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Learning Module in
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

 Differentiate Data Science and Data Analytics;

 Explain the data analytics process; and

 Demonstrate proficiency in fundamental Excel

functions such as data entry, formatting,
formula creation, and use of Excel functions Data Analytics reviews raw data and drawing
meaningful insights to solve business problems.
Types of Data Analytics
I. Overview of Data, Data Science Analytics,
and Tools Data Science vs. Data Analytics  Descriptive analytics
These two terms often referred in the same context, but Answers the question “What has happened in the past
they do have different and what is happening right now?” by providing a
current snapshot of trends and patterns by leveraging
definitions. The objective of both terms is the same, to
current and historical data.
extract meaningful insights from data to strengthen
business decision making. The main difference lies in  Diagnostic analytics
the tactics each uses to achieve this.
Answers the question “Why are these trends and
Data Analysts examine large datasets to identify patterns happening? By focusing on the trend data to
trends, forecast and data visualizations to tell a discover the factors or reasons for past performance.
compelling story through actionable insights. These
insights help stakeholders make informed decisions  Predictive analytics
according to business needs. Answers the question “What is likely to happen in the
Data Scientists are tasked with designing and future?” by utilizing machine learning and artificial
constructing new processes for data modeling using intelligence (AI) to build predictive models and
algorithms, predictive analytics and statistical analysis. statistical models to predict the future.
Data Scientists have the technical skills to arrange  Prescriptive analytics
unstructured data and build their own methodologies
and frameworks. Answers the question “What do we need to do?”
through testing and other techniques to recommend
There are key differences between the two roles, but specific solutions that will drive a desired outcome.
they share the same goal: To translate data analysis
into business intelligence.

These types of data analytics are performed using a

variety of tools and techniques that vary based on the
type of analysis and objective.
Data Science focuses on building models and 3. Clean the data to prepare it for analysis. This
designing frameworks that will gather and analyze often involves purging duplicate and
data. Typically, data science includes data mining, anomalous data, reconciling inconsistencies,
statistical methods and machine learning algorithms. standardizing data structure and format, and
dealing with white spaces and other syntax
 Unstructured Data errors.
Unorganized and unusable until it is processed. Data 4. Analyze the data. By manipulating the data
scientists are charged with cleaning this data and using various data analysis techniques and
processing it. They rely on classification, tools, you can begin to find trends,
categorization and correlations, outliers, and variations that tell a
sentence chunking to make sense of unstructured data. story. During this stage, you might use data
mining to discover patterns within
 Statistical Methods
Once the data is collected there can be many variables
to consider. Regression analysis is one statistical databases or data visualization software to help
method that allows data scientists to explore the transform data into an easy-to- understand graphical
relationship between these variables. Correlation format.
analysis is also used for both qualitative and 5. Interpret the results of your analysis to see how
quantitative data. well the data answered your original question. What
 Machine Learning Algorithms recommendations can you make based on the data?
What are the limitations to your conclusions?
Data scientists use machine learning algorithms to
predict, categorize and classify data with minimal
chance for error. There are three main sets of machine
learning algorithms:
Intro to Excel
- Supervised
- Unsupervised
MS Excel is a very good tool for the purpose of
- Reinforcement learning accounts and other purposes. This simplifies the work
Again, there are many techniques and models that data load of a person by many folds. MS Excel apart of
scientists use to find the right data. These are simply a being a spread sheet tool helps the user to add new
few of the most common. work sheets to a workbook. Sheets can be renamed,
deleted from a workbook.
Data Analytics Process
Workbooks those that we create can be shared among
As the data available to companies continues to grow different people via email. This enables transparency
both in amount and complexity, so too does the need in the work force. Password protection helps us
for an effective and efficient process by which to protecting confidential data. So let us get started with
harness the value of that data. The data analysis MS Excel.
process typically moves through several iterative
phases. Let’s take a closer look at each. Excel

1. Identify the business question you’d like to is a spread sheet application in the Microsoft Office
answer. What problem is the company trying suite that lets you store, manipulate, and analyses data
to solve? What do you need to measure, and in organized workbooks for home and business tasks.
how will you measure it?
2. Collect the raw data sets you’ll need to help Rule To Remember:
you answer the identified question. Data
collection might come from internal sources, An Excel workbook is comprised of Excel
like a company’s client relationship worksheets .
management (CRM) software, or from ◦ Each Worksheet is comprised of rows and
secondary sources, like government records or columns.
social media application programming
interfaces (APIs). ◦ Total number of rows are 104857 and
◦ total number of columns are 16384 Brief description about the tabs components.
from A to XFD.
1. File Tab
◦ The intersection between a row and a
2. Quick Access Tab
column is called a cell.
3. Ribbon Tab
◦ Total cells = 104857 X 16384
= 1717977088 4. Title Bar
Uses Of MS Excel 5. Column bar
Used in data collection data manipulation 6. Help menu
data Analysis which are related to 7. Row Bar
◦ Accounts and financial operations 8. Cell
◦ Mathematical operations. 9. Sheet Area
◦ Scientific operation. 10. Zoom control
◦ Non Scientific operations. 11. View buttons
12. Create New Sheet
Entering MS Excel 13. Current Closed Sheet
14. Current Open Sheet
15. Status Bar

File Tab:
The file tab is used to
◦ Create a new file
◦ Save an existing file
◦ Open very recent files
◦ Save an existing file in another format
◦ Print an existing file

The working env

The column bar is used to identify in which column the
cursor is

The help menu gives instant help to the new user as to
Quick Access Tab how to use the MS Excel.

