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A. Brief Overview of the Case

Ancient civilizations believed a vein ran from the left ring finger straight to the heart—

this is one explanation why people began using wedding rings. Now that modern medicine has

proven this to be a myth, logic might dictate that a nipple ring is both 1) cheaper and 2) closer to

the heart. But believing in wedding rings is, frankly, not a logical act, but a poetic one. It is a

symbol—a thing that stands for another thing. And because it is not so easy to visualize love,

humans have come to see it in symbols: the heart, the rose, and yes—the ring. We do wedding

rings because others do—and because others assign it meaning. And in simpler terms, it is a

trend—started by trendsetters in Ancient Rome who used rings as a sign of promise during their

equivalent of engagement parties (Santiago, 2024). For this paper, the case is about the 299

Engagement Ring that trended immediately as the year started. The situation involves a woman

who shared her story anonymously on a Facebook group, expressing disappointment with the

engagement ring she received from her boyfriend. The woman and her boyfriend have been in

an 8-year relationship, but her frustration stems from the fact that the engagement ring is valued

at only 299 pesos (Philippine currency). According to the information provided, the woman feels

upset because she perceives the inexpensive ring as a sign that her boyfriend doesn't

appreciate her worth and didn't make enough effort to purchase a more decent or valuable

engagement ring. She seeks advice from netizens on whether to ignore her feelings or confront

her boyfriend about the issue. The responses from fellow Filipinos, particularly women, vary.

Many are urging the woman to consider leaving her boyfriend, suggesting that receiving a

cheap engagement ring may indicate a lack of financial commitment or readiness for marriage.

In this perspective, the betrothal ring is seen as a symbolic gesture representing the man's

readiness to provide financial support in the marriage. However, there is an opposing viewpoint

among some netizens who argue that the price of the ring itself should not be the primary

concern. They emphasize that the significance lies in the symbolism of the ring and the
commitment it represents, rather than its monetary value. This situation highlights the diverse

perspectives and cultural nuances surrounding engagement rings and their symbolic value. It

also reflects the complexities that can arise in relationships when expectations, cultural norms,

and personal values intersect, sparking discussions about the true meaning behind engagement

symbols and the role of financial considerations in such matters (De Leon, 2024).

B. Significance of Ethical Consideration in Social Media Use

The advent of social media has completely transformed the manner in which we engage,

establish connections, and divulge personal details. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter,

Instagram, and others offer unparalleled opportunities for self-expression and engagement with

a global audience. However, as the lines between the virtual and real worlds blur, it becomes

imperative to delve into the significance of ethical considerations when sharing personal life and

opinions on social media. Ethical considerations in social media use are paramount when it

comes to safeguarding one's privacy. Sharing personal life details on public platforms may

expose individuals to unintended consequences, including identity theft, cyberbullying, or other

forms of online harassment. It is essential to strike a balance between self-expression and

protecting one's personal space. Social media often acts as a window into our personal lives,

influencing the dynamics of our relationships. Ethical behavior involves respecting the privacy of

others, seeking consent before sharing details that involve them, and avoiding potentially

harmful content that may strain relationships. Just like the anonymous sender of the post,

wherein due to too much emotions, she was able to share what had happened about her

partner's proposal. Ethical sharing on social media involves recognizing the potential

vulnerability of oneself and others. Before posting personal opinions or experiences, individuals

should consider the emotional impact their content might have on themselves and their

audience. Practicing empathy helps create a supportive and understanding digital environment.

While authenticity is valued in social media use, individuals must also recognize the difference

between authenticity and oversharing. Ethical consideration involves presenting an authentic

self without compromising personal boundaries or exposing oneself to unnecessary risks. In

conclusion, ethical consideration in social media use is indispensable, particularly when sharing

personal life and opinions. It is a conscious effort to balance self-expression with responsibility,

respecting the rights and feelings of oneself and others in the digital realm. As technology

continues to advance, cultivating a culture of ethical social media use becomes an integral

aspect of fostering a positive, empathetic, and interconnected online community. Ultimately, by

embracing ethical practices, we can ensure that social media remains a tool for positive

communication and global understanding.

C. Purpose of the Case Analysis

The purpose of this case analysis is to investigate the cultural and historical roots of the

tradition of giving engagement rings, drawing connections to ancient civilizations and their

symbolic practices; examine how cultural beliefs and historical practices influence contemporary

attitudes towards engagement rings; Analyze the role of social media in shaping and amplifying

discussions related to personal relationships, particularly focusing on how a story shared on a

Facebook group became a trending topic; Explore the impact of social media on shaping public

opinion and influencing individuals' perceptions of relationship norms; Scrutinize the dynamics

of the relationship between the woman and her boyfriend who chose a 299-peso engagement

ring; Investigate societal expectations and norms regarding the financial commitment associated

with engagement rings; Discuss the ethical considerations related to sharing personal stories on

social media platforms, especially when the individuals involved remain anonymous; Evaluate

the ethical implications of the public discourse that ensued, including the advice given by

netizens; Investigate the role of trends and influencers in shaping cultural practices, particularly

in the context of engagement rings; Analyze how societal trends can impact individual choices

and perceptions within relationships; The overarching purpose of this case analysis is to provide

insights into the multifaceted nature of the issue and contribute to a deeper understanding of the
cultural, social, and emotional factors at play when it comes to the symbolism and significance

of engagement rings in contemporary society, with a specific focus on the Philippines.

