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Staff meeting - EOTC,

GAT, and Quality Practice

Framework and iDeaL
Term 1 Week 3 2024
EOTC Emergency Response Guide

Learning Intention:
We need to be prepared and know how
to manage an emergency before it
occurs. The way we prepare for an
incident, helps us to then get through.

How an incident is managed influences

everyone’s recovery and wellbeing.
Emergency Response Scenario – What would you do?

Campout Cooking (burn)

A group of 66 students, 3 teachers and 3 parent helpers are
camping in a bush clearing 10 mins walk from the main camp. It is
8.45pm and students are about to have supper.
A teacher is preparing a 20L pot of milo on a large burner. A
group of students are playing spotlight and one student runs into
the forbidden cooking area and trips on the cooker knocking the
hot milo onto themselves. They have serious burns from the
cooker and also the milo. They are screaming in pain and this is
causing other students to become upset, a friend has become

Task: What steps would you take and in what order to manage this? Refer to our school’s
Emergency Response Guide.
Emergency Response Scenario – What would you do?

Lost Child

When you do a count of students at the end of your

track you notice that a student is missing. A friend
pipes up and tells you they fell behind on the track to
go to the toilet and said they would catch up. You still
have another 10 minute walk out to the carpark. It's
late afternoon early May and the temperature is
falling. Students are equipped for a day walk.

Task: What steps would you take and in what order to manage this? Refer to our
school’s Emergency Response Guide.
Emergency Response Scenario – What would you do?

Bus Crash

It’s a Friday afternoon and your studio is heading

back to school on the bus after a day trip to our
local marae. The weather is clear but overcast.
There are 58 students on the bus, three teachers
and three parent helpers, along with the bus
driver. The driver suddenly loses control of the
bus while taking a sharp turn and the bus
overturns coming to a stop down a small bank.

Task: What steps would you take and in what order to manage this? Refer to our
school’s Emergency Response Guide.
EOTC Emergency Response Guide

Compare your discussion to what our processes are on our EOTC

Emergency Guide. This tells you what to do step by step.

Emergency Response Guide.

About MindPlus YourSchool

0800 769 243

Gifted individuals are those with innate high

abilities, along with particular personal qualities,
that can be seen in one or more domains -
intellectual, creative, cultural, social, spiritual or

0800 769 243
… and the development of talent

Giftedness can be nurtured which may result in

outstanding achievements, in and out of school.

0800 769 243
… and other exceptionalities

Giftedness can co-exist with other

neurodiversities like ASD, ADHD, dyslexia,
dyscalculia, dysgraphia, dyspraxia, physical or
sensory challenges.

0800 769 243
MindPlus YourSchool 0800 769 243
What does MindPlus YourSchool aim to do?
Students interact with learners of like-minds to:

Develop and understanding of self and others as gifted individuals

Explore and develop strengths, talents, interests and passions

Develop and engage in complex and abstract learning

Build self-direction and autonomy in learning

Develop and use sophisticated learning processes

0800 769 243
What is taught at MindPlus YourSchool?

0800 769 243
How does it work? 0800 769 243
A typical session
● Mondays 11-2.30 in the Media Room
● Begin with a 30min online session with our MindPlus Coach
● Work together on the assigned tasks in our MindPlus Google Classroom
● MindPlus Clubs

0800 769 243
Other aspects of the Programme

0800 769 243
Quality Practice Framework

0800 769 243
Quality Practice Framework

Review how teachers at our school

demonstrate the standard and what
evidence demonstrates the standard.
Today we are becoming familiar with entering assessment
Term 1 Data Entry
Go to IDeal Assessment

iDeaL Data Entry and Individual Reporting

Go down to video stage 2-4

IDeal report
Example 1
Example 2

You will need to complete at least two modules by week 5.

All assessment completed by week 5.
Find assessment materials: Click on Schools (on homepage) -
iDeal assessments - Stage 1 or Stage 2,3 & 4
We will continue sessions during our staff meetings.

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