Quick access tab is used for very fast users who do not
have time to go the roundabout process to
Open Save
Print Preview And Print Quick Print
Undo Redo
Row Bar
Sort Ascending Sort Descending Open Recent Files
The row bar is used to identify in which row the user is
Show More Commands Show Below The Ribbon working.

Ribbon Tab:-
The Ribbon Tab is used for many jobs Cell
The Cell is the intersection of the row and the column.

Title Bar
The title bar is used to show what is the name of the
document .When multiple documents are opened at
one time the title bar identifies which document is
currently active by showing the name of the document Sheet Area
at the top. The sheet area shows the current sheet the user is
working on.

Column Bar
Status Bar
Zoom Control
The status bar shows weather the document is in which
The zoom control is used to control the zooming effect state ready to take values or Enter State when values
of the screen. are being entered.

View Buttons
The Components of a Excel Formula
The view buttons option is used to view the page in
any of the three formats
1) Normal
2) Page Layout
3) Page Break

Create New Sheet

Values in a formula can be:
This option is used to create new sheet.
▶A constant value (120)

▶A cell (B2)

▶A range of a cell


Current Open Sheet ▶A worksheet (function)

This option is used to print a current open sheet. Mathematical operators Excel uses standard operators
for formulas, such as
• a plus sign for addition (+), Entering Formulas
• a minus sign for subtraction (-),
• an asterisk for multiplication (*),
• a forward slash for division (/),
• a caret (^) for exponents.
• a Open and close ( ) parentheses to group
operation A formula using constant as values

▶ While you can create simple formulas in Excel

manually (for example, =2+2 or =5*5)

Order of Operation

A formula using cell reference value

▶ Example : A3 *(B3-C3)

cell addresses

Try this:
Understanding cell references To create a simple formula using the point-and-click
Cell References  Type the numbers you want to calculate in
Using cell references will ensure that your formulas separate cells (for example, type 128 in cell B2
are always accurate because you can change the value and 345 in cell B3).
of referenced cells without having to rewrite the  Click the cell where the answer will appear
formula. (B4, for example).
 Type the equals sign (=) to let Excel know a
formula is being defined.
 Click the first cell to be included in the
formula (B3, for example).
 Type the subtraction sign (-) to let Excel
know that a subtraction operation is to be
 Click the next cell in the formula (B2, for
 If you include multiple cells in the formula,
repeat steps 4 and 5 until the entire formula is
 Press Enter or click the Enter button on the
formula bar to complete the formula.

A formula using cell references and constant values

▶ Example: =A3+B3*2

1. Click the cell where you want to insert the 1. Click where you want to insert the reference.
You’ll need to open the workbook that contains the
2. Type = to start building the reference. data you want to reference before entering the formula.
3. Select the worksheet that contains the cell you 2. Type = and start building the reference.
want to reference.
3. Click on the Excel icon in the task bar
4. Select the workbook with the cell(s) you want
to reference.

4. Select the cell you want to reference.

5. Click or press Enter.
5. Select the cell(s) you want to reference
6. Click or press Enter.

***Note: If you move, delete, or rename the file you

referenced, your formula will break.The value from the
other workbook appears in the worksheet.

Relative references
By default, all cell references are relative references.
When copied across multiple cells, they change based
on the relative position of rows and columns. For  copy and paste the formula of cell A4 to cell
example, if you copy the formula =A1+B1 from row 1 B4.
to row 2, the formula will become =A2+B2. Relative
references are especially convenient whenever you o On copying cell A4 and pasting in cell
need B4, the answer is not 37. This is
because cell A3, which is copied,
to repeat the same calculation across multiple rows or contains a formula, not a value.
o The output of cell A4 depends on cells
To create and copy a formula using relative A1 and A2 and A3. After copying cell
references: A4, as we move one cell to the right,
Let us understand the concept of relative cell A1 becomes B1 and A2 becomes B2
references in Excel with an example. We want a and A3 becomes B3. Thus, cell B4
summation of three numbers located in cells A1 & applies summation to the values of
A2 & A3. Say we want the sum in cell A4. cells B1 and B2 and b3.

 To create and copy a formula using

Absolute references

 absolute references do not change when

copied or filled. You can use an absolute
reference to keep a row and/or column

 An absolute reference is designated in a

formula by the addition of a dollar sign ($)
before the column and row. If it precedes the
column or row (but not both), it's known as a
So, in cell A4, we applied “=A1+A2+A3” mixed reference.

The sum of cell A1 and A2 and A3 is equal to 37.

NOTE: You will use the relative (A2) and absolute
($A$2) formats in most formulas. Mixed references are
used less frequently.

we'll use the 8.0% sales tax rate in cell L1 to calculate
the sales tax for all items in column K. We'll need to
use the absolute cell reference $L$1 in our formula.
Because each formula is using the same tax rate, we
want that reference to remain constant when the
formula is copied and filled to other cells in column D.
Now, with different values of cells B1 and B2 and B3,
we want a summation in cell B4 The summation can Select the cell that will contain the formula. In our
be done in two ways. example, we'll select cell K3.
 We can either apply the Excel formula of
addition to cell B3
Enter the formula to calculate the desired value. In our
example, we'll type =(I3*J3)*$L$1.

Press Enter on your keyboard. The formula will

calculate, and the result will display in the cell.
Locate the fill handle in the lower-right corner of the
desired cell. In our example, we'll locate the fill handle
for cell k3.

Click, hold, and drag the fill handle over the cells you
wish to fill, cells K4:K5 in our example.

Without the dollar sign the output would be

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