Background of the Case

A. Overview of the Social Media Platform or Context Involved
The specific social media platform or context involved in the aforementioned case is not

explicitly mentioned in the provided information. However, we can make some general

observations based on common features of social media platforms and the dynamics of online

communities. Social media platforms serve as online spaces where individuals can connect,

share content, and engage in discussions. Many social media platforms allow users to share

content and engage in discussions anonymously or using pseudonyms. This can encourage

individuals to share personal stories without revealing their identity. The case mentions that the

woman shared her story on a platform, suggesting the presence of discussion groups or forums

where users can seek advice or share personal experiences. These spaces often foster

community engagement and interaction. Users on social media platforms can respond to posts

with comments, providing advice, opinions, or support. In this case, the woman sought advice

from netizens, and the responses varied, reflecting diverse perspectives within the online

community. Social media content, especially personal stories or discussions on relationship

matters, can go viral, reaching a broader audience. The case notes that the issue of the 299-

peso engagement ring trended, indicating a high level of visibility. Social media platforms

typically have moderation policies to regulate content and user behavior. Enforcement of these

policies helps maintain a safe and respectful online environment. Legal and ethical

considerations play a role in content moderation. Social media communities often reflect cultural

and regional dynamics. In this case, the responses from fellow Filipinos, particularly women,

highlight the influence of cultural norms and expectations within the online discussion. Social

media platforms have the potential to shape public opinion and contribute to societal

conversations. The case indicates how discussions on the platform influenced opinions about
the significance of engagement rings and financial commitment in relationships. Social media

platforms commonly feature trending topics and hashtags that gain popularity based on user

engagement. The case notes that the 299-peso engagement ring trended, suggesting a high

level of interest and discussion within the platform.

It's important to note that the dynamics and features of social media platforms can vary,

and the specifics of the platform in this case are not provided. Additionally, the case emphasizes

the role of social media in shaping discussions, perceptions, and advice-seeking behaviors in

the context of personal relationships.

B. Key Players or Stakeholders in the Case

The Woman Seeking Advice, she is the central figure in the case who shared her story

about the 299-peso engagement ring. She seeks advice from the online community regarding

her feelings and the situation with her boyfriend. The woman's boyfriend, who is not directly

involved in the online discussion but is a key figure in the case. The perceived value of the

engagement ring is linked to his actions and financial commitment. There are also Active

participants in the online discussion who provide advice, opinions, and perspectives. Their

responses contribute to shaping the narrative and influencing the woman's decisions. There is

also the another segment of the online community with differing opinions. They emphasize the

symbolic value of the engagement ring over its cost, providing a contrasting perspective. Social

Media Platform Owners/Administrators, Owners and administrators of the social media platform

where the woman shared her story. They play a role in facilitating the online space, enforcing

policies, and moderating discussions. Professionals or businesses in the jewelry industry may

be indirectly impacted by the discussions on the perceived value of engagement rings.

Changing societal perceptions may influence consumer behavior in the industry. Individuals with

significant online followings or influence may contribute to shaping opinions and perspectives

within the online community. Their input can impact the overall tone of the discussion.
Individuals with expertise in legal matters or advocacy may be consulted or provide insights into

any legal implications related to the case, especially concerning privacy, online conduct, or

consumer rights. Professionals or advocates focused on mental health may have an interest in

how online discussions impact individuals' well-being. The emotional nature of the case raises

considerations related to mental health. Experts in culture or sociology may analyze the case

from a cultural perspective, offering insights into the societal norms, values, and expectations

reflected in the online discussion.

Understanding the perspectives and interests of these key players is essential for

comprehending the broader impact of the case and the various factors influencing the narrative

surrounding the 299-peso engagement ring.

C. Contextual Factors Influencing Ethical Considerations

Several contextual factors influence ethical considerations in the case of the 299-peso

engagement ring. These factors contribute to the complexity of the ethical dilemmas involved in

the online discussion. The case is situated within the cultural context of the Philippines, where

societal norms and expectations regarding relationships, marriage, and symbols like

engagement rings play a significant role. Cultural values influence how individuals interpret and

respond to the situation. The case occurs in the digital age, where online platforms facilitate the

sharing of personal stories and the seeking of advice. The dynamics of social media, including

anonymity, instant feedback, and the potential for content to go viral, shape the ethical

considerations. Evolving societal views on relationships and changing gender roles contribute

to the ethical considerations in the case. The expectations placed on individuals within

relationships are influenced by broader shifts in cultural attitudes. The emphasis on the cost of

the engagement ring raises ethical questions about consumerism and materialistic values. The

societal prioritization of material aspects over emotional or symbolic meanings plays a role in
shaping perspectives. The online discussion involves a diverse group of netizens with varying

perspectives. Globalization and cultural diversity within the online community contribute to

