CRISIL Ratings Research Und CRISIL Ratings Rating Scales 2007

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Understanding CRISIL’s Ratings

and Rating Scales

A CRISIL credit rating indicates CRISIL’s current opinion on the probability of
default. In other words, the credit rating indicates the probability of an investor
in rated instruments, or a lender to a rated entity, not receiving interest and
principal payments due on time and in accordance with the terms of the initial
contract. This probability is reflected in the form of an easily understandable
alphabetical scale, with ratings such as ‘AAA’, ‘AA’, ‘A’, or ‘BBB’.

A credit rating is assigned to debt alone and NOT to equity instruments.

Typically, instruments such as non-convertible debentures, partially
convertible debentures, bonds, fixed deposits, commercial paper, short-term
debt and structured debentures, are rated. Entities issuing these instruments
can also be rated on their capacity to service their debt obligations on time.

A credit rating on an instrument is NOT a recommendation by the rating

agency to invest in any particular instrument. Instead, it is one of several inputs
(such as price, coupon rate, tenor, and redemption pattern) that investors can
consider while making investment decisions. A CRISIL rating is not a
recommendation to buy, sell or hold a rated instrument; nor is it a comment on
the market price or the suitability of a rated instrument for a particular investor.
Similarly, a CRISIL rating on a company is not a recommendation to lend to that
company or to buy, sell or hold any instrument issued by the company.
CRISIL’s ratings are based on qualitative and quantitative analysis of the
information provided by issuers or rated entities, or obtained from other
sources considered reliable; they do not constitute audits of issuers or rated

Moreover, a credit rating does NOT indicate that payment of interest and
principal is completely certain. There are definitive non-zero probabilities of
default for any rating category including the highest one, ‘AAA’. For example,
if the probability of default for a rating agency’s ‘AAA’ category is 0.1 per cent
in three years, it indicates that out of 1000 ‘AAA’ ratings that the agency has
assigned, ONE could default on paying interest or principal within a period of
three years of assigning/reaffirming the rating.
CRITERIA - Rating Perspective

A credit rating indicates the issuer’s ability and willingness to pay interest and
principal on time. The rating agency assigns ratings on the basis of its analysis
of the business and financial risks associated with an issuing or borrowing
entity, and an evaluation of the entity’s management. Once a rating is assigned
and accepted, the rating agency continuously monitors the credit quality of the
rated instrument or entity, and reflects the same periodically through an
upgrade, downgrade, or reaffirmation of rating till such time the rating is
withdrawn. CRISIL’s ratings may be changed, suspended, withdrawn or
placed on rating watch based on any specific event or events. Accordingly,
CRISIL notifies investors of the same from time to time. An issuer rating may be
withdrawn at the request of the issuer; issue-specific ratings are withdrawn
only upon full redemption of the rated instrument.

CRISIL’s rating scales CRISIL’s speculative grade ratings
Broadly, CRISIL’s credit ratings fall under four A clear categorisation of speculative grade ratings
categories: long-term, short-term, fixed deposit, is necessary to enable investors to determine the
and corporate credit ratings. The term 'long-term state of the issuer or obligor with reference to the
instruments' includes bonds, debentures, other ability and willingness to meet the debt
securities, term loans, and other fund-based and obligations on time under a variety of
non-fund-based facilities with an original circumstances.
maturity of more than one year. Long-term rating
categories range from ‘AAA’ to ‘D’; CRISIL may
apply ‘+’ (plus) or ‘-’ (minus) signs as suffixes to Instruments and issuers rated in the ‘BB’, ‘B’, ‘C’ or
ratings from ‘AA’ to ‘C’ to reflect the comparative ‘D’ categories are regarded as having significant
standing within the rating category. speculative characteristics. Although these
obligations/issuers may feature a certain degree of
debt protection, this may be outweighed by large
The term 'short-term instruments' refers to uncertainties or exposure to adverse conditions.
commercial paper, short-term debentures,
certificates of deposit, inter-corporate deposits,
working capital borrowings, and other fund- CRISIL’s criterion for the lowest rating, ‘default’
based and non-fund-based facilities with an or ‘D’, is normally event-specific: any delay in the
original maturity of one year or less. Short-term payment of interest/principal of the rated debt
rating categories range from ‘P1’ to ‘P5’; CRISIL would result in a rating revision to ‘D’. CRISIL
applies this definition strictly to all rated debt
may apply a ‘+’ (plus) sign for ratings from ‘P1’ to
instruments; even a day’s delay on the rated debt
‘P3’ to reflect a comparatively higher standing
would result in a downgrade to the default (‘D’)
within the category.
rating. CRISIL will downgrade a corporate credit
rating to ‘CCR SD’ (selective default) if the rated
CRISIL assigns ratings to the fixed deposit entity has selectively defaulted on a specific issue
programmes of corporates, banks and financial or class of debt, but CRISIL expects that the entity
institutions with the prefix, ‘F’. Fixed deposit will continue to meet its obligations on other
rating categories range from ‘FAAA’ to ‘FD’; issues or classes of debt in a timely manner. In all
CRISIL may apply ‘+’ or ‘-’ signs to ratings from other cases of generic default, the corporate credit
‘FAA’ to ‘FC’ to indicate the relative position rating will be revised to ‘CCR D’. The criteria for
within the rating category. the ‘BB’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ categories are based on aspects
such as solvency and liquidity conditions, long-
term business prospects and rescheduling of debt
CRISIL also assigns corporate credit ratings to payments.
issuers. The corporate credit rating categories
range from ‘CCR AAA’ to ‘CCR D’ and ‘CCR SD’
(indicating selective default); CRISIL may apply Ratings in the ‘C’ category indicate a highly-
‘+’ (plus) or ‘-’ (minus) signs as suffixes to ratings strained financial position: in all likelihood,
from ‘CCR AA’ to ‘CCR C’, to reflect the entities that are rated ‘CCR C’ or have instruments
comparative standing within the rating category. rated ‘C’ would be defaulting on borrowings
other than the rated borrowings. The business
outlook, even if it is positive for the long term,
For complete definitions of these rating scales, refer to
may not help the company recover from its
the section, ‘CRISIL Rating Symbols,’ at the end of this
current financial crisis unless some external
support, restructuring or reorganisation

