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Workshop #5 (15 pts) University Chemistry 1

Dr. Villeneuve
1) As mentioned in class, the Balmer series for the hydrogen atom has a line emitted in
the spectral transition of n = 6 to n = 2. Calculate the wavelength of the emitted light
and in what region of the light spectrum would this electronic transition be located?

2) Neutron diffraction is used in determining the structures of molecules.

a) Calculate the de Broglie wavelength of a neutron moving at 1.00 % of the
speed of light. Hint: See back page of the cover.

b) Calculate the velocity of a neutron with a wavelength of 75 pm. (1pm = 10 -12m)

3) Assign a possible set of four quantum numbers to each of the following electron
n l ml ms
1) 4s2 _____ _______ ______ _______
_ _
2) 6d8 _____ _______ ______ _______
_ _
3) 5f7 _____ _______ ______ _______
_ _
4) 3p2 _____ _______ ______ _______
_ _
4) Write the ground state electronic configurations for the following elements and the set of
four quantum numbers for the last electron in the configuration:

a) As ___________________________ n = ____, l = ____, ml = ____, ms = _____


b) Mo ___________________________ n = ____, l = ____, ml = ____, ms = _____


c) W ___________________________
74 n = ____, l = ____, ml = ____, ms = _____

d) 49 In+ ___________________________ n = ____, l = ____, ml = ____, ms = _____

e) Se2- ___________________________ n = ____, l = ____, ml = ____, ms = _____


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