contrasting viewpoints on the significance of engagement rings. The trend of the 299-peso

engagement ring and the involvement of social media influencers or prominent individuals

contribute to the shaping of opinions. Influencers can impact the ethical considerations by

amplifying certain perspectives. The legal framework related to privacy, data protection, and

online conduct influences ethical considerations. The potential legal implications of discussions

on social media platforms add a layer of complexity to the ethical analysis. The online

discussion involves personal emotions and feelings. The growing awareness of mental health

issues adds an ethical dimension, as the case may impact the well-being of individuals

engaging in or affected by the discussion. Considerations related to gender, socioeconomic

status, and other aspects of identity intersect within the case. The diverse backgrounds and

identities of individuals involved contribute to the complexity of ethical considerations. The

influence of public opinion and social pressure within the online community contributes to ethical

considerations. The potential for individuals to feel pressured to conform to certain norms or

expectations is a key aspect.

Understanding these contextual factors is crucial for a nuanced analysis of the ethical

considerations in the case. The interplay of cultural, technological, legal, and societal dynamics

shapes the ethical dilemmas surrounding the 299-peso engagement ring and highlights the

need for a comprehensive and culturally sensitive approach to ethical analysis.

Ethical Issues Identified

A. Identification of Specific ethical issues present in the case

Some of the issue that may arise is the Materialism and Relationship Expectations. The

perception that the value of the engagement ring reflects the boyfriend's commitment raises

ethical concerns about materialism influencing relationship expectations. It may contribute to the
commodification of love and undermine the deeper emotional aspects of a relationship. Also,

Social Media Pressure and Cyberbullying. The woman seeking advice on social media is

exposed to a range of opinions that may include pressure, judgment, or even cyberbullying. This

raises ethical concerns about the potential negative impact on mental well-being and the

perpetuation of harmful online behavior. The isssue of Societal Expectations and Gender Roles

can also be present in the case. The advice urging the woman to consider leaving her boyfriend

based on the cost of the ring reflects societal expectations and traditional gender roles. This

raises ethical questions about perpetuating stereotypes and imposing rigid expectations on

individuals within relationships. Privacy and Anonymity on Social Media, the woman shared a

personal story anonymously on a social media platform. Ethical concerns arise regarding the

balance between the right to privacy and the desire for advice, as well as potential

consequences when personal details become public. The Online Advice and Impact on

Decision-Making can also be an issue for the case. The ethical implications of online advice

include the responsibility of those offering opinions. If individuals are influenced by advice that

may not consider the full context of a relationship, it raises concerns about the potential

consequences of well-intended but possibly misguided advice. Consumerism and Cultural

Values, The emphasis on the cost of the engagement ring raises ethical concerns about

consumerism impacting cultural values. It prompts questions about the societal prioritization of

material aspects over the emotional and symbolic meanings of significant life events. Another

significant issue is the Pressure on Financial Commitment, the perspective linking the cost of

the ring to financial commitment in marriage raises ethical concerns about societal expectations

regarding the display of financial capacity as a prerequisite for commitment. Influence of Social

Media Trends, The case reflects the influence of social media trends on personal decisions and

perceptions of relationships. Ethical considerations arise regarding the potential for social media

to shape cultural norms and impact individual choices.

This case brings to light a range of ethical issues, from the impact of materialism on

relationships to the consequences of online advice and societal expectations. Navigating these

ethical complexities requires careful consideration of cultural diversity, individual values, and the

potential consequences of societal pressures on personal relationships.

B. Analysis of how these issues impact individuals or groups involved

The emphasis on the cost of the engagement ring may impact the woman's perception

of her own worth and the value of her relationship. The pressure to conform to societal

expectations could lead to feelings of inadequacy or dissatisfaction. The societal expectations

and traditional gender roles perpetuated in the advice may impact women in the community. It

could reinforce stereotypes about gender-specific roles in relationships, potentially limiting

individual choices. Those holding opposing viewpoints emphasizing the symbolism over cost

may feel marginalized or unheard. It highlights the challenge of reconciling diverse cultural

perspectives within online discussions. The ethical issues surrounding cyberbullying and online

pressure impact the overall health of the social media platform. Creating a space that fosters

positive and constructive discussions becomes challenging when harmful behaviors emerge.

Ethical concerns about privacy and anonymity may prompt regulators to consider the balance

between freedom of expression and the protection of individuals from potential harm in online

spaces. The emphasis on the cost of the engagement ring may impact the jewelry industry.

