …………… by the party to celebrate his fortieth birthday although he
told his friends that they shouldn’t have done it.
A. surprising B. being surprised C. to surprise D. to be surprised
12. The cuisine of France is _______
A. more famous than that of England B. famous than the cuisine of England
C. more famous than which of England D. as famous than that of England
13. Russian is a _______ language to learn than English is.

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A. difficult B. more difficult

C. most difficult D. more and more difficult
14. He has _______ his sister does.
A. as friends as B. more friends as C. many friends than D. more friends than
15. There are _______.
A. twice as much computers in our office as there was
B. as twice many computers in our office as they were
C. twice as many computers in our office than there used to be
D. twice as many computers in our office as there used to be
16. There’s a______lamp in his room for him to read books every single day.
A. round small reading B. small reading round
C. reading round small D. small round reading
17. When she came home, she gave me a______to apologize to me for going home late at night.
A. delicious small cupcake B. small delicious cupcake
C. cupcake delicious lovely D. delicious cupcake small
18. It is a(n)______woman. I’m too lucky to work with her at the office.
A. English young intelligent B. young intelligent English
C. intelligent young English D. intelligent English young
19. He bought a______house as a gift for his new wife.
A. big pink beautiful B. beautiful pink big
C. big beautiful pink D. beautiful big pink
20. I will come and see you before I________for America.
A. leave B. will leave C. have left D. left
21. When the first child was born, they _______ for three years.
A. have been married B. had been married
C. will be married D. will have been married
22. It________a long time since we were apart. I did not recognize her.
A. is B. has been C. was D. had been
23. Many of the people who attended Mr. David’s funeral________him for many years.
A. didn’t see B. wouldn’t see C. haven’t seen D. hadn’t seen
24. Meeting you a good chance.
A. is B. are C. were D. have been
25. Women not well-treated in former days.
A. is B. are C. were D. was
26. Beautiful white teeth to make our smile more attractive.
A. help B. helps C. is helping D. was helping
27. Children good care from their parents.

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A. need B. needs C. are needing D. is needing

28.___________it was very cold, she did not put on her coat.
A. In case B. But C. Even if D. Although
29.______ having the best qualifications among all the applicants, Justin was not offered the job.
A. Although B. While C. In spite of D. Despite of
30.________ the internet is very popular, many older people do not know how to use it.
A. However B. Nevertheless C. Even though D. Despite
31._________ he wasn’t feeling very well, David was determined to take part in the inter-university
athletics meet.
A. Although B. While C. Where as D. yet
32. The stockbroker denied _______________ of the secret business deal.
A. having informed B. to have informed
C. having been informed D. to have been informed
33. They now regret _______________ their son by providing too many material possessions.
A. having spoiled B. to have spoiled
C. having been spoiled D. to have been spoiled
34. ________________ to the party, we could hardly refuse to go.
A. Having invited B. To have invited
C. Having been invited D. To have been invited
35. Tom made a bad mistake at work, but his boss didn't fire him. He's lucky ____________ a second
A. having given B. to have given
C. having been given D. to have been given
36. The house is _______ situated near the centre of town.
A. conveniently B. convenient C. convenience D. inconvenient
37. She________ decided to walk home alone.
A.wise B. unwise C. wisdom D. unwisely
38. More ________, can she be depended on?
A. importantly B. important C. importance D. import
39. Phone calls are ___ cheap, with a mix of monthly packages and pay-as you-go services.
A. relative B. relate C. relation D. relatively
40. She has two hats, one is black and _______ is white.
A. the other B. the others C. other D. others
41. I have four close friends, one of them is a lawyer, and _______ are teachers.
A. the other B. the others C. other D. others
42. _______ the students in this school are intelligent and learned.
A. Most B. Most of C. Mostly D. Nearly

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43. Do you agree________me some money?

A. lend B. to lend C. lending D. lent
44. Tom refuses________his address.
A. give B. giving C. to give D. gave
45. The passengers asked her how________ to the police station?
A. to get B. getting C. got D. get
46. My friends arranged________ at the airport in time.
A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. met
47. If we are not busy this weekend, we________the new fruit farm in the countryside.
A. will visit B. would visit C. would have visited D. visited
48. If you follow my directions, you________her house easily.
A. would find B. would have found C. found D. will find
49. ________advised on what and how to prepare for the interview, he might have got the job.
A. Had he been B. If he had C. Unless he had been D. Were he to be
50. If my father________bankrupt last year, he could own the luxurious car now.
A. didn’t go B. hadn’t gone C. wasn’t going D. weren’t to go
51. She has two brothers, are engineer.

A. whom both B. both who C. both of whom D. both whom

52. Extinction means a situation a plant, an animal or a way of life stops existing.

A. to which B. for which C. on which D. in which

53. The party, I was the guest of honor, was extremely enjoyable.

A. at that B. at which C. to that D. to which

54. Ann has a lot of books, she has never read.

A. most of that B. most of these C. most of which D. which most of them

55. I ______watch the football game than basketball game
A. like B. would rather C. prefer D. would like
56. Jane would rather that it ______ winter now.
A. were B. be C. is D. had been
57. Would you rather ______ in ink or in pencil?