Ratings in the ‘B’ category indicate that the issuer’s CRISIL’s ratings for structured obligations
or entity’s financial position is strained, or that its CRISIL assigns ‘structured obligation’ ratings
business prospects are weak. The issuer is based on the same long-term rating scale (‘AAA’
expected to reschedule forthcoming debt to ‘D’) with a suffix, ‘so’, in parentheses. The
repayments by extending their maturity. CRISIL assessment for a structured obligation takes into
may also assign a rating in ‘B’ category if it doubts consideration any credit enhancement structure
the willingness of the management to honour the or mechanism that supports the payment of
entity’s debt obligations. interest and principal on the instrument.

Ratings in the ‘BB’ category indicate that all Typical structures include:
repayments of rated and unrated paper to all
investors are currently being met on time. ! Full guarantee by a bank, corporate, or
However, the intrinsic business/financial government
position has speculative characteristics, which ! Partial guarantee
may adversely affect the timely payment of ! Asset-backed securities such as
interest and principal in future. collateralised debt obligations, auto loan
securitisations, mortgage-backed securities,
and trade receivables
CRISIL’s ratings in the ‘NM’ category
CRISIL assigns a ‘Not Meaningful’ (NM) rating to
! Future flow structures such as escrow of
octroi or property tax receivables or lease
outstanding ratings of companies, where the
existing rating on the instrument has been
rendered meaningless. For instance, CRISIL may
revise the outstanding rating to ‘NM’ in the case of Structured obligation ratings apply only to
instruments issued by companies that have been instruments, and not to the entities issuing them.
referred to the Board for Industrial and Financial Each debt instrument issued by a company may
Reconstruction (BIFR), or have been declared sick, carry an ‘so’ rating of its own, depending on the
or in cases where the repayment obligations are structure provided for the instrument.
under dispute in a court.

CRISIL’s rating for instruments carrying

In the case of corporates referred to BIFR, the non-credit risk
outstanding ratings are rendered meaningless
because the entities cannot make payments CRISIL’s long-term rating scale addresses credit
towards meeting debt obligations till such time as risk, representing the likelihood of debt servicing
revival packages are effected by the operating obligations not being met on time. CRISIL also
agencies. Similarly, in cases where the rates debt instruments such as fully-convertible
interest/principal is under dispute in a court, no debentures, which carry non-credit risks (such as
payments can be made until the court delivers a market and liquidity risks). For instance, the
ruling on the case. returns to an investor in a fully-convertible
debenture may be based on the market price of the
stocks on the date of conversion. CRISIL does not
This category is applicable to three of CRISIL’s attempt to estimate variables such as future stock
credit rating scales: the long-term rating scale, the prices, and therefore does not factor such risk into
fixed deposit rating scale, and the short-term the rating it assigns. In order to disclose the
rating scale.

presence of non-credit risks to investors, CRISIL Issue-specific ratings are valid for the life of the
suffixes such ratings with the symbol ‘r’. This instrument. Therefore, as forward-looking
denotes that the rating does not address the opinions on credit quality, CRISIL's ratings
variability of returns which may arise on account already incorporate assessment of future
of non-credit risks. circumstances. CRISIL's rating history indicates
that a majority of its ratings have remained
relatively stable; a large proportion of the
CRISIL Rating Watch outlooks it has assigned are 'stable'. Positive or
CRISIL may place a rating on ‘rating watch’, negative outlooks are, however, assigned when
which lists positive, negative or developing there is likelihood that circumstances could
implications, if events occur that may affect the change beyond the extent that has been factored
accuracy of the rating. A rating is placed on watch into the ratings.
when events occur that may affect the credit
quality of the issuer/issue, the impact of which
cannot be accurately assessed at that point in time. Outlooks are assigned to ratings of long-term
However, a listing under rating watch does not instruments and fixed deposits, barring 'C' and 'D'
imply that a rating will necessarily change. CRISIL category ratings. Outlooks are provided
may also revise ratings without first placing the irrespective of residual maturity for the
ratings on watch. instruments. Long-term structured instruments
exposed to the credit risks of a single entity are
also assigned outlooks. These include ratings
CRISIL Rating Outlook based on full guarantees from a single party (if the
CRISIL rating outlooks (outlooks) indicate the guarantor has consented to publishing the
direction in which ratings may move over a outlook on its outstanding ratings) and ratings
medium term horizon of one-to-two years. A with credit enhancements featuring an escrow
rating outlook may be 'positive', 'stable' or structure. No other structured instruments are
'negative'. A positive outlook indicates that the assigned outlooks. Ratings on rating watch will
rating may be upgraded; a stable outlook indicates not carry an outlook.
that the rating is likely to remain unchanged,
while a negative outlook indicates that the rating
may be lowered.

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