Stakeholders may need to adapt marketing strategies and product offerings to align with

evolving cultural values and individual preferences. External opinions suggesting leaving the

boyfriend based on the ring's cost may introduce unwarranted pressure on the woman's

relationship. This external influence could disrupt the natural dynamics of the relationship. The

ethical implications of online advice may impact individuals seeking guidance. If individuals

make decisions based on misguided or narrow advice, it could lead to unintended

consequences in their personal lives. The influence of social media trends on cultural values
may impact how individuals perceive and prioritize symbols like engagement rings. It contributes

to the shaping of societal norms through online discourse. The perspective linking the cost of

the ring to financial commitment may impact individuals' views on the role of finances in

relationships. It could shape expectations and influence judgments about the display of financial

capacity. In summary, the impact of ethical issues is far-reaching, affecting individuals' self-

perception, relationship dynamics, societal norms, and even industries. The complexities of

balancing diverse perspectives, ensuring privacy and anonymity, and navigating the influence of

social media underscore the need for thoughtful consideration of ethical implications in online


C. Consideration of Legal and Societal Implications

The woman shared her personal story anonymously on a social media platform. Legal

implications may arise if her privacy is compromised or if the platform fails to adhere to data

protection laws regarding the handling of personal information. If discussions on the platform

escalate to cyberbullying or harassment, legal implications may arise. Laws addressing online

harassment and the responsibilities of social media platforms to address such issues could be

applicable. Legal considerations related to freedom of expression may come into play if the

platform enforces content moderation policies. Striking a balance between freedom of

expression and preventing harm is essential for legal compliance. If the woman's story involves

issues with a specific product (the engagement ring), consumer protection laws may come into

play. Legal implications could arise if there are allegations of false advertising or product

defects. The online discussion has the potential to shape societal norms regarding the

significance of engagement rings and the expectations associated with them. Societal views on

relationships may evolve based on the narratives and opinions shared. Societal expectations,

as reflected in online discussions, can influence individuals' perceptions of what is deemed

acceptable or valuable in a relationship. This can impact how couples navigate relationship

milestones and express commitment. Societal values around materialism and consumer culture
may be reinforced or challenged based on the emphasis placed on the cost of the engagement

ring. This could contribute to broader conversations about societal priorities and values. The

influence of online advice on individual decision-making may have societal implications. If

individuals make significant life decisions based on online opinions, it highlights the power of

digital platforms in shaping personal narratives and choices. The advice urging the woman to

consider leaving her boyfriend based on the cost of the ring reflects societal expectations

around gender roles. This contributes to ongoing conversations about equality and the evolving

roles of individuals in relationships. The diverse perspectives in the online discussion highlight

the complexity of societal views on relationships. Acknowledging and respecting diverse

opinions contributes to a more inclusive societal discourse. Societal expectations and online

pressures can have implications for individuals' mental health. If discussions become toxic or if

individuals feel pressured to conform to certain standards, it may contribute to stress and

emotional well-being concerns.

In summary, the case has legal implications related to privacy, data protection, and

online conduct. Societal implications include the potential to shape cultural norms, influence

relationships, and contribute to broader conversations about values and expectations. Balancing

legal considerations with the societal impact of online discussions is crucial in addressing the

complexities of this case.

Stakeholder Perspective
A. Examination of Perspectives from Different Stakeholders (Users, Platform
Owners, Regulators, etc.)
The user in this case is the woman who perceives the inexpensive engagement ring as a

reflection of her boyfriend's commitment and appreciation for her. Her emotions are central to

the issue, as she seeks validation and advice from the online community on whether to confront

her boyfriend about her feelings. Understanding her emotional needs, the impact of societal

expectations, and her perception of the ring as a symbol of commitment is crucial. The
responses she receives may influence her decision-making process. For the online community,

they are the fellow Filipinos who have shared their opinions about the issue. Many members of

the online community, particularly women, express the view that the cheap engagement ring

might signal a lack of financial commitment or readiness for marriage. They interpret the ring as

a symbol of the man's ability to provide financial support. Cultural norms, societal expectations,

and shared experiences among the online community influence their perspective. There may be

an emphasis on traditional values and financial stability as factors contributing to a successful

marriage. Some netizens argue that the price of the ring should not be the primary concern.

They emphasize the symbolic value of the ring as representing commitment and love,

suggesting that focusing on the monetary aspect might undermine the essence of the gesture.

This perspective highlights a more modern and nuanced view, emphasizing emotional and

symbolic meanings over traditional expectations. It reflects a shift in cultural values and a more

individualized approach to relationships. For the platform owners, it is the social media platform

wherein it served as a space for users to share personal stories and seek advice. From a

platform owner's perspective, ensuring that discussions remain respectful, constructive, and

within community guidelines is essential to maintaining a positive online environment. Platform

policies and moderation play a role in shaping the tone of discussions. Addressing potential

cyberbullying or harassment is crucial for maintaining a safe space for users to express their

thoughts. The regulators for this case is the government agencies, regulators may not have a

direct role in this specific case but may be concerned with broader issues related to online

discourse, privacy, and ethical considerations. They may consider the impact of online

discussions on individuals' well-being and societal values. The regulatory perspective may

involve balancing the right to freedom of expression with the need to prevent harm, ensuring

that online spaces remain conducive to healthy discourse.

In conclusion, the examination of perspectives from different stakeholders reveals a

complex interplay of emotions, cultural norms, individual values, and societal expectations.
Understanding and respecting these diverse viewpoints is essential for fostering meaningful

discussions and addressing the complexities that arise when personal experiences intersect

with broader cultural and societal contexts.

B. Exploration of Conflicting Interests or Values

One of the possible conflicts on this case is the Emotional Value vs. Monetary Value.

