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Magical Ring Of Protection

The Magical Ring of Protection originates from Western Sex Magic. The premise of the
technique is that our minds can be invaded by all sorts of negativity throughout our lives like
nagging thoughts, bad feelings, unhelpful emotions, insecurities, and harmful self talk. Using the
Magical Ring of Protection, your mind will be able to protect you from shyness, performance
anxiety, self-esteem, and all negativity and keeps you in a positive state of mind.
Before going into trance, take some time to imagine a mental magical protective ring of fire
around you that filters out and blocks any negative, unhelpful emotion or feeling that it comes into
contact with. Be sure to notice what it looks like, how the magic ring of protection feels around
you. Add as much detail as possible to your visualization.
Magical Ring of Protection Exercise
1. Go Into trance, using the Deep Relaxation Exercise… and, while remaining in trance, go
ahead and….
2. Imagine the magical circle of protection around you… and
3. Notice the feeling of protection it gives you, as you make the circle as real as possible…
4. Now take a deep breath, circulate the feeling you get from being inside the circle all over
your body by looping the circle around your body… over and over … faster… and
faster… and FASTER… and the FASTER it becomes… the more relaxed and safe you
5. Allow yourself to imagine this circle so vividly, so CLEARLY, that you can actually
hallucinate it at will...
6. Now take another deep breath, as you continue to loop the circle around your body…
over and over… faster... and faster… and FASTER… and FASTER!… until you know you
can see it even more clearer inside your mind now as you…
7. Give yourself the mental command, “From this moment on, I will forever see hear and
feel this magical ring of fire, protecting me, each and everyday, for as long as I want it to.”
8. Go ahead and slowly state in your mind, "Now… I am going to count from one to five…
and as I count from one to five… I will awaken… alive… refreshed… feeling much better
than I ever before… and it all begins with… 1… 2… 3… 4…and… 5."

The Externalizer
The Externalizer will allow you to manifest the opposite of whatever you’re feeling that is
hindering you. For example: Stress into Relaxation, Hate into Love, and Anger into Joy. Do the
Externalizer once you have practiced the Magical Ring of Protection, as it builds on it.
It draws its power from teaching your mind to energetically locate and manipulate unhelpful or
negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions, strips them of their negative charge, channels the
neutral energy into it’s opposite thought, feeling, or emotion, and integrates and roots it deeply
into your body.
The Externalizer Exercise
1. When you have ANY type of negative thought, imagine in your mind the Magical Ring of
Protection, only this time make it a protective bubble of the color of your choice, which
surrounds you entirely.
2. Take some time to figure out what would be the OPPOSITE emotion, state, or feeling to
the negative thought. When you have this firmly in your mind…
3. Go into trance using the Deep Relaxation Exercise.
4. And at this level of trance, notice where in your body the negative feeling starts…
5. And then notice what direction it moves to from there…
6. Externalize this feeling from yourself by moving the negative feeling away from your
body… imagine it moving outside of your protective bubble, directly above your head…
notice how you can feel it up there… allow your mind to turn it into a shape… give it
color… notice it’s stationary movement.
7. Now allow the shape to begin to rotate in place, faster, faster, AND FASTER...
8. Notice how as this shape spins, it loses ALL of its negative meaning and charge and
becomes neutral… just raw energy… waiting to be given a new task…
9. And now allow the neutral shape to begin to enter your protective bubble by dropping in
from the top… only this time, it transforms into the OPPOSITE emotion as it drops inside
of your protective bubble and drops right into the crown of your head as a silver beam of
light... a silver beam of light that is so bright, so lucent, that it begins to fill your body from
the top of your head, ALL the way down through your body, through your feet, imagining
silver roots coming out of your legs, rooting you deeply, as deeply as possible, into the
10. Take a deep breath and allow this newly created feeling to circulate and reach into every
pore of your body.

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