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A. write B. writing C. to write D. wrote

58. I would rather that you ______ me tomorrow.
A. call B. to call C. calling D. will call
59. I saw _____ interesting documentary on TV last night.
A. A B. An C. The D. Ø (no article)
60. They went on _____ trip to Europe last summer.
A. A B. An C. The D. Ø (no article)
61. _____ elephant at the zoo was eating a watermelon.
A. A B. An C. The D. Ø (no article)
62. We had _____ amazing time at the beach yesterday.
A. A B. An C. The D. Ø (no article)
Mark the letter A, B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
63. With rents so high, it wasn’t economic to continue to live in the city.
64. The newspaper, or more especially, the editor, was taken to court for publishing the photographs.
65. Tom was seeing the accident while he was catching the bus.
66. Mickey Mouse gained widespread popularity soon after he appears in a short cartoon entitled
Steamboat Willy.
67. Deciduous trees are ones that lose its leaves in the autumn and grow new ones in the spring.
68. Some of us have to study their lessons more carefully if we expect to pass this examination.
69. The mining of minerals often bring about the destruction of landscapes and wildlife habitats.
70. The governor, with his wife and children, are at home watching the election returns on TV.
71. You should stop wasting your time and doing something useful instead.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in
meaning to each of the following questions.

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72. The last time I played football was in 1991.

A. I haven’t played football in 1991
B. I didn’t play football in 1991
C. I last played football since 1991
D. I haven’t played football since 1991
73. She has known how to play the piano for 5 years.
A. She didn’t play the piano 5 years ago.
B. She started to play the piano 5 years ago.
C. She played the piano 5 years ago.
D. The last time she played the piano was 5 years ago.
74. ''How long have you lived in Ha Noi''? said my friend.
A. My friend asked me how long have I lived in HaNoi.
B. My friend asked me how long had I lived in HaNoi.
C. My friend asked me how long I had lived in HaNoi.
D. My friend asked me how long I have lived in HaNoi.
75. ''Close the books, please'' said our teacher.
A. Close your book said by our teacher.
B. Our teacher asked us close our book.
C. Our teacher said us close our book.
D. Our teacher asked us to close our book.
76. “I didn’t break your watch” the boy said.
A. The boy told the girl that he hadn’t broken her watch.
B. The boy asked the girl that he hadn’t broken her watch.
C. The boy told the girl that he didn’t break her watch.
D. The boy told the girl that he hadn’t broken your watch.
77. “Don’t make noise because I am listening music now” he said to me.
A. He asked me not to make noise because I am listening music now.
B. He asked me not to make noise because I was listening music then.
C. He asked me not to make noise because he was listening music then.
D. He asked me to make noise because I was listening music then.
78. It is against the law to drive on the left in Vietnam.
A. You must not drive on the left in Vietnam.
B. You may drive on the left in Vietnam.
C. You will be able to drive on the left in Vietnam.
D. You can drive on the left in Vietnam.
79. It is always advisable to drive slowly in the rain.
A. Everyone would rather drive slowly in the rain.

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B. Everyone will drive slowly in the rain.

C. Everyone should drive slowly when it rains.
D. Everyone can drive slowly when it rains.
80. I think you should tell your father we’ll be late today or he’ll be worried.
A. Your father may not know we will be late today.
B. We will tell your father we’ll be late today.
C. Your father might know you will be late today.
D. You ought to tell your father we will be late today.
81. Persistence and patience are necessary for success.
A. We have to be persistent and patient to be successful
B. Successful people will be patient and persistent.
C. Success is persistence and patience.
D. Successful people can be patient and persistent.
82. In Vietnam, football is more popular than basketball.
A. In Vietnam, basketball is not as popular as football.
B. In Vietnam, basketball is more popular than football.
C. In Vietnam, football is not as popular as basketball.
D. In Vietnam, football is as popular as basketball.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in
the following questions.
83. They think that they shouldn’t have lent Jack the car.
A. They regret having lent the car to Jack.
B. They should not borrow the car from Jack.
C. Jack is not the person they lend the car.
D. Jack doesn’t return the car to them on time.
84. I’m sorry I can’t go to your birthday party tomorrow.
A. I wish I can go to your birthday party tomorrow.
B. I wish I can’t go to your birthday party tomorrow.
C. I wish I could go to your birthday party tomorrow.
D. I wish I couldn’t go to your birthday party tomorrow.
85. You are in this mess right now because you didn’t listen to me in the first place.
A. If you listen to my advice in the first place, you will not be in this mess right now.
B. If you had listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right

Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học
Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học Facebook: Hoà ng Phú c Đứ c
Địa chỉ: 33 Nguyễn Trã i – Thanh Xuâ n – Hà Nộ i Fanpage: Lớ p Tiếng Anh Phú c Đứ c
KHOÁ CHUYÊN ĐỀ PRO 1 - LUYỆN THI THPTQG Số điện thoại : 0987019808

C. If you listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess right now.
D. If you had listened to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t have been in this mess
right now
86. We couldn’t solve the problem until our teacher arrived.
A. Not until we solved the problem could our teacher arrive.
B. When our teacher arrived, we solved the problem.
C. Until our teacher arrived, we were able to solve the problem.
D. Not until our teacher arrived could we solve the problem.
87. The mistake in the accounts was not noticed until the figures were re-checked.
A. It was not until the mistake in the accounts was noticed that the figures were re-checked.
B. Once re-checking the figures, the mistake in the accounts was noticed.
C. The mistake in the accounts only came to light when the figures were re-checked.
D. When the figures were re-checked they came to light the mistake in the accounts.
88. You won’t find a more dedicated worker anywhere than Mrs Jones.
A. Mrs Jones is the most dedicated worker you won’t find nowhere.
B. Nowhere will you find a more dedicated worker than Mrs Jones.
C. Nowhere will not you find a more dedicated worker than Mrs Jones.
D. Mrs Jones can’t be found in nowhere.
89. The outcome of the election was never in doubt.
A. At no time was the outcome of the election in doubt.
B. At no time the outcome of the election was in doubt.
C. Never in doubt was the outcome of the election.
D. By no means was the outcome of the election been suspected

Lớp Tiếng Anh Phúc Đức – chuyên luyện thi Đại học

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