Log Events

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Info: Starting CAST Ver: seg. abr.

24 19:15:18 2023 (:0, - line - 0)

Info: Running on Android platform (:0, - line - 1)
Info: Android (13.0) (:0, - line - 2)
Info: arm64-little_endian-lp64 (:0, - line - 3)
Info: linux (:0, - line - 4)
Info: 4.19.157-perf-25970710-abA235MUBU2CWD1 (:0, - line - 5)
Info: localhost (:0, - line - 6)
Info: CAST run number: 3 (:0, - line - 7)
Info: Device Locale is: Brazil (:0, - line - 8)
Info: Application Locale is: en (:0, - line - 9)
Info: Current User is not specified (:0, - line - 10)
Debug: missing bluetooth or location permissions (:0, - line - 11)
Warning: qrc:/gui/utils/SettingsDialog.qml:267:6: QML ComboBox (parent or ancestor
of Material): Binding loop detected for property "foreground"
(qrc:/gui/utils/SettingsDialog.qml:267, - line - 12)
Warning: qrc:/gui/utils/SettingsDialog.qml:238:6: QML ComboBox (parent or ancestor
of Material): Binding loop detected for property "foreground"
(qrc:/gui/utils/SettingsDialog.qml:238, - line - 13)
Warning: qrc:/gui/utils/SettingsDialog.qml:207:6: QML ComboBox (parent or ancestor
of Material): Binding loop detected for property "foreground"
(qrc:/gui/utils/SettingsDialog.qml:207, - line - 14)
Warning: qrc:/gui/utils/SettingsDialog.qml:177:6: QML ComboBox (parent or ancestor
of Material): Binding loop detected for property "foreground"
(qrc:/gui/utils/SettingsDialog.qml:177, - line - 15)
Warning: qrc:/MainWindow.qml:529:9: QML ToolBar (parent or ancestor of Material):
Binding loop detected for property "foreground" (qrc:/MainWindow.qml:529, - line -
Warning: qrc:/MainWindow.qml:805:10: QML ToolBar (parent or ancestor of Material):
Binding loop detected for property "foreground" (qrc:/MainWindow.qml:805, - line -
Debug: isLocationEnabled: false (:0, - line - 18)
Info: start (:0, - line - 19)
Info: re-start (:0, - line - 20)
Info: start (:0, - line - 21)
Info: start (:0, - line - 22)
Info: UDP bind done (:0, - line - 23)
Debug: true (:0, - line - 24)
Debug: statechanged (qrc:/MainWindow.qml:130, expression for onStateChanged - line
- 25)
Warning: QEGLPlatformContext: eglSwapBuffers failed: 300d (:0, - line - 26)
Warning: QEGLPlatformContext: eglSwapBuffers failed: 300d (:0, - line - 27)
Warning: QEGLPlatformContext: eglSwapBuffers failed: 300d (:0, - line - 28)
Info: stop (:0, - line - 29)
Info: pause (:0, - line - 30)
Info: stop (:0, - line - 31)
Debug: cbStopScan (:0, - line - 32)
Info: stop (:0, - line - 33)
Debug: false (:0, - line - 34)
Debug: Inactive (:0, - line - 35)
Debug: statechanged (qrc:/MainWindow.qml:130, expression for onStateChanged - line
- 36)
Debug: isLocationEnabled: false (:0, - line - 37)

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