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1) Which of the following statements accurately describes a blockchain?

(a) A single, centralized database controlled by a single entity

(b) A distributed digital ledger shared across a network of computers

(c) A type of encryption algorithm

(d) A social media platform

2) Which technology is used to ensure the immutability (unchangeable nature)

of data on a blockchain?

(a) Distributed ledger

(b) Cryptography

(c) Proof of work

(d) RAFT

3) What is a cryptocurrency, and how is it related to blockchain?

(a) A traditional currency traded on the stock market

(b) A digital asset built on top of a blockchain network

(c) A unit of measurement for data storage

(d) A type of computer virus

4) What is the most famous example of a blockchain network?

(a) Facebook

(b) Google Search

(c) Bitcoin

(d) Amazon Web Services

5) What are potential applications of blockchain technology beyond

(a) Supply chain management

(b) Secure voting systems

(c) Identity management

(d) All of the above

6) What is a potential drawback of using blockchain technology for real-time


(a) Increased security compared to traditional systems

(b) Higher transaction fees compared to credit cards

(c) Scalability limitations that can slow down processing times

(d) Lack of user-friendly interfaces for everyday transactions

7) The process of validating and adding a new block to the blockchain is known

(a) Data download

(b) Blockchain mining

(c) Information upload

(d) Network sharing

8) A potential hurdle for blockchain technology is

(a) High energy consumption during mining

(b) Lack of established regulations and guidelines

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) Neither (a) nor (b)

9) In a public blockchain, who can participate in the mining process?

(a) Only authorized institutions

(b) Anyone with the necessary computing power

(c) Only users with a specific cryptocurrency token

(d) The network administrator

10) In a private blockchain network, how does the consensus mechanism impact
the role of nodes in maintaining the distributed ledger?

(a) All nodes have equal access to participate in consensus, regardless of their
permission level.
(b) Only pre-approved nodes with specific permissions can validate new blocks
and update the ledger.
(c) The consensus mechanism is irrelevant in private blockchains, and any node can
update the ledger.
(d) The type of consensus mechanism used (e.g., Proof-of-Stake vs. Proof-of-Work)
doesn't affect the ledger maintenance by nodes.

11) Each block in a blockchain contains

(a) Encrypted currency units

(b) A record of transactions

(c) Usernames and passwords

(d) Software code for applications

12) The inventor of Bitcoin( the first successful cryptocurrency) is known by the

(a) Elon Musk

(b) Bill Gates

(c) Satoshi Nakamoto

(d) Vitalik Buterin

13) What are Smart contracts ?

(a) Digital currencies used on blockchains

(b) Self-executing programs on a blockchain

(c) Software applications for mining

(d) Methods for encrypting data

14) Which of the following statements about Proof-of-Work (PoW) consensus

mechanism is true?

(a) It is highly energy-efficient

(b) It incentivizes miners to validate transactions

(c) It allows for fast transaction processing speeds

(d) It requires minimal computing power

15) When evaluating the potential of a blockchain application, it's important to

(a) The processing power of the network only

(b) The regulatory environment for the intended use case

(c) The cost of cryptocurrency associated with the platform

(d) The technical expertise of the developers only

16) Scalability remains a challenge for blockchain technology because

(a) It is inherently slow and inefficient

(b) Decentralized networks require complex consensus mechanisms

(c) The block size is limited for security reasons

(d) There is a lack of skilled developers

17) The future development of blockchain technology is likely to focus on

(a) Standardizing protocols to create a single, dominant platform.

(b) Addressing scalability and interoperability challenges.

(c) Eliminating the use of cryptocurrencies entirely.

(d) Implementing stricter regulations to limit innovation.

18) The integration of blockchain technology with the Internet of Things (IoT)
has the potential to

(a) Reduce the overall cost and complexity of IoT deployments

(b) Enhance data security and privacy for connected devices

(c) Increase the bandwidth requirements for IoT networks

(d) Eliminate the need for cloud-based data storage solutions

19) Enterprise blockchains differ from public blockchains in that they often

(a) Utilize permissioned access control for participants.

(b) Prioritize decentralization and immutability over performance.

(c) Rely on a single entity to validate transactions.

(d) Are not suitable for financial applications.

20) Sharding is a technique for scaling blockchains by

(a) Dividing the ledger into smaller, manageable partitions.

(b) Increasing the block size to accommodate more transactions.

(c) Replacing the consensus mechanism with a faster alternative.

(d) Implementing permissioned access for specific users.

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