The woman places a significant emotional value on the engagement ring, perceiving it as a

reflection of her boyfriend's commitment and appreciation for her. However, the opposing

viewpoint emphasizes the symbolic and emotional value of the ring over its monetary worth. The

conflict revolves around differing priorities – one focusing on the emotional resonance of the

ring, and the other highlighting concerns about financial commitment. Another conflict that could

arise is the Traditional Expectations vs. Modern Perspectives. Traditional expectations, as

reflected in some responses, emphasize the importance of the engagement ring as a symbol of

financial commitment and readiness for marriage. On the contrary, modern perspectives stress

the evolving meaning of symbols and place emphasis on emotional commitment rather than

financial considerations. The conflict highlights the tension between adherence to traditional

norms and the embrace of more contemporary values within the context of relationships.

Another conflict is the Individual Autonomy vs. Societal Expectations. The woman seeks

advice on a personal matter, reflecting her desire for autonomy in making decisions about her

relationship. However, societal expectations, as expressed by some netizens, come into play,

suggesting that the woman's decision should align with broader cultural norms. The conflict

revolves around the balance between individual autonomy in relationship choices and the

influence of societal expectations on personal decisions. One important conflict also is the

Financial Investment vs. Symbolic Commitment. The conflict arises from varying perspectives

on the importance of financial investment in the form of an expensive engagement ring. Some

see it as a demonstration of the man's financial commitment, while others argue that the
symbolic commitment and emotional resonance of the ring should take precedence. The conflict

underscores differing priorities in evaluating the significance of financial investment in the

context of relationship symbols. Finally, one important conflict on the case is the Relationship

Stability vs. Symbolic Gestures. Some netizens suggest that receiving a cheap engagement ring

may indicate a lack of financial commitment or readiness for marriage, potentially impacting

relationship stability. Conversely, others argue that the significance of the ring lies in its

symbolic gesture rather than its monetary value. The conflict involves contrasting views on the

role of symbolic gestures in predicting relationship stability and the impact of financial

considerations on the longevity of a partnership.

In conclusion, the conflicting interests or values in this case reveal the complex interplay

between emotional, cultural, and financial considerations in the evaluation of relationship

symbols. The exploration of these conflicts emphasizes the need for open communication,

understanding, and recognition of diverse perspectives in navigating the complexities of


C. Analysis of Potential Consequences for Each Stakeholders

The following are the analysis of potential consequences for each stakeholders: The

Woman Seeking Advice: If she follows the advice to confront her boyfriend or consider leaving

him based on the ring's cost, the consequence may be a strained relationship. On the other

hand, if she chooses to emphasize the symbolic value over the cost, she may find a more

understanding and supportive resolution. Emotional well-being, relationship dynamics, and the

long-term impact on her happiness are crucial considerations; Fellow Filipinos, Particularly

Women (Online Community): Encouraging the woman to prioritize the cost of the ring may

perpetuate societal expectations and contribute to materialistic views of relationships.

Conversely, supporting a more symbolic interpretation may promote understanding and diverse

perspectives. The impact of shared opinions on societal values, expectations, and the potential

influence on individuals' perceptions of relationship norms; Opposing Viewpoints (Some

Netizens): Emphasizing the symbolic value of the ring may contribute to changing societal

norms and fostering a more individualized approach to relationships. However, it could also face

resistance from those adhering to traditional views. The potential impact on evolving cultural

norms, challenging traditional expectations, and promoting a more nuanced understanding of

relationship symbols; Platform Owners (Social Media Platform): If discussions become hostile

or lead to online harassment, it may negatively impact the platform's reputation. However, if the

platform fosters constructive and respectful conversations, it can contribute to a positive user

experience.Maintaining community guidelines, addressing cyberbullying, and promoting healthy

discourse on the platform; Regulators (Government Agencies, Legal Framework): In the

absence of direct legal implications in this case, regulators may observe potential societal shifts

and evolving values. It could influence discussions about online behavior and ethical

considerations. Balancing freedom of expression with preventing harm, and potential

considerations for future regulations regarding online discussions and well-being; Jewelry

Industry Stakeholders: If the emphasis on ring cost becomes prevalent, it may impact

consumer behavior, influencing preferences for more expensive engagement rings.

Alternatively, evolving perspectives may drive changes in marketing strategies and product

offerings. Adapting to changing cultural norms, understanding consumer preferences, and the

potential impact on the jewelry market.

In summary, the consequences for each stakeholder vary based on the prevailing

perspectives in the online discourse. The potential shifts in societal values, impact on individual

relationships, and the role of various stakeholders in shaping discussions contribute to the

complexities of this case. The evolving nature of cultural norms and societal expectations in the

digital age adds an additional layer of consideration for all parties involved.

Relevant Ethical Frameworks or Theories

A. Discussion of Potential Ethical Guidelines or Principles Relevant to the Case
The potential ethical guidelines or Principles Relevant to the case are as follows: Privacy

and Informed Consent, Individuals sharing personal stories on social media should prioritize

privacy and seek informed consent from all parties involved before disclosing intimate details.

Respecting personal boundaries ensures ethical communication. Responsible Storytelling,

Practice responsible storytelling by considering the potential impact of personal disclosures.

Share information authentically but avoid exploiting sensitive situations for attention or

sympathy, maintaining a balance between openness and ethical considerations. Cultural

Sensitivity, Recognize and respect cultural nuances when discussing personal matters,

especially those involving traditions or practices. Avoid making assumptions or generalizations

that may perpetuate stereotypes or misinterpret cultural norms. Empathy and Compassion,

Foster an online culture of empathy and compassion. Individuals should be mindful of the

potential emotional impact of their words on themselves and others. Constructive and

supportive discussions contribute to a positive online community. Critical Thinking and Media

Literacy, Encourage users to apply critical thinking and media literacy skills when sharing or

engaging with personal stories. Being aware of potential biases, misinformation, or

misinterpretations contributes to ethical social media use. Consent in Online Advice Seeking,

Individuals seeking advice online should be cautious about sharing specific details that may

compromise their privacy. Clearly communicate the level of information disclosed and seek

advice within ethical boundaries. Avoiding Cyberbullying and Harassment, Social media users

should refrain from engaging in or promoting cyberbullying and harassment. Uphold principles

of respect and decency in online interactions, and report any instances of unethical behavior

promptly. Promotion of Inclusive Discussions, Encourage inclusive and diverse discussions.

Avoid perpetuating stereotypes or biases, and be open to understanding different perspectives.

Constructive dialogue fosters a sense of community and mutual respect. Ethical Moderation

Practices, Social media platforms should implement ethical moderation practices. Moderators

should be trained to identify and address potentially harmful content while respecting users'
right to free expression. Transparency in Online Interactions, Users should be transparent about

their motivations when sharing personal stories. Clearly communicate whether the intention is

seeking advice, raising awareness, or contributing to a broader discussion. Responsible Use of

Anonymity, If choosing to remain anonymous, individuals should use this privilege responsibly.

Avoid using anonymity as a shield for engaging in harmful behavior, and consider the ethical

implications of online contributions. Ethical Trend Analysis, Trendsetters and influencers should

consider the ethical implications of starting or promoting online trends. Analyze potential

consequences and ensure that trends align with values that contribute positively to the online

community. These potential ethical guidelines or principles aim to create a framework for

responsible and respectful social media use, particularly in cases involving personal disclosures

and discussions related to intimate relationships, as seen in the context of the 299-peso

engagement ring case. Adhering to such principles can contribute to a healthier and more

ethical online environment.

Comparison with Industry Standards and Guidelines

A. Review of Industry-Specific Ethical Standards and Guidelines
Ethical standards in the jewelry industry often emphasize transparency in marketing and

truthful representation of product values. If there are concerns about the quality or material of

the engagement ring, adherence to these principles becomes essential. Building and

maintaining consumer trust is crucial. If the industry is involved in discussions that impact

consumer perceptions, maintaining ethical practices to uphold trust becomes a priority. Online

platforms need to adhere to privacy and data protection regulations. If personal stories are

shared, platforms must ensure user privacy and comply with legal standards to protect

individuals. Platforms should enforce content moderation policies to prevent cyberbullying,

harassment, or the spread of harmful information. Upholding a safe and respectful online

environment aligns with ethical considerations. Ethical standards in retail often emphasize

providing products that meet customer expectations. Addressing customer concerns and
ensuring satisfaction are key aspects, especially if there are implications for the perceived value

of a product. If there are concerns about the cost of the engagement ring, adherence to fair

pricing practices becomes crucial. Transparency in pricing and ensuring that customers receive

value for their purchases align with ethical retail standards. Marketing and advertising ethical

standards stress the importance of truthfulness in promotional activities. Representing products

accurately and avoiding deceptive practices align with these principles. If marketing involves

cultural symbols or practices, ensuring cultural sensitivity and avoiding offensive or misleading

representations is considered ethical.

B. Assessment of how the case aligns or deviates from established norms

The case of the 299-peso engagement ring involves various aspects that align with or

deviate from established norms within cultural, social, and relationship contexts. The case aligns

with the established norm that engagement rings are symbolic gestures representing a

commitment to marriage. The woman's disappointment suggests that she ascribes significance

to the symbolism of the engagement ring. The case aligns with cultural expectations, especially

within the Filipino context, where symbols like engagement rings hold cultural and societal

significance. The online discussion reflects the influence of cultural norms on individuals'

perceptions. Sharing personal stories and seeking advice on social media aligns with

contemporary norms. Many individuals turn to online communities for support, advice, or

validation in various aspects of their lives. The emphasis on the cost of the engagement ring

deviates from the established norm that values the emotional and symbolic aspects over

materialistic considerations. Traditional norms often emphasize the sentiment behind the ring

rather than its monetary value. While seeking advice online is common, the explicit discussion

about the cost of an engagement ring in a public forum may deviate from more private norms

associated with personal relationships. It brings a private matter into a public space. The advice

urging the woman to leave her boyfriend based on the ring's cost deviates from the norm of
allowing couples to navigate their relationships without external pressure. It introduces an

external influence into the relationship dynamics. The diverse perspectives within the online

community deviate from a singular, homogeneous cultural norm. The case highlights the

pluralistic nature of societal views, challenging the notion of a singular cultural expectation. The

case reflects the influence of social media trends on personal decisions and perceptions within

relationships. Traditionally, such personal matters were often confined to more private

discussions rather than becoming trending topics. The act of publicizing personal

disappointment with a specific aspect of a relationship, especially on social media, deviates

from the norm of maintaining certain aspects of personal life within a more private sphere. The

potential influence of online advice on significant relationship decisions deviates from the

traditional reliance on personal communication and understanding between partners to resolve


