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Summative Evaluation

Unit 3
4 grade

Name, Surname:_________________________________
Read the text and the tasks below.
Spring came with warm days, and flowers. The first snowdrop appeared from under the snow.
But cold winter didn’t want to go away. It attacked the snowdrops with snowflakes and winds.
The good Fairy fought winter. A drop of her blood fell on the flower. One petal became red. The
red-and-white snowdrop smiled at the Fairy and at the sun. Mărțișor became the symbol of
spring. People wear red and white mărțișoare when spring comes.

I. Choose the right option. 4p.

1. Spring came with …….. days.
a) warm
b) cool
c) cold
2. The first snowdrop appeared from under the …… .
a) rain
b) snow
c) ground
3. The good Fairy fought ……. .
a) summer
b) autumn
c) winter
4. ……. became the symbol of spring.
a) Mărțișor
b) Fairy
c) Snowdrop

II. Choose True or False. 6p.

1. Spring came with warm days, and flowers. True False
2. The first snowdrop appeared from under the ground. True False
3. Cold winter want to go away. True False
4. The good Fairy fought winter. True False
5. The black-and-white snowdrop smiled at the Fairy. True False
6. People wear red and white mărțișoare when spring comes. True False

III. Group the sports name into winter and summer sports. 6p.
Football, skiing, swimming, hockey, running, skating.
Summer sports Winter sports
____________________ ______________________
____________________ ______________________
____________________ _____________________
IV. Choose the right form. 5p.
1. Nights are longer/ the longest in winter than in summer.
2. Days are shorter/ the shortest in winter than in summer.
3. A mouse is smaller/ the smallest than a cat.
4. Nick has more/ the most books in English than in Romanian.
5. Andy isn’t older/ the oldest in his family.

V. Choose the right answer. 8p.

1. Washington D.C. is the capital of…….
a) Romania
b) England
c) The United States
2. The president of the USA is ………
a) George Washington
b) Queen Elizabeth
c) San Francisco
3. The president of USA lives in………
a) White House
b) Red House
c) Blue House
4. The White House is a very famous ……..
a) tower
b) church
c) building

VI. Unscramble the sentences. 8p.

1. celebrated his birthday last Andy Sunday.
2. a lot of He invited friends.
3. came with His friends presents.
4. the presents. for everybody thanked Andy

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