Atoms - DPP 01 (Of Lecture 03) - Lakshya NEET Fastrack 2024

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Lakshya NEET Fastrack (2024)

DPP: 1
Atom s

Q1 When an α -particle of mass m moving with

velocity v bombards on a heavy nucleus of
charge Ze , its distance of closest approach
from the nucleus depends on m as
(A) 1


(B) 1
(A) Kinetic energy, potential energy and total

(C) m energy decreases

(D) 1
(B) Kinetic energy decreases, potential energy

increases but total energy remains same

Q2 Balmers formula for spectral series of hydrogen (C) Kinetic energy and total energy decrease
is but potential energy increases
(A) 1
= R(

) (D) Its kinetic energy increases but potential
λ 4 n

(B) 1
= R(

energy and total energy decrease
λ 2 n2

(C) 1
= R(

) Q6 According to Bohrs model, the ratio of
λ 9 2

atomic radius of the First Orbit in Hydrogen

(D) 1
= R(

Atom to that of Second Orbit of Li is
λ 2 2 2+
1 n

(A) 3/2
Q3 Balmer series of hydrogen line emission
(B) 2/3
spectrum lies in
(C) 4/3
(A) Visible region
(D) 3/4
(B) Infrared region
(C) Ultraviolet region Q7 The total energy of an atomic electron is
(D) X-Ray region (A) Zero

Q4 According to Bohrs theory of the hydrogen (B) Negative

atom, the speed of the electron in a (C) Positive

(D) Sometimes positive and sometimes
stationary orbit is related to the principal
quantum number n as ( C is a constant):
(A) vn =
2 Q8 The first excitation potential of the hydrogen

(B) vn =

n atom in the ground state is

(C) vn = Cn (A) 13.6 V
(D) vn = Cn
(B) 10.2 V
(C) 3.4 V
Q5 As an electron makes a transition from an
(D) 1.89 V
excited state to the ground state of a hydrogen
like atom/ion Q9 According to Bohrs atomic model

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An atom has heavy, positively charged Q15 The electron in H -atom undergoes a transition
nucleus from 4th state to ground state. The maximum
(B) The electron radiates energy only when it number of emission lines will be
jumps to another orbit (A) 3 (B) 4
(C) The electron can move only in particular (C) 6 (D) 12
Q16 In the diagram shown below two atomic
(D) All the above statements are correct

transitions are shown. If λ1 = 3000 A and

Q10 The ionization potential of Li ++
ion is 0

(A) 13.6 V
λ2 = 6000 A , then λ will be
(B) 54.4 V
(C) 122.4 V
(D) 40.8 V

Q11 If the radius of first Bohr orbit is x , then de- (A) 0

(B) 0

2000 A 4000 A
Broglie wavelength of electron in 3
orbit is
(C) 0
(D) 0

nearly 4500 A 9000 A

(A) 2πx
Q17 Which of the following transitions in H -atom
(B) 6πx
will give the same line as the transitions 4 → 2
(C) 9x
in He +
(D) x

3 (A) 2 → 1

Q12 In Rutherfords experiment, number of (B) 3 → 2

particles scattered at 90

angle are x per (C) 4 → 3

second. Number particles scattered per second (D) 4 → 1

at angle 60∘ is
Q18 Thickness of the foil of gold used in α -
(A) x (B) 4x
particle scattering experiment is
(C) 8x (D) 16x
(A) 2.1 × 10

Q13 The ratio of energy of electron in hydrogen (B) 3.5 × 10 −5


atom and hydrogen like helium ion in first orbit is (C) 2.1 × 10 −9

(A) 1 : 1
(D) 3.5 × 10 −6

(B) 1 : 2
Q19 The scattering α -particles were observed
(C) 1 : 4
through a rotatable detector consisting of a
(D) 1 : 8
screen of
Q14 Which of the following is not true for Bohr (A) Copper sulphide
model of hydrogen atom? (B) Zinc sulphide
(A) Radius of n th
orbit is proportional to n 2 (C) Graphite
(B) Total energy of electron in n
orbit is (D) Gold
proportional to

Q20 In scattering experiment, α -particles
(C) Angular momentum of electron in n
orbit were deflected by
is proportional to n (A) Repulsive force of electrons
(D) Total energy of electron is equal to its kinetic (B) Repulsive force of gold nucleus
energy (C) Attractive force of electrons

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(D) Attractive force of gold nucleus

Q21 The angular momentum of an electron in

a hydrogen atom is proportional to (where r

is radius of orbit)
(A) 1


(B) 1

(C) √r
(D) r2

Q22 The ground state energy of H− atom is

−13.6eV . The energy needed to ionize H -
atom from its second excited state is
(A) 1.51eV

(B) 3.4eV
(C) 13.6eV
(D) 12.1eV

Q23 The magnetic field induction produced at the

centre of orbit due to an electron revolving in n

th orbit of hydrogen atom is proportional to

(A) n−3 (B) n−5
(C) n5 (D) n3

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Answer Key
Q1 (D) Q13 (C)

Q2 (A) Q14 (D)

Q3 (A) Q15 (C)

Q4 (B) Q16 (A)

Q5 (D) Q17 (A)

Q6 (D) Q18 (A)

Q7 (B) Q19 (B)

Q8 (B) Q20 (B)

Q9 (D) Q21 (C)

Q10 (C) Q22 (A)

Q11 (B) Q23 (B)

Q12 (B)

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