In summary, the case involves both alignment with established norms, such as the

symbolic importance of engagement rings, and deviation, particularly in the emphasis on

materialistic aspects and the public nature of the relationship discussion. It reflects the evolving

dynamics in how individuals approach and discuss personal matters within the context of

contemporary culture and digital communication.

C. Consideration of Evolving Industry Standards and their Implications

The case of the 299-peso engagement ring prompts considerations of evolving industry

standards, especially in industries related to jewelry, retail, and online platforms. Evolving

industry standards may prioritize consumer empowerment and transparency. Consumers today

have access to information and a voice through social media, influencing discussions and

potentially impacting industry practices. Evolving standards may reflect a shift in how value is

perceived. While traditional norms may emphasize emotional and symbolic value, changing

perceptions, driven by evolving standards, may include a broader range of factors beyond
monetary cost. The case highlights the importance of ethical marketing practices. Evolving

standards may necessitate a focus on truthful representation, transparent pricing, and

responsible advertising to align with changing consumer expectations. Evolving standards could

place increased importance on digital engagement and feedback. Online discussions, like the

one in the case, can shape industry narratives and influence how products are perceived,

affecting brand reputation. Evolving industry standards may necessitate a heightened focus on

privacy and data protection. As personal stories are shared online, industries need to ensure

compliance with regulations and safeguard user privacy. Changing cultural norms and

expectations may require industries to be more culturally sensitive in their products and

marketing. Understanding and respecting diverse perspectives, as seen in the case, could

become a key aspect of industry practices. Evolving standards may require industries to adapt

to online trends and discussions. Monitoring and responding to online conversations become

integral in shaping industry practices and maintaining a positive brand image. Industry

standards may need to strike a balance between the materialistic and symbolic aspects of

products. Emphasizing the emotional significance while addressing material concerns could

become a key consideration in product design and marketing. As seen in the case, evolving

standards may encourage industries to engage in collaborative problem-solving with

consumers. Open dialogues, feedback mechanisms, and responsiveness to consumer concerns

could be integral in adapting to changing norms. Industries may need to integrate online and

offline experiences seamlessly. Evolving standards may emphasize creating a consistent and

positive brand experience across various touchpoints, including social media interactions.

In conclusion, the case suggests that evolving industry standards should encompass

considerations of consumer empowerment, ethical practices, cultural sensitivity, and adaptation

to digital trends. Industries need to navigate the complex interplay of traditional norms and

changing expectations in order to foster positive relationships with consumers and maintain

ethical practices.
Lessons Learned and Best Practices
A. Identification of lessons from the case
The case of the 299-peso engagement ring and the ensuing discussions on social media

offer several valuable lessons such as Engagement rings are symbolic, and their value goes

beyond material worth. They carry cultural and historical significance, serving as a symbol of

commitment, love, and partnership. Also, we can learn that Cultural perspectives shape the

interpretation of symbols. Different cultures attach varying meanings to engagement rings, and

understanding these perspectives is crucial in navigating expectations within relationships.

Effective communication is essential in relationships. The case highlights the importance of

open and honest communication between partners about expectations, values, and the

symbolism attached to significant gestures such as engagement rings. It can also be learned

that Societal expectations and gender roles can influence individual perceptions of worth within

a relationship. Examining and challenging these expectations is vital to fostering healthy

relationships based on mutual respect and understanding. The case emphasizes the ethical

considerations of sharing personal stories on social media platforms. Anonymity may protect

privacy, but it also raises ethical questions about the impact of public discussions on the

individuals involved. Individuals should navigate the balance between personal values and

societal trends. While engagement rings are symbolic, personal preferences and the unique

dynamics of a relationship should also be considered, allowing for individualized expressions of

commitment. Financial considerations in relationships are complex and subjective. The case

prompts a reflection on how financial gestures, such as the cost of an engagement ring, may be

interpreted within the context of a relationship and what expectations are reasonable. Empathy

is crucial in discussions surrounding relationships and personal choices. Acknowledging diverse

perspectives and understanding the emotions involved allows for more compassionate and

constructive conversations. Cultural practices and trends evolve over time. Recognizing that the

significance of symbols, such as engagement rings, can vary across generations and cultures,
allows for a more nuanced understanding of these traditions. The case prompts individuals to

reflect on the values that matter most in their relationships. While symbols have importance,

understanding the core values of commitment, trust, and communication is fundamental to

building strong and lasting connections. In essence, the case underscores the rich tapestry of

perspectives, values, and cultural influences that shape the significance of symbols within

relationships, encouraging a thoughtful and nuanced exploration of these complexities.

B. Proposal of Ethical Best Practices for Social Media Use

The case of the 299-peso engagement ring and its subsequent discussion on social

media highlights the need for ethical best practices when sharing personal stories online. This

proposal outlines a set of ethical guidelines to promote responsible and considerate social

media use, particularly in the context of intimate relationship disclosures. Maintain respect for

privacy when sharing personal stories. Avoid sharing identifiable details without the explicit

consent of all parties involved. Anonymity can be preserved without compromising the dignity

and privacy of individuals. Obtain informed consent before disclosing details about others,

especially in sensitive matters. This ensures that all parties are aware of the information being

shared and are comfortable with its public exposure. Encourage constructive communication in

online discussions. Avoid engaging in or promoting negative behavior, cyberbullying, or

harassment. Foster an environment where diverse opinions can be expressed respectfully.

Practice empathy and sensitivity when sharing personal stories that involve emotions or intimate

details. Consider the potential impact of the disclosure on oneself and others, recognizing the

emotional nuances involved. Be authentic in sharing personal experiences, but avoid exploiting

personal or sensitive situations for attention or sympathy. Authenticity should contribute to a

genuine and meaningful online discourse. Practice mindful storytelling by considering the

broader context and potential consequences of sharing personal stories. Reflect on the

motivations behind the disclosure and whether it aligns with positive and ethical communication.
Monitor and moderate online discussions responsibly. Encourage positive contributions,

discourage harmful behavior, and promptly address any instances of harassment or unethical

conduct within the online community. Foster an inclusive online environment that respects

diverse perspectives and cultural differences. Avoid perpetuating stereotypes or making

judgments based on limited information. Reflect on the potential impact of personal disclosures

on oneself and others. Anticipate how the information may be interpreted and how it might

influence relationships, both online and offline. Be mindful of cultural nuances and differences

when sharing personal stories, especially those that involve traditions or practices. Avoid

making generalizations and recognize the diversity of perspectives within the online audience.

This proposal advocates for ethical best practices in social media use, emphasizing the

importance of respecting privacy, promoting constructive communication, and practicing

empathy. By adhering to these guidelines, individuals can contribute to a more ethical and

responsible online environment, fostering meaningful discussions while minimizing the potential

negative impacts of personal disclosures on themselves and others.

C. Consideration of Preventive Measures or Strategies to Address Similar Ethical


Based on the ethical challenges encountered about the 299 Engagement Ring and the

possible impacts it had on the involved persons and even on the people who just shared about

it, the proponent of this analysis suggests implementing educational programs and campaigns

to raise awareness about ethical considerations in social media use. It is also important to

educate users about the potential consequences of sharing personal stories and the importance

of responsible disclosure and integrate digital literacy training into educational curricula and

workplace training programs. Equipping individuals with the skills to critically evaluate the

potential impact of their online actions, emphasizing the ethical dimensions of sharing personal
information is also necessary. Social media platforms should establish and enforce clear

policies and guidelines regarding the sharing of personal information. It is also vital to implement

measures to identify and address potentially harmful content, ensuring a safe and ethical online

environment and evelop and promote user-friendly reporting mechanisms on social media

platforms. The social media organizations should also empower users to report instances of

unethical behavior or harmful content, allowing for prompt intervention and resolution. Social

media platforms can incorporate algorithmic features that detect and flag potentially sensitive or

ethically challenging content. This proactive approach can help mitigate the spread of harmful

narratives. Hence, enhancing privacy settings and controls on social media platforms to allow

users greater control over the visibility of their personal stories, promoting the use of privacy

features to limit the audience for sensitive content, establishing community moderation teams or

artificial intelligence (AI) systems that actively monitor discussions for ethical breaches, and

providing support to individuals who may be affected by harmful content and facilitate

constructive conversations are a must. In terms of alleviating the impact of such incidence, it is

important to develop crisis response protocols for social media platforms to address situations

where personal disclosures lead to online harassment or emotional distress. These protocols

should include mechanisms for swift intervention and support. Social media platforms could

create internal ethics committees or review boards tasked with evaluating the ethical

implications of potentially sensitive content. This proactive approach ensures that platforms

actively consider ethical concerns. Collaborate with mental health professionals and

organizations to provide resources and support for individuals who may be emotionally affected

by online discussions. Encourage the development of online mental health communities.

Regularly evaluate and update social media policies to adapt to evolving ethical considerations

and challenges. This includes staying informed about cultural shifts and emerging issues related

to online disclosure. By implementing these preventive measures and strategies, social media

platforms and users can contribute to a more ethical, responsible, and supportive online
environment, minimizing the potential harm associated with personal disclosures in intimate


De Leon, G. (2024). How much Should Engagement Ring Cost? Filipinos Debate if 299 Peso is
Dollarhide, M. (2024). Social Media: Definition, Importance, Top Websites, and Apps.
Santiago, J. (2024). Lady Netizen Expresses Dissatisfaction with Engagement Ring Priced at
